#+TITLE: Deputy53 #+LATEX: \pagebreak * Overview ~deputy53~ is a commandline tool to delegate control of a subdomain to another hosted zone, and optionally grant control of that subdomain to an IAM user. * Rationale It is often useful to allow a user or group of users limited access to DNS records. However, Route53 does not support granular access to a partial record set for a zone. One solution to this is to create an additional zone, and delegate to that zone for a subset of records (a subdomain, for instance). This process is cumbersome, and therefore prone to human error. ~deputy53~ simplifies this process. * Installation #+BEGIN_SRC shell gem install deputy53 #+END_SRC * Usage #+BEGIN_SRC shell deputy53 delegate #+END_SRC * License ~deputy53~ is available under the [[https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license][MIT License]]. See ~LICENSE.txt~ for the full text. * Contributors - [[https://colstrom.github.io/][Chris Olstrom]] | [[mailto:chris@olstrom.com][e-mail]] | [[https://twitter.com/ChrisOlstrom][Twitter]]