define("dojox/gfx/svg", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojo/dom-attr", "dojo/_base/Color", "./_base", "./shape", "./path"], function(lang, win, dom, declare, arr, domGeom, domAttr, Color, g, gs, pathLib){ var svg = g.svg = { // summary: // This the graphics rendering bridge for browsers compliant with W3C SVG1.0. // This is the preferred renderer to use for interactive and accessible graphics. }; svg.useSvgWeb = (typeof window.svgweb != "undefined"); // Need to detect iOS in order to workaround bug when // touching nodes with text var uagent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), safMobile ='iphone') > -1 ||'ipad') > -1 ||'ipod') > -1; function _createElementNS(ns, nodeType){ // summary: // Internal helper to deal with creating elements that // are namespaced. Mainly to get SVG markup output // working on IE. if(win.doc.createElementNS){ return win.doc.createElementNS(ns,nodeType); }else{ return win.doc.createElement(nodeType); } } function _setAttributeNS(node, ns, attr, value){ if(node.setAttributeNS){ return node.setAttributeNS(ns, attr, value); }else{ return node.setAttribute(attr, value); } } function _createTextNode(text){ if(svg.useSvgWeb){ return win.doc.createTextNode(text, true); }else{ return win.doc.createTextNode(text); } } function _createFragment(){ if(svg.useSvgWeb){ return win.doc.createDocumentFragment(true); }else{ return win.doc.createDocumentFragment(); } } svg.xmlns = { xlink: "", svg: "" }; svg.getRef = function(name){ // summary: // looks up a node by its external name // name: String // an SVG external reference // returns: // returns a DOM Node specified by the name argument or null if(!name || name == "none") return null; if(name.match(/^url\(#.+\)$/)){ return dom.byId(name.slice(5, -1)); // Node } // alternative representation of a reference if(name.match(/^#dojoUnique\d+$/)){ // we assume here that a reference was generated by dojox/gfx return dom.byId(name.slice(1)); // Node } return null; // Node }; svg.dasharray = { solid: "none", shortdash: [4, 1], shortdot: [1, 1], shortdashdot: [4, 1, 1, 1], shortdashdotdot: [4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dot: [1, 3], dash: [4, 3], longdash: [8, 3], dashdot: [4, 3, 1, 3], longdashdot: [8, 3, 1, 3], longdashdotdot: [8, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3] }; var clipCount = 0; svg.Shape = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Shape", gs.Shape, { // summary: // SVG-specific implementation of dojox/gfx/shape.Shape methods destroy: function(){ if(this.fillStyle && "type" in this.fillStyle){ var fill = this.rawNode.getAttribute("fill"), ref = svg.getRef(fill); if(ref){ ref.parentNode.removeChild(ref); } } if(this.clip){ var clipPathProp = this.rawNode.getAttribute("clip-path"); if(clipPathProp){ var clipNode = dom.byId(clipPathProp.match(/gfx_clip[\d]+/)[0]); clipNode && clipNode.parentNode.removeChild(clipNode); } } this.rawNode = null; gs.Shape.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, setFill: function(fill){ // summary: // sets a fill object (SVG) // fill: Object // a fill object // (see dojox/gfx.defaultLinearGradient, // dojox/gfx.defaultRadialGradient, // dojox/gfx.defaultPattern, // or dojo/_base/Color) if(!fill){ // don't fill this.fillStyle = null; this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill", "none"); this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill-opacity", 0); return this; } var f; // FIXME: slightly magical. We're using the outer scope's "f", but setting it later var setter = function(x){ // we assume that we're executing in the scope of the node to mutate this.setAttribute(x, f[x].toFixed(8)); }; if(typeof(fill) == "object" && "type" in fill){ // gradient switch(fill.type){ case "linear": f = g.makeParameters(g.defaultLinearGradient, fill); var gradient = this._setFillObject(f, "linearGradient"); arr.forEach(["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"], setter, gradient); break; case "radial": f = g.makeParameters(g.defaultRadialGradient, fill); var grad = this._setFillObject(f, "radialGradient"); arr.forEach(["cx", "cy", "r"], setter, grad); break; case "pattern": f = g.makeParameters(g.defaultPattern, fill); var pattern = this._setFillObject(f, "pattern"); arr.forEach(["x", "y", "width", "height"], setter, pattern); break; } this.fillStyle = f; return this; } // color object f = g.normalizeColor(fill); this.fillStyle = f; this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill", f.toCss()); this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill-opacity", f.a); this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd"); return this; // self }, setStroke: function(stroke){ // summary: // sets a stroke object (SVG) // stroke: Object // a stroke object (see dojox/gfx.defaultStroke) var rn = this.rawNode; if(!stroke){ // don't stroke this.strokeStyle = null; rn.