=begin gettext/rails.rb - GetText for "Ruby on Rails" Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Masao Mutoh You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same license terms as Ruby. $Id: rails.rb,v 1.72 2008/01/29 16:30:29 mutoh Exp $ =end require 'gettext/cgi' require 'action_controller' require 'gettext/rails_compat' module GetText # GetText::Rails supports Ruby on Rails. # You add only 2 lines in your controller, all of the controller/view/models are # targeted the textdomain. # # See <Ruby-GetText-Package HOWTO for Ruby on Rails (http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext-howto-rails.html>. module Rails include GetText Rails = ::Rails #:nodoc: alias :_bindtextdomain :bindtextdomain #:nodoc: def self.included(mod) #:nodoc: mod.extend self end module_function # call-seq: # bindtextdomain(domainname, options = {}) # # Bind a textdomain(#{path}/#{locale}/LC_MESSAGES/#{domainname}.mo) to your program. # Notes the textdomain scope becomes all of the controllers/views/models in your app. # This is different from normal GetText.bindtextomain. # # Usually, you don't call this directly in your rails application. # Call init_gettext in ActionController::Base instead. # # On the other hand, you need to call this in helpers/plugins. # # * domainname: the textdomain name. # * options: options as a Hash. # * :locale - the locale value such as "ja-JP". When the value is nil, # locale is searched the order by this value > "lang" value of QUERY_STRING > # params["lang"] > "lang" value of Cookie > HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE value # > Default locale(en). # * :path - the path to the mo-files. Default is "RAIL_ROOT/locale". # * :charset - the charset. Generally UTF-8 is recommanded. # And the charset is set order by "the argument of bindtextdomain" # > HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET > Default charset(UTF-8). # # def bindtextdomain(domainname, options = {}) options[:path] ||= File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "locale") _bindtextdomain(domainname, options) end @@available_locales = nil # Returns locales which supported by the application. # This function returns an reversed array of the locale strings under RAILS_ROOT/locale/*. # It is used for restriction such as caching files. def available_locales unless (GetText.cached? and @@available_locales) @@available_locales = (Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "locale/[a-z]*")).map{|path| File.basename(path)} << "en").uniq.sort.reverse end @@available_locales end # Returns a normalized locale which is in available_locales. # * locale: a Locale::Object or nil. def normalized_locale(locale = nil) locale ||= GetText.locale (available_locales & [locale.to_general, locale.to_s, locale.language, Locale.default.language, "en"].uniq)[0] end end end module ActionController #:nodoc: class Base helper GetText::Rails include GetText::Rails @@gettext_domainnames = [] @@gettext_content_type = nil prepend_before_filter :init_gettext after_filter :init_content_type def init_gettext_main(cgi) #:nodoc: cgi.params["lang"] = [params["lang"]] if params["lang"] set_cgi(cgi) set_locale_all(nil) end def init_content_type #:nodoc: if headers["Content-Type"] and /javascript/ =~ headers["Content-Type"] headers["Content-Type"] = "text/javascript; charset=#{GetText.output_charset}" elsif ! headers["Content-Type"] headers["Content-Type"] = "#{@@gettext_content_type}; charset=#{GetText.output_charset}" end end def call_methods_around_init_gettext(ary) #:nodoc: ary.each do |block| if block.kind_of? Symbol send(block) else block.call(self) end end end def init_gettext # :nodoc: cgi = nil if defined? request.cgi cgi = request.cgi end call_methods_around_init_gettext(@@before_init_gettext) init_gettext_main(cgi) if @@gettext_domainnames.size > 0 call_methods_around_init_gettext(@@after_init_gettext) if ::RAILS_ENV == "development" @@before_init_gettext = [] @@after_init_gettext = [] end end # Append a block which is called before initializing gettext on the each WWW request. # # (e.g.) # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # before_init_gettext{|controller| # cookies = controller.cookies # if (cookies["lang"].nil? or cookies["lang"].empty?) # GetText.locale = "zh_CN" # else # GetText.locale = cookies["lang"] # end # } # init_gettext "myapp" # # ... # end @@before_init_gettext = [] def self.before_init_gettext(*methods, &block) @@before_init_gettext += methods @@before_init_gettext << block if block_given? end # Append a block which is called after initializing gettext on the each WWW request. # # The GetText.locale is set the locale which bound to the textdomains # when gettext is initialized. # # (e.g.) # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # after_init_gettext {|controller| # L10nClass.new(GetText.locale) # } # init_gettext "foo" # # ... # end @@after_init_gettext = [] def self.after_init_gettext(*methods, &block) @@after_init_gettext += methods @@after_init_gettext << block if block_given? end # Bind a 'textdomain' to all of the controllers/views/models. Call