require 'timeout' require 'active_model' require 'typhoeus' require 'active_support' # todo migrate to yajl require 'logger' require 'kaminari' # Logical Model, not persistant on DB, works through API. (replaces ActiveResource) # # # Configuration attributes: # host: Host of the WS. eg: "localhost:3000" # resource_path: Path of this resources. eg: "/api/resources" # attribute_keys: Attributes. eg: [:id, :attr_a, :attr_b] # use_ssl: will use https if true, http if false # use_api_key: set to true if api_key is needed to access resource # api_key_name: api key parameter name. eg: app_key # api_key: api_key. eg: "asd32fa4s4pdf35tr" # log_path: Path to log file. Will be ignored if using Rails. # # You may use validations such as validates_presence_of, etc. # # Usage: # class RemoteResource < LogicalModel # = "http://remote.server" # self.resource_path = "/api/remote/path" # self.attribute_keys = [:id, :attribute_a, :attribute_b] # # validates_presence_of :id # end # # This enables: # #[:remote_resource]) # RemoteResource#create # RemoteResource.find(params[:id]) # RemoteResource.paginate # RemoteResource#update(params[:remote_resouce]) # RemoteResource.delete(params[:id]) # RemoteResource#destroy class LogicalModel # include ActiveModel Modules that are usefull extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity self.include_root_in_json = false def self.attribute_keys=(keys) @attribute_keys = keys attr_accessor *keys end def self.attribute_keys @attribute_keys end DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10000 class << self attr_accessor :host, :hydra, :resource_path, :api_key, :api_key_name, :timeout, :use_ssl, :log_path, :use_api_key def timeout; @timeout ||= DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; end def use_ssl; @use_ssl ||= false; end def log_path; @log_path ||= "log/logical_model.log"; end def use_api_key; @use_api_key ||= false; end # host eg: "" # resource_path eg: "/api/v1/people" end def self.resource_uri(id=nil) prefix = (use_ssl)? "https://" : "http://" sufix = (id.nil?)? "" : "/#{id}" "#{prefix}#{host}#{resource_path}#{sufix}" end def persisted? false end def initialize(attributes={}) self.attributes = attributes end def attributes self.class.attribute_keys.inject( do |result,key| result[key] = read_attribute_for_validation(key) result end end def attributes=(attrs) sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attrs).each{|k,v| send("#{k}=",v) if respond_to?("#{k}=")} end def self.from_json(json_string) parsed = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json_string) collection = parsed["collection"].map{|i|} return { :collection => collection, :total => parsed["total"].to_i } end def self.log_ok(response)"LogicalModel Log: #{response.code} #{response.request.url} in #{response.time}s") self.logger.debug("LogicalModel Log RESPONSE: #{response.body}") end def log_ok(response) self.class.log_ok(response) end def self.log_failed(response) begin error_message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)["message"] rescue => e error_message = "error" end msg = "LogicalModel Log: #{response.code} #{response.request.url} in #{response.time}s FAILED: #{error_message}" self.logger.warn(msg) self.logger.debug("LogicalModel Log RESPONSE: #{response.body}") end def log_failed(response) self.class.log_failed(response) end def self.logger if defined?(Rails) Rails.logger else end end # if needed willmerge api_key into given hash # returns merged hash def self.merge_key(params = {}) if self.use_api_key params.merge({self.api_key_name => self.api_key}) else params end end # ============================================================================================================ # Following methods are API specific. # They assume we are using a RESTfull API. # for get, put, delete :id is expected # for post, put attributes are excepted under class_name directly. eg. put( {:id => 1, :class_name => {:attr => "new value for attr"}} ) # ============================================================================================================ # Asynchronic Pagination # This pagination won't block excecution waiting for result, pagination will be enqueued in Objectr#hydra. # # Parameters: # - options hash. # Valid options are: # * :page - indicated what page to return. Defaults to 1. # * :per_page - indicates how many records to be returned per page. Defauls to 20 # * all other options will be sent in :params to WebService # # Usage: # Person.async_paginate(:page => params[:page]){|i| result = i} def self.async_paginate(options={}) options[:page] ||= 