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); rn.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", 0); return this; } // normalize the stroke if(typeof stroke == "string" || lang.isArray(stroke) || stroke instanceof Color){ stroke = { color: stroke }; } var s = this.strokeStyle = g.makeParameters(g.defaultStroke, stroke); s.color = g.normalizeColor(s.color); // generate attributes if(s){ rn.setAttribute("stroke", s.color.toCss()); rn.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", s.color.a); rn.setAttribute("stroke-width", s.width); rn.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", s.cap); if(typeof s.join == "number"){ rn.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "miter"); rn.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", s.join); }else{ rn.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", s.join); } var da =; if(da in svg.dasharray){ da = svg.dasharray[da]; } if(da instanceof Array){ da = lang._toArray(da); for(var i = 0; i < da.length; ++i){ da[i] *= s.width; } if(s.cap != "butt"){ for(var i = 0; i < da.length; i += 2){ da[i] -= s.width; if(da[i] < 1){ da[i] = 1; } } for(var i = 1; i < da.length; i += 2){ da[i] += s.width; } } da = da.join(","); } rn.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", da); rn.setAttribute("dojoGfxStrokeStyle",; } return this; // self }, _getParentSurface: function(){ var surface = this.parent; for(; surface && !(surface instanceof g.Surface); surface = surface.parent); return surface; }, _setFillObject: function(f, nodeType){ var svgns = svg.xmlns.svg; this.fillStyle = f; var surface = this._getParentSurface(), defs = surface.defNode, fill = this.rawNode.getAttribute("fill"), ref = svg.getRef(fill); if(ref){ fill = ref; if(fill.tagName.toLowerCase() != nodeType.toLowerCase()){ var id =; fill.parentNode.removeChild(fill); fill = _createElementNS(svgns, nodeType); fill.setAttribute("id", id); defs.appendChild(fill); }else{ while(fill.childNodes.length){ fill.removeChild(fill.lastChild); } } }else{ fill = _createElementNS(svgns, nodeType); fill.setAttribute("id", g._base._getUniqueId()); defs.appendChild(fill); } if(nodeType == "pattern"){ fill.setAttribute("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"); var img = _createElementNS(svgns, "image"); img.setAttribute("x", 0); img.setAttribute("y", 0); img.setAttribute("width", f.width .toFixed(8)); img.setAttribute("height", f.height.toFixed(8)); _setAttributeNS(img, svg.xmlns.xlink, "xlink:href", f.src); fill.appendChild(img); }else{ fill.setAttribute("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"); for(var i = 0; i < f.colors.length; ++i){ var c = f.colors[i], t = _createElementNS(svgns, "stop"), cc = c.color = g.normalizeColor(c.color); t.setAttribute("offset", c.offset.toFixed(8)); t.setAttribute("stop-color", cc.toCss()); t.setAttribute("stop-opacity", cc.a); fill.appendChild(t); } } this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + fill.getAttribute("id") +")"); this.rawNode.removeAttribute("fill-opacity"); this.rawNode.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd"); return fill; }, _applyTransform: function() { var matrix = this.matrix; if(matrix){ var tm = this.matrix; this.rawNode.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + tm.xx.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.yx.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.xy.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.yy.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.dx.toFixed(8) + "," + tm.dy.toFixed(8) + ")"); }else{ this.rawNode.removeAttribute("transform"); } return this; }, setRawNode: function(rawNode){ // summary: // assigns and clears the underlying node that will represent this // shape. Once set, transforms, gradients, etc, can be applied. // (no fill & stroke by default) var r = this.rawNode = rawNode; if(this.shape.type!="image"){ r.setAttribute("fill", "none"); } r.setAttribute("fill-opacity", 0); r.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); r.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", 0); r.setAttribute("stroke-width", 1); r.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "butt"); r.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "miter"); r.