this instead of GetText.bindtextdomain. # * textdomain: the textdomain # * options: options as a Hash. # * :charset - the output charset. Default is "UTF-8" # * :content_type - the content type. Default is "text/html" # * :locale_path - the path to locale directory. Default is {RAILS_ROOT}/locale or {plugin root directory}/locale. # # locale is searched the order by params["lang"] > "lang" value of QUERY_STRING > # "lang" value of Cookie > HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE value > Default locale(en). # And the charset is set order by "the argument of bindtextdomain" > HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET > Default charset(UTF-8). # # Note: Don't use content_type argument(not in options). # They are remained for backward compatibility. # # If you want to separate the textdomain each controllers, you need to call this function in the each controllers. # # app/controller/blog_controller.rb: # require 'gettext/rails' # # class BlogController < ApplicationController # init_gettext "blog" # : # : # end def self.init_gettext(domainname, options = {}, content_type = "text/html") opt = {:charset => "UTF-8", :content_type => content_type} if options.kind_of? String # For backward compatibility opt.merge!(:charset => options, :content_type => content_type) else opt.merge!(options) end GetText.output_charset = opt[:charset] @@gettext_content_type = opt[:content_type] locale_path = opt[:locale_path] unless locale_path cal = caller[0] if cal =~ /app.controllers/ locale_path = File.join(cal.split(/app.controllers/)[0] + "locale") else locale_path = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "locale") end end unless @@gettext_domainnames.find{|i| i[0] == domainname} @@gettext_domainnames << [domainname, locale_path] end bindtextdomain(domainname, {:path => locale_path}) if defined? ActiveRecord::Base textdomain_to(ActiveRecord::Base, domainname) textdomain_to(ActiveRecord::Validations, domainname) end textdomain_to(ActionView::Base, domainname) if defined? ActionView::Base textdomain_to(ApplicationHelper, domainname) if defined? ApplicationHelper textdomain_to(ActionMailer::Base, domainname) if defined? ActionMailer::Base end # Gets the textdomain name and path of this controller which is set # with init_gettext. *(Since 1.8)* # # * Returns: [[textdomainname1, path1], [textdomainname2, path2], ...] def self.textdomains @@gettext_domainnames end end class TestRequest < AbstractRequest #:nodoc: class GetTextMockCGI < CGI #:nodoc: attr_accessor :stdinput, :stdoutput, :env_table def initialize(env, input=nil) self.env_table = env self.stdinput = StringIO.new(input || "") self.stdoutput = StringIO.new super() end end @cgi = nil def cgi unless @cgi @cgi = GetTextMockCGI.new("REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET", "QUERY_STRING" => "", "REQUEST_URI" => "/", "HTTP_HOST" => "www.example.com", "SERVER_PORT" => "80", "HTTPS" => "off") end @cgi end end end module ActionView #:nodoc: class Base #:nodoc: alias render_file_without_locale render_file #:nodoc: # This provides to find localized template files such as foo_ja.rhtml, foo_ja_JP.rhtml # instead of foo.rhtml. If the file isn't found, foo.rhtml is used. def render_file(template_path, use_full_path = true, local_assigns = {}) locale = GetText.locale [locale.to_general, locale.to_s, locale.language, Locale.default.language].uniq.each do |v| localized_path = "#{template_path}_#{v}" return render_file_without_locale(localized_path, use_full_path, local_assigns) if file_exists? localized_path end render_file_without_locale(template_path, use_full_path, local_assigns) end end module Helpers #:nodoc: module ActiveRecordHelper #:nodoc: all module L10n # Separate namespace for textdomain include GetText bindtextdomain("rails") @error_message_title = Nn_("%{num} error prohibited this %{record} from being saved", "%{num} errors prohibited this %{record} from being saved") @error_message_explanation = Nn_("There was a problem with the following field:", "There were problems with the following fields:") module_function # call-seq: # set_error_message_title(msgs) # # Sets a your own title of error message dialog. # * msgs: [single_msg, plural_msg]. Usually you need to call this with Nn_(). # * Returns: [single_msg, plural_msg] def set_error_message_title(msg, plural_msg = nil) if msg.kind_of? Array single_msg = msg[0] plural_msg = msg[1] else single_msg = msg end @error_message_title = [single_msg, plural_msg] end # call-seq: # set_error_message_explanation(msg) # # Sets a your own explanation of the error message dialog. # * msg: [single_msg, plural_msg]. Usually you need to call this with Nn_(). # * Returns: [single_msg, plural_msg] def set_error_message_explanation(msg, plural_msg = nil) if msg.kind_of? Array single_msg = msg[0] plural_msg = msg[1] else single_msg = msg end @error_message_explanation = [single_msg, plural_msg] end # def error_messages_for(instance, objects, object_names, count, options) record = ActiveRecord::Base.human_attribute_table_name_for_error(options[:object_name] || object_names[0].to_s) html = {} [:id, :class].each do |key| if options.include?