1 options[:per_page] ||= 20 options = self.merge_key(options) request =, :params => options) request.on_complete do |response| if response.code >= 200 && response.code < 400 log_ok(response) result_set = self.from_json(response.body) # this paginate is will_paginate's Array pagination collection = Kaminari.paginate_array(result_set[:collection]).page(options[:page]).per(options[:per_page]) yield collection else log_failed(response) end end self.hydra.queue(request) end #synchronic pagination def self.paginate(options={}) result = nil async_paginate(options){|i| result = i} Timeout::timeout(self.timeout/1000) do end result rescue Timeout::Error self.logger.warn("timeout") return nil end # Asynchronic Find # This find won't block excecution waiting for result, excecution will be enqueued in Objectr#hydra. # # Parameters: # - id, id of object to find # @param [String/Integer] id # @param [Hash] params # # Usage: # Person.async_find(params[:id]) def self.async_find(id, params = {}) params = self.merge_key(params) request = resource_uri(id), :params => params ) request.on_complete do |response| if response.code >= 200 && response.code < 400 log_ok(response) yield # this from_json is defined in ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON else log_failed(response) end end self.hydra.queue(request) end # synchronic find def self.find(id) result = nil async_find(id){|i| result = i} Timeout::timeout(self.timeout/1000) do end result rescue Timeout::Error self.logger.warn("timeout") return nil end # # creates model. # # returns: # - false if model invalid # - nil if there was a connection problem # - created model ID if successfull # # Usage: # @person =[:person]) # @person.create def create return false unless valid? params = self.attributes params = self.class.merge_key(params) response = nil Timeout::timeout(self.class.timeout/1000) do response = self.class.resource_uri, :params => params, :timeout => self.class.timeout ) end if response.code == 201 log_ok(response) = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)["id"] else log_failed(response) return nil end rescue Timeout::Error self.class.logger.warn "timeout" return nil end # Updates Objects attributes, this will only send attributes passed as arguments # # # Returns false if Object#valid? is false. # Returns updated object if successfull. # Returns nil if update failed # # Usage: # @person.update(params[:person]) def update(attributes) self.attributes = attributes return false unless valid? sending_params = attributes sending_params.delete(:id) params = { self.class.to_s.underscore => sending_params } params = self.class.merge_key(params) e = e.url = self.class.resource_uri(id) e.method = :put e.params = params response = nil Timeout::timeout(self.class.timeout/1000) do # using Typhoeus::Easy avoids PUT hang issue: e.perform end if e.response_code == 200"LogicalModel Log: #{e.response_code} #{e.url} in #{e.total_time_taken}s") self.class.logger.debug("LogicalModel Log RESPONSE: #{e.response_body}") return self else msg = "LogicalModel Log: #{e.response_code} #{e.url} in #{e.total_time_taken}s FAILED" self.class.logger.warn(msg) self.class.logger.debug("LogicalModel Log RESPONSE: #{e.response_body}") return nil end rescue Timeout::Error self.class.logger.warn("request timed out") return nil end # Saves Objects attributes # # # Returns false if Object#valid? is false. # Returns updated object if successfull. # Returns nil if update failed # # Usage: # def save self.attributes = attributes return false unless valid? sending_params = self.attributes sending_params.delete(:id) params = { self.class.to_s.underscore => sending_params } params = self.class.merge_key(params) response = nil Timeout::timeout(self.class.timeout/1000) do response = Typhoeus::Request.put( self.class.resource_uri(id), :params => params, :timeout => self.class.timeout ) end if response.code == 200 log_ok(response) return self else log_failed(response) return nil end rescue Timeout::Error self.class.logger.warn "timeout" return nil end # Deletes Object#id # # Returns nil if delete failed # # Usage: # Person.delete(params[:id]) def self.delete(id) params = self.merge_key response = nil Timeout::timeout(self.timeout/1000) do response = Typhoeus::Request.delete( self.resource_uri(id), :params => params, :timeout => self.class.timeout ) end if response == 200 log_ok(response) return self else log_failed(response) return nil end rescue Timeout::Error self.logger.warn "timeout" return nil end # Destroy object # # Usage: # @person.destroy def destroy self.class.delete( end end