module Pod class ConfigureSwift attr_reader :configurator def self.perform(options) new(options).perform end def initialize(options) @configurator = options.fetch(:configurator) end def perform # keep_demo = configurator.ask_with_answers("Would you like to include a demo application with your library", ["Yes", "No"]).to_sym keep_demo = :yes{ :configurator => @configurator, # :xcodeproj_path => "templates/swift/Example/PROJECT.xcodeproj", :xcodeproj_path => "#{$current_dir}/templates/swift/Example/PROJECT.xcodeproj", :platform => :ios, :remove_demo_project => (keep_demo == :no), :prefix => @configurator.prefix }).run # There has to be a single file in the Classes dir # or a framework won't be created `touch #{$current_dir}/Pod/Classes/ReplaceMe.swift` `mv #{$current_dir}/templates/swift/* #{$current_dir}` # remove podspec for osx `rm #{$current_dir}/NAME-osx.podspec` end end end