require 'shellwords' require 'English' # Core library that sends notices. # See: require 'airbrake-ruby' require 'airbrake/version' # Automatically load needed files for the environment the library is running in. if defined?(Rack) require 'airbrake/rack/user' require 'airbrake/rack/notice_builder' require 'airbrake/rack/middleware' require 'airbrake/rails/railtie' if defined?(Rails) end require 'airbrake/rake/task_ext' if defined?(Rake::Task) require 'airbrake/resque/failure' if defined?(Resque) require 'airbrake/sidekiq/error_handler' if defined?(Sidekiq) require 'airbrake/delayed_job/plugin' if defined?(Delayed) ## # This module reopens the original Airbrake module from airbrake-ruby and adds # integration specific methods. module Airbrake class << self ## # Attaches a callback (builder) that runs every time the Rack integration # reports an error. Can be used to attach additional data from the Rack # request. # # @example Adding remote IP from the Rack environment # Airbrake.add_rack_builder do |notice, request| # notice[:params][:remoteIp] = request.env['REMOTE_IP'] # end # # @yieldparam notice [Airbrake::Notice] notice that will be sent to Airbrake # @yieldparam request [Rack::Request] current rack request # @yieldreturn [void] # @return [void] # @since 5.1.0 def add_rack_builder(&block) Airbrake::Rack::NoticeBuilder.add_builder(&block) end end end # Notify of unhandled exceptions, if there were any, but ignore SystemExit. at_exit do Airbrake.notify_sync($ERROR_INFO) if $ERROR_INFO end