require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Baza" do require "baza" require "knjrbfw" require "knj/os" require "rubygems" require "tmpdir" drivers = [] Baza::Db.drivers.each do |driver_data| name = driver_data[:name].to_s const_name = "Info#{name.slice(0, 1).upcase}#{name.slice(1, name.length)}" require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/info_#{driver_data[:name]}.rb" raise "Constant was not defined: '#{const_name}'." if !Baza.const_defined?(const_name) drivers << { :const => Baza.const_get(const_name), } end drivers.each do |driver| it "should be able to handle various encodings" do #I never got this test to actually fail... :-( debug = false driver[:const].sample_db do |db| db.tables.create("test", { :columns => [ {:name => "id", :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => "text", :type => :varchar} ] }) #Get a list of tables and check the list for errors. list = db.tables.list raise "Table not found: 'test'." if !list.key?(:test) list[:test].name.should eql(:test) #Test revision to create tables, indexes and insert rows. schema = { :tables => { :test_table => { :columns => [ {:name => "id", :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => "name", :type => :varchar}, {:name => "age", :type => :int}, {:name => "nickname", :type => :varchar} ], :indexes => [ "name" ], :rows => [ { :find_by => {"id" => 1}, :data => {"id" => 1, "name" => "trala"} } ] } } } rev = rev.init_db(:schema => schema, :debug => debug, :db => db) test_table = db.tables[:test_table] #Test wrong encoding. cont ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/db_spec_encoding_test_file.txt") cont.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") db.insert("test", { "text" => cont }) #Throw out invalid encoding because it will make dumping fail. db.tables[:test].truncate #Test IDQueries. rows_count = 1250 db.transaction do 0.upto(rows_count) do |count| db.insert(:test_table, {:name => "User #{count}"}) end end block_ran = 0 idq = => db, :debug => debug, :table => :test_table, :query => "SELECT id FROM test_table") do |data| block_ran += 1 end raise "Block with should have ran too little: #{block_ran}." if block_ran < rows_count block_ran = 0, {}, {:idquery => true}) do |data| block_ran += 1 end raise "Block with should have ran too little: #{block_ran}." if block_ran < rows_count #Test upserting. data = {:name => "upsert - Kasper Johansen"} data2 = {:name => "upsert - Kasper Nielsen Johansen"} sel = {:nickname => "upsert - kaspernj"} table = db.tables[:test_table] table.reload rows_count = table.rows_count db.upsert(:test_table, data, sel) row =, sel).fetch row[:name].should eql("upsert - Kasper Johansen") table.reload table.rows_count.should eql(rows_count + 1) db.upsert(:test_table, data2, sel) row =, sel).fetch row[:name].should eql("upsert - Kasper Nielsen Johansen") table.reload table.rows_count.should eql(rows_count + 1) #Test dumping. dump = => db, :debug => false) str_io = dump.dump(str_io) str_io.rewind #Remember some numbers for validation. tables_count = db.tables.list.length #Remove everything in the db. db.tables.list do |table| table.drop unless table.native? end #Run the exported SQL. db.transaction do str_io.each_line do |sql| db.q(sql) end end #Vaildate import. raise "Not same amount of tables: #{tables_count}, #{db.tables.list.length}" if tables_count != db.tables.list.length #Test revision table renaming. => db, :debug => debug, :schema => { :tables => { :new_test_table => { :renames => [:test_table] } } }) tables = db.tables.list raise "Didnt expect table 'test_table' to exist but it did." if tables.key?(:test_table) raise "Expected 'new_test_table' to exist but it didnt." if !tables.key?(:new_test_table) #Test revision for column renaming. => db, :debug => debug, :schema => { :tables => { :new_test_table => { :columns => [ {:name => :new_name, :type => :varchar, :renames => [:name]} ] } } }) columns = db.tables[:new_test_table].columns raise "Didnt expect 'name' to exist but it did." if columns.key?(:name) raise "Expected 'new_name'-column to exist but it didnt." if !columns.key?