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", 4); // Bind GFX object with SVG node for ease of retrieval - that is to // save code/performance to keep this association elsewhere r.__gfxObject__ = this.getUID(); }, setShape: function(newShape){ // summary: // sets a shape object (SVG) // newShape: Object // a shape object // (see dojox/gfx.defaultPath, // dojox/gfx.defaultPolyline, // dojox/gfx.defaultRect, // dojox/gfx.defaultEllipse, // dojox/gfx.defaultCircle, // dojox/gfx.defaultLine, // or dojox/gfx.defaultImage) this.shape = g.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape); for(var i in this.shape){ if(i != "type"){ this.rawNode.setAttribute(i, this.shape[i]); } } this.bbox = null; return this; // self }, // move family _moveToFront: function(){ // summary: // moves a shape to front of its parent's list of shapes (SVG) this.rawNode.parentNode.appendChild(this.rawNode); return this; // self }, _moveToBack: function(){ // summary: // moves a shape to back of its parent's list of shapes (SVG) this.rawNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this.rawNode, this.rawNode.parentNode.firstChild); return this; // self }, setClip: function(clip){ // summary: // sets the clipping area of this shape. // description: // This method overrides the dojox/gfx/shape.Shape.setClip() method. // clip: Object // an object that defines the clipping geometry, or null to remove clip. this.inherited(arguments); var clipType = clip ? "width" in clip ? "rect" : "cx" in clip ? "ellipse" : "points" in clip ? "polyline" : "d" in clip ? "path" : null : null; if(clip && !clipType){ return this; } if(clipType === "polyline"){ clip = lang.clone(clip); clip.points = clip.points.join(","); } var clipNode, clipShape, clipPathProp = domAttr.get(this.rawNode, "clip-path"); if(clipPathProp){ clipNode = dom.byId(clipPathProp.match(/gfx_clip[\d]+/)[0]); if(clipNode){ // may be null if not in the DOM anymore clipNode.removeChild(clipNode.childNodes[0]); } } if(clip){ if(clipNode){ clipShape = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, clipType); clipNode.appendChild(clipShape); }else{ var idIndex = ++clipCount; var clipId = "gfx_clip" + idIndex; var clipUrl = "url(#" + clipId + ")"; this.rawNode.setAttribute("clip-path", clipUrl); clipNode = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, "clipPath"); clipShape = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, clipType); clipNode.appendChild(clipShape); this.rawNode.parentNode.appendChild(clipNode); domAttr.set(clipNode, "id", clipId); } domAttr.set(clipShape, clip); }else{ //remove clip-path this.rawNode.removeAttribute("clip-path"); if(clipNode){ clipNode.parentNode.removeChild(clipNode); } } return this; }, _removeClipNode: function(){ var clipNode, clipPathProp = domAttr.get(this.rawNode, "clip-path"); if(clipPathProp){ clipNode = dom.byId(clipPathProp.match(/gfx_clip[\d]+/)[0]); if(clipNode){ clipNode.parentNode.removeChild(clipNode); } } return clipNode; } }); svg.Group = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Group", svg.Shape, { // summary: // a group shape (SVG), which can be used // to logically group shapes (e.g, to propagate matricies) constructor: function(){; }, setRawNode: function(rawNode){ // summary: // sets a raw SVG node to be used by this shape // rawNode: Node // an SVG node this.rawNode = rawNode; // Bind GFX object with SVG node for ease of retrieval - that is to // save code/performance to keep this association elsewhere this.rawNode.__gfxObject__ = this.getUID(); }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // Releases all internal resources owned by this shape. Once this method has been called, // the instance is considered disposed and should not be used anymore. this.clear(true); // avoid this.inherited svg.Shape.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); svg.Group.nodeType = "g"; svg.Rect = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Rect", [svg.Shape, gs.Rect], { // summary: // a rectangle shape (SVG) setShape: function(newShape){ // summary: // sets a rectangle shape object (SVG) // newShape: Object // a rectangle shape object this.shape = g.