describe 'The DOM Helpers module', -> describe "The Wrapping Helper", -> it "should accept a space delimited list", -> v = new Luca.View(wrapperClass: "class-one class-two") expect( v.$el.parent().is(".class-one.class-two") ).toEqual(true) describe "Auto Assigning Class Names", -> it "should apply the class of the component all the way up its hierarchy", -> c = new Luca.Container() expect( c.$".luca-container") ).toBeTruthy() expect( c.$".luca-panel") ).toBeTruthy() it "should leave out backbone and luca view classes", -> c = new Luca.Container() expect( c.$".luca-view") ).not.toBeTruthy() expect( c.$".backbone-view") ).not.toBeTruthy()