require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') class TestSafemodeEval < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestHelper def setup @box = @locals = { :article => } @assigns = { :article => } end def test_some_stuff_that_should_work ['"test".upcase', '10.succ', '10.times{}', '[1,2,3].each{|a| a + 1}', 'true ? 1 : 0', 'a = 1', 'if "a" != "b"; "true"; end', 'if "a" == "b"; "true"; end', ''].each do |code| assert_nothing_raised{ @box.eval code } end end def test_safe_navigation_operator assert_equal "1", @box.eval('x = 1; x&.to_s') end def test_unary_operators_on_instances_of_boolean_vars assert @box.eval('not false') assert @box.eval('!false') assert !@box.eval('not true') assert !@box.eval('!true') end def test_false_class_ops assert !@box.eval('false ^ false') assert !@box.eval('false & false') assert !@box.eval('false && false') assert !@box.eval('false and false') assert !@box.eval('false | false') assert !@box.eval('false || false') assert !@box.eval('false or false') assert @box.eval('false == false') assert @box.eval('false != true') end def test_true_class_ops assert !@box.eval('true ^ true') assert @box.eval('true & true') assert @box.eval('true && true') assert @box.eval('true and true') assert @box.eval('true | true') assert @box.eval('true || true') assert @box.eval('true or true') assert @box.eval('true == true') assert @box.eval('true != false') end def test_should_turn_assigns_to_jails assert_raise_no_method "@article.system", @assigns end def test_should_turn_locals_to_jails assert_raise(Safemode::NoMethodError){ @box.eval "article.system", {}, @locals } end def test_should_allow_method_access_on_assigns assert_nothing_raised{ @box.eval "@article.title", @assigns } end def test_should_allow_method_access_on_locals assert_nothing_raised{ @box.eval("article.title", {}, @locals) } end def test_should_not_raise_on_if_using_return_values assert_nothing_raised{ @box.eval "if @article.is_article? then 1 end", @assigns } end def test_should_work_with_if_using_return_values assert_equal @box.eval("if @article.is_article? then 1 end", @assigns), 1 end def test__FILE__should_not_render_filename assert_equal '(string)', @box.eval("__FILE__") end def test_interpolated_xstr_should_raise_security assert_raise_security '"#{`ls -a`}"' end def test_should_not_allow_access_to_bind assert_raise_security "self.bind('an arg')" end def test_sending_of_kwargs_works assert @box.eval("@article.method_with_kwargs(a_keyword: true)", @assigns) end def test_sending_to_method_missing assert_raise_with_message(Safemode::NoMethodError, /#no_such_method/) do @box.eval("@article.no_such_method('arg', key: 'value')", @assigns) end end TestHelper.no_method_error_raising_calls.each do |call| call.gsub!('"', '\\\\"') class_eval %Q( def test_calling_#{call.gsub(/[\W]/, '_')}_should_raise_no_method assert_raise_no_method "#{call}", @assigns, @locals end ) end TestHelper.security_error_raising_calls.each do |call| call.gsub!('"', '\\\\"') class_eval %Q( def test_calling_#{call.gsub(/[\W]/, '_')}_should_raise_security assert_raise_security "#{call}", @assigns, @locals end ) end end