# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Lint # This lint sees if there is