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape); this.bbox = null; for(var i in this.shape){ if(i != "type" && i != "r"){ this.rawNode.setAttribute(i, this.shape[i]); } } if(this.shape.r != null){ this.rawNode.setAttribute("ry", this.shape.r); this.rawNode.setAttribute("rx", this.shape.r); } return this; // self } }); svg.Rect.nodeType = "rect"; svg.Ellipse = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Ellipse", [svg.Shape, gs.Ellipse], {}); svg.Ellipse.nodeType = "ellipse"; svg.Circle = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Circle", [svg.Shape, gs.Circle], {}); svg.Circle.nodeType = "circle"; svg.Line = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Line", [svg.Shape, gs.Line], {}); svg.Line.nodeType = "line"; svg.Polyline = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Polyline", [svg.Shape, gs.Polyline], { // summary: // a polyline/polygon shape (SVG) setShape: function(points, closed){ // summary: // sets a polyline/polygon shape object (SVG) // points: Object|Array // a polyline/polygon shape object, or an array of points if(points && points instanceof Array){ this.shape = g.makeParameters(this.shape, { points: points }); if(closed && this.shape.points.length){ this.shape.points.push(this.shape.points[0]); } }else{ this.shape = g.makeParameters(this.shape, points); } this.bbox = null; this._normalizePoints(); var attr = [], p = this.shape.points; for(var i = 0; i < p.length; ++i){ attr.push(p[i].x.toFixed(8), p[i].y.toFixed(8)); } this.rawNode.setAttribute("points", attr.join(" ")); return this; // self } }); svg.Polyline.nodeType = "polyline"; svg.Image = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Image", [svg.Shape, gs.Image], { // summary: // an image (SVG) setShape: function(newShape){ // summary: // sets an image shape object (SVG) // newShape: Object // an image shape object this.shape = g.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape); this.bbox = null; var rawNode = this.rawNode; for(var i in this.shape){ if(i != "type" && i != "src"){ rawNode.setAttribute(i, this.shape[i]); } } rawNode.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "none"); _setAttributeNS(rawNode, svg.xmlns.xlink, "xlink:href", this.shape.src); // Bind GFX object with SVG node for ease of retrieval - that is to // save code/performance to keep this association elsewhere rawNode.__gfxObject__ = this.getUID(); return this; // self } }); svg.Image.nodeType = "image"; svg.Text = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Text", [svg.Shape, gs.Text], { // summary: // an anchored text (SVG) setShape: function(newShape){ // summary: // sets a text shape object (SVG) // newShape: Object // a text shape object this.shape = g.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape); this.bbox = null; var r = this.rawNode, s = this.shape; r.setAttribute("x", s.x); r.setAttribute("y", s.y); r.setAttribute("text-anchor", s.align); r.setAttribute("text-decoration", s.decoration); r.setAttribute("rotate", s.rotated ? 90 : 0); r.setAttribute("kerning", s.kerning ? "auto" : 0); r.setAttribute("text-rendering", "optimizeLegibility"); // update the text content if(r.firstChild){ r.firstChild.nodeValue = s.text; }else{ r.appendChild(_createTextNode(s.text)); } return this; // self }, getTextWidth: function(){ // summary: // get the text width in pixels var rawNode = this.rawNode, oldParent = rawNode.parentNode, _measurementNode = rawNode.cloneNode(true); = "hidden"; // solution to the "orphan issue" in FF var _width = 0, _text = _measurementNode.firstChild.nodeValue; oldParent.appendChild(_measurementNode); // solution to the "orphan issue" in Opera // (nodeValue == "" hangs firefox) if(_text!=""){ while(!_width){ //Yang: work around svgweb bug 417 -- if (_measurementNode.getBBox) _width = parseInt(_measurementNode.getBBox().width); else _width = 68; } } oldParent.removeChild(_measurementNode); return _width; } }); svg.Text.nodeType = "text"; svg.Path = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Path", [svg.Shape, pathLib.Path], { // summary: // a path shape (SVG) _updateWithSegment: function(segment){ // summary: // updates the bounding box of path with new segment // segment: Object // a segment this.inherited(arguments); if(typeof(this.shape.path) == "string"){ this.rawNode.setAttribute("d", this.shape.path); } }, setShape: function(newShape){ // summary: // forms a path using a shape (SVG) // newShape: Object // an SVG path string or a path object (see dojox/gfx.defaultPath) this.inherited(arguments); if(this.shape.path){ this.rawNode.setAttribute("d", this.shape.path); }else{ this.rawNode.removeAttribute("d"); } return this; // self } }); svg.Path.nodeType = "path"; svg.TextPath = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.TextPath", [svg.Shape, pathLib.TextPath], { // summary: // a textpath shape (SVG) _updateWithSegment: function(segment){ // summary: // updates the bounding box of path with new segment // segment: Object // a segment this.inherited(arguments); this._setTextPath(); }, setShape: function(newShape){ // summary: // forms a path using a shape (SVG) // newShape: Object // an SVG path string or a path object (see dojox/gfx.defaultPath) this.inherited(arguments); this._setTextPath(); return this; // self }, _setTextPath: function(){ if(typeof this.shape.path != "string"){ return; } var r = this.rawNode; if(!r.firstChild){ var tp = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, "textPath"), tx = _createTextNode(""); tp.appendChild(tx); r.appendChild(tp); } var ref = r.firstChild.getAttributeNS(svg.xmlns.xlink, "href"), path = ref && svg.getRef(ref); if(!path){ var surface = this._getParentSurface(); if(surface){ var defs = surface.defNode; path = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, "path"); var id = g._base._getUniqueId(); path.setAttribute("id", id); defs.appendChild(path); _setAttributeNS(r.firstChild, svg.xmlns.xlink, "xlink:href", "#" + id); } } if(path){ path.setAttribute("d", this.shape.path); } }, _setText: function(){ var r = this.rawNode; if(!r.firstChild){ var tp = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, "textPath"), tx = _createTextNode(""); tp.appendChild(tx); r.appendChild(tp); } r = r.firstChild; var t = this.text; r.setAttribute("alignment-baseline", "middle"); switch(t.align){ case "middle": r.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle"); r.setAttribute("startOffset", "50%"); break; case "end": r.setAttribute("text-anchor", "end"); r.setAttribute("startOffset", "100%"); break; default: r.setAttribute("text-anchor", "start"); r.setAttribute("startOffset", "0%"); break; } //r.parentNode.setAttribute("alignment-baseline", "central"); //r.setAttribute("dominant-baseline", "central"); r.setAttribute("baseline-shift", "0.5ex"); r.setAttribute("text-decoration", t.decoration); r.setAttribute("rotate", t.rotated ? 90 : 0); r.setAttribute("kerning", t.kerning ? "auto" : 0); = t.text; } }); svg.TextPath.nodeType = "text"; svg.Surface = declare("dojox.gfx.svg.Surface", gs.Surface, { // summary: // a surface object to be used for drawings (SVG) constructor: function(){; }, destroy: function(){ this.defNode = null; // release the external reference this.inherited(arguments); }, setDimensions: function(width, height){ // summary: // sets the width and height of the rawNode // width: String // width of surface, e.g., "100px" // height: String // height of surface, e.g., "100px" if(!this.rawNode){ return this; } this.rawNode.setAttribute("width", width); this.rawNode.setAttribute("height", height); return this; // self }, getDimensions: function(){ // summary: // returns an object with properties "width" and "height" var t = this.rawNode ? { width: g.normalizedLength(this.rawNode.getAttribute("width")), height: g.normalizedLength(this.rawNode.getAttribute("height"))} : null; return t; // Object } }); svg.createSurface = function(parentNode, width, height){ // summary: // creates a surface (SVG) // parentNode: Node // a parent node // width: String|Number // width of surface, e.g., "100px" or 100 // height: String|Number // height of surface, e.g., "100px" or 100 // returns: dojox/gfx/shape.Surface // newly created surface var s = new svg.Surface(); s.rawNode = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, "svg"); s.rawNode.setAttribute("overflow", "hidden"); if(width){ s.rawNode.setAttribute("width", width); } if(height){ s.rawNode.setAttribute("height", height); } var defNode = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, "defs"); s.rawNode.appendChild(defNode); s.defNode = defNode; s._parent = dom.byId(parentNode); s._parent.appendChild(s.rawNode); return s; // dojox/gfx.Surface }; // Extenders var Font = { _setFont: function(){ // summary: // sets a font object (SVG) var f = this.fontStyle; // next line doesn't work in Firefox 2 or Opera 9 //this.rawNode.setAttribute("font", dojox.gfx.makeFontString(this.fontStyle)); this.rawNode.setAttribute("font-style",; this.rawNode.setAttribute("font-variant", f.variant); this.rawNode.setAttribute("font-weight", f.weight); this.rawNode.setAttribute("font-size", f.size); this.rawNode.setAttribute("font-family",; } }; var C = gs.Container, Container = { openBatch: function() { // summary: // starts a new batch, subsequent new child shapes will be held in // the batch instead of appending to the container directly this.fragment = _createFragment(); }, closeBatch: function() { // summary: // submits the current batch, append all pending child shapes to DOM if (this.fragment) { this.rawNode.appendChild(this.fragment); delete this.fragment; } }, add: function(shape){ // summary: // adds a shape to a group/surface // shape: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // an VML shape object if(this != shape.getParent()){ if (this.fragment) { this.fragment.appendChild(shape.rawNode); } else { this.rawNode.appendChild(shape.rawNode); } C.add.apply(this, arguments); // update clipnode with new parent shape.setClip(shape.clip); } return this; // self }, remove: function(shape, silently){ // summary: // remove a shape from a group/surface // shape: dojox/gfx/shape.Shape // an VML shape object // silently: Boolean? // if true, regenerate a picture if(this == shape.getParent()){ if(this.rawNode == shape.rawNode.parentNode){ this.rawNode.removeChild(shape.rawNode); } if(this.fragment && this.fragment == shape.rawNode.parentNode){ this.fragment.removeChild(shape.rawNode); } // remove clip node from parent shape._removeClipNode(); C.remove.apply(this, arguments); } return this; // self }, clear: function(){ // summary: // removes all shapes from a group/surface var r = this.rawNode; while(r.lastChild){ r.removeChild(r.lastChild); } var defNode = this.defNode; if(defNode){ while(defNode.lastChild){ defNode.removeChild(defNode.lastChild); } r.appendChild(defNode); } return C.clear.apply(this, arguments); }, getBoundingBox: C.getBoundingBox, _moveChildToFront: C._moveChildToFront, _moveChildToBack: C._moveChildToBack }; var Creator = { // summary: // SVG shape creators createObject: function(shapeType, rawShape){ // summary: // creates an instance of the passed shapeType class // shapeType: Function // a class constructor to create an instance of // rawShape: Object // properties to be passed in to the classes "setShape" method if(!this.rawNode){ return null; } var shape = new shapeType(), node = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, shapeType.nodeType); shape.setRawNode(node); shape.setShape(rawShape); // rawNode.appendChild() will be done inside this.add(shape) below this.add(shape); return shape; // dojox/gfx/shape.Shape } }; lang.extend(svg.Text, Font); lang.extend(svg.TextPath, Font); lang.extend(svg.Group, Container); lang.extend(svg.Group, gs.Creator); lang.extend(svg.Group, Creator); lang.extend(svg.Surface, Container); lang.extend(svg.Surface, gs.Creator); lang.extend(svg.Surface, Creator); // Mouse/Touch event svg.fixTarget = function(event, gfxElement) { // summary: // Adds the gfxElement to event.gfxTarget if none exists. This new // property will carry the GFX element associated with this event. // event: Object // The current input event (MouseEvent or TouchEvent) // gfxElement: Object // The GFX target element if (!event.gfxTarget) { if (safMobile && { // Workaround iOS bug when touching text nodes event.gfxTarget = gs.byId(; } else { event.gfxTarget = gs.byId(; } } return true; }; // some specific override for svgweb + flash if(svg.useSvgWeb){ // override createSurface() svg.createSurface = function(parentNode, width, height){ var s = new svg.Surface(); // ensure width / height if(!width || !height){ var pos = domGeom.position(parentNode); width = width || pos.w; height = height || pos.h; } // ensure id parentNode = dom.byId(parentNode); var id = ?'_svgweb' : g._base._getUniqueId(); // create dynamic svg root var mockSvg = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, 'svg'); = id; mockSvg.setAttribute('width', width); mockSvg.setAttribute('height', height); svgweb.appendChild(mockSvg, parentNode); // notice: any call to the raw node before flash init will fail. mockSvg.addEventListener('SVGLoad', function(){ // become loaded s.rawNode = this; s.isLoaded = true; // init defs var defNode = _createElementNS(svg.xmlns.svg, "defs"); s.rawNode.appendChild(defNode); s.defNode = defNode; // notify application if (s.onLoad) s.onLoad(s); }, false); // flash not loaded yet s.isLoaded = false; return s; }; // override Surface.destroy() svg.Surface.extend({ destroy: function(){ var mockSvg = this.rawNode; svgweb.removeChild(mockSvg, mockSvg.parentNode); } }); // override connect() & disconnect() for Shape & Surface event processing var _eventsProcessing = { connect: function(name, object, method){ // connect events using the mock addEventListener() provided by svgweb if (name.substring(0, 2)==='on') { name = name.substring(2); } if (arguments.length == 2) { method = object; } else { method = lang.hitch(object, method); } this.getEventSource().addEventListener(name, method, false); return [this, name, method]; }, disconnect: function(token){ // disconnect events using the mock removeEventListener() provided by svgweb this.getEventSource().removeEventListener(token[1], token[2], false); delete token[0]; } }; lang.extend(svg.Shape, _eventsProcessing); lang.extend(svg.Surface, _eventsProcessing); } return svg; });