(key) value = options[key] html[key] = value unless value.blank? else html[key] = 'errorExplanation' end end if options[:message_title] header_message = instance.error_message(options[:message_title], count) % {:num => count, :record => record} else header_message = n_(@error_message_title, count) % {:num => count, :record => record} end if options[:message_explanation] message_explanation = instance.error_message(options[:message_explanation], count) % {:num => count} else message_explanation = n_(@error_message_explanation, count) % {:num => count} end error_messages = objects.map {|object| object.errors.full_messages.map {|msg| instance.content_tag(:li, msg) } } instance.content_tag(:div, instance.content_tag(options[:header_tag] || :h2, header_message) << instance.content_tag(:p, message_explanation) << instance.content_tag(:ul, error_messages), html ) end end def error_message(msg, count) #:nodoc: ngettext(msg, count) end alias error_messages_for_without_localize error_messages_for #:nodoc: # error_messages_for overrides original method with localization. # And also it extends to be able to replace the title/explanation of the header of the error dialog. (Since 1.90) # If you want to override these messages in the whole application, # use ActionView::Helpers::ActiveRecordHelper::L10n.set_error_message_(title|explanation) instead. # * :message_title - the title of message. Use Nn_() to path the strings for singular/plural. # e.g. Nn_("%{num} error prohibited this %{record} from being saved", # "%{num} errors prohibited this %{record} from being saved") # * :message_explanation - the explanation of message # e.g. Nn_("There was a problem with the following field:", # "There were %{num} problems with the following fields:") def error_messages_for(*params) options = params.last.is_a?(Hash) ? params.pop.symbolize_keys : {} objects = params.collect {|object_name| instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}") }.compact object_names = params.dup count = objects.inject(0) {|sum, object| sum + object.errors.count } if count.zero? '' else L10n.error_messages_for(self, objects, object_names, count, options) end end end module DateHelper #:nodoc: all include GetText alias distance_of_time_in_words_without_locale distance_of_time_in_words #:nodoc: # This is FAKE constant. The messages are found by rgettext as the msgid. MESSAGESS = [N_('less than 5 seconds'), N_('less than 10 seconds'), N_('less than 20 seconds'), N_('half a minute'), N_('less than a minute'), N_('about 1 month'), N_('about 1 year'), N_('over 2 years')] NMINUTES = [/^(\d+) minutes?$/, Nn_('1 minute', '%{num} minutes')] NHOURS = [/^about (\d+) hours?$/, Nn_('about 1 hour', 'about %{num} hours')] NDAYS = [/^(\d+) days?$/, Nn_('1 day', '%{num} days')] NMONTHS = [/^(\d+) months?$/, Nn_('1 month', '%{num} months')] def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time = 0, include_seconds = false) textdomain("rails") msg = distance_of_time_in_words_without_locale(from_time, to_time, include_seconds) match = false [NMINUTES, NHOURS, NDAYS, NMONTHS].each do |regexp, nn| if regexp =~ msg match = true msg = n_(nn, $1.to_i) % {:num => $1} break end end match ? msg : _(msg) end end end end if defined? ActionMailer module ActionMailer #:nodoc: class Base #:nodoc: helper GetText::Rails include GetText::Rails extend GetText::Rails alias :create_without_gettext! :create! #:nodoc: def base64(text, charset="iso-2022-jp", convert=true) if convert if charset == "iso-2022-jp" text = NKF.nkf('-j -m0', text) end end text = TMail::Base64.folding_encode(text) "=?#{charset}?B?#{text}?=" end def create!(*arg) #:nodoc: create_without_gettext!(*arg) if Locale.get.language == "ja" require 'nkf' @mail.subject = base64(@mail.subject) part = @mail.parts.empty? ? @mail : @mail.parts.first if part.content_type == 'text/plain' part.charset = 'iso-2022-jp' part.body = NKF.nkf('-j', part.body) end end @mail end end end end module ActionController #:nodoc: all module Caching module Fragments def fragment_cache_key_with_gettext(name) ret = fragment_cache_key_without_gettext(name) if ret.is_a? String ret.gsub(/:/, ".") << "_#{normalized_locale}" else ret end end alias_method_chain :fragment_cache_key, :gettext def expire_fragment_with_gettext(name, options = nil) return unless perform_caching key = fragment_cache_key_without_gettext(name) if key.is_a?(Regexp) self.class.benchmark "Expired fragments matching: #{key.source}" do fragment_cache_store.delete_matched(key, options) end else key = key.gsub(/:/, ".") self.class.benchmark "Expired fragment: #{key}, lang = #{available_locales.inspect}" do available_locales.each do |lang| fragment_cache_store.delete("#{key}_#{lang}", options) end end end end alias_method_chain :expire_fragment, :gettext end end end begin Rails::Info.property("GetText version") do GetText::VERSION end rescue Exception $stderr.puts "GetText: #{GetText::VERSION} Rails::Info is not found." if $DEBUG end if ::RAILS_ENV == "development" GetText.cached = false end require 'gettext/active_record'