(:new_name) end end it "should generate proper sql" do driver[:const].sample_db do |db| time =, 6, 17, 10, 30) db.insert(:test, {:date => time}, :return_sql => true).should eql("INSERT INTO `test` (`date`) VALUES ('1985-06-17 10:30:00')") date =, 6, 17) db.insert(:test, {:date => date}, :return_sql => true).should eql("INSERT INTO `test` (`date`) VALUES ('1985-06-17')") end end it "should copy database structure and data" do driver[:const].sample_db do |db1| driver[:const].sample_db do |db2| db1.tables.create(:test_table, { :columns => [ {:name => "id", :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => "testname", :type => :varchar} ], :indexes => [ "testname" ] }) table1 = db1.tables["test_table"] cols1 = table1.columns 100.times do |count| table1.insert(:testname => "TestRow#{count}") end begin table2 = db2.tables[:test_table] raise "Expected not-found exception." rescue Errno::ENOENT #expected end db1.copy_to(db2) table2 = db2.tables[:test_table] cols2 = table2.columns cols2.length.should eql(cols1.length) table2.rows_count.should eql(table1.rows_count) do |row1| found = 0, row1) do |row2| found += 1 row1.each do |key, val| row2[key].should eql(val) end end found.should eql(1) end table1.indexes.length.should eql(1) table2.indexes.length.should eql(table1.indexes.length) end end end it "should be able to make new connections based on given objects" do driver[:const].sample_db do |db| db2 = Baza::Db.from_object(:object => db.conn.conn) end end it "should be able to do ID-queries through the select-method" do driver[:const].sample_db do |db| db.tables.create(:test_table, { :columns => [ {:name => :idrow, :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => :name, :type => :varchar} ] }) count = 0 100.times do arr = [] 100.times do count += 1 arr << {:name => "Kasper #{count}"} end db.insert_multi(:test_table, arr) end count_found = 0, nil, :idquery => :idrow) do |row| count_found += 1 row[:name].should eql("Kasper #{count_found}") end count_found.should eql(10000) end end it "should be able to use query buffers" do driver[:const].sample_db do |db| db.tables.create(:test_table, { :columns => [ {:name => :id, :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => :name, :type => :varchar} ] }) upsert = false db.q_buffer do |buffer| 2500.times do |count| if upsert buffer.upsert(:test_table, {:name => "Kasper #{count}"}, {:name => "Kasper #{count}"}) upsert = false else buffer.insert(:test_table, {:name => "Kasper #{count}"}) upsert = true end end end test_table = db.tables[:test_table] test_table.rows_count.should eql(2500) db.q_buffer do |buffer| count = 0 upsert = false, {}, :orderby => :id) do |row| row[:name].should eql("Kasper #{count}") if upsert buffer.upsert(:test_table, {:name => "Kasper #{count}-#{count}"}, {:id => row[:id]}) upsert = false else buffer.update(:test_table, {:name => "Kasper #{count}-#{count}"}, {:id => row[:id]}) upsert = true end count += 1 end end count = 0, {}, :orderby => :id) do |row| row[:name].should eql("Kasper #{count}-#{count}") count += 1 end #Test the flush-async which flushes transactions in a thread asyncronous. db.q_buffer(:flush_async => true) do |buffer| count = 0 do |row| count += 1 if count == 1000 time_start = end buffer.delete(:test_table, {:id => row[:id]}) if count == 1000 time_end = time_spent = time_end - time_start raise "Too much time spent: '#{time_spent}'." if time_spent > 0.01 end end end test_table.rows_count.should eql(0) end end end it "should be able to connect to mysql and do various stuff" do Baza::InfoSqlite3.sample_db do |db3| Baza::InfoMysql.sample_db do |db1| #create table. db1.tables.create(:test_table, { :columns => [ {:name => :id, :type => :int, :autoincr => true, :primarykey => true}, {:name => :name, :type => :varchar, :maxlength => 100} ] }) test_table = db1.tables[:test_table] col_id = test_table.column(:id) col_name = test_table.column(:name) #Test various operations actually work. test_table.optimize #object_from test db2 = Baza::Db.from_object(db1.conn.conn) #Test dumping to SQLite. db2.copy_to(db3) table_sqlite = db3.tables[:test_table] table_sqlite.columns.length.should eql(test_table.columns.length) col_id_sqlite = table_sqlite.column(:id) col_id_sqlite.type.should eql(:int) col_id_sqlite.autoincr?.should eql(true) col_id_sqlite.primarykey?.should eql(true) col_name_sqlite = table_sqlite.column(:name) col_name_sqlite.type.should eql(:varchar) col_name_sqlite.maxlength.to_i.should eql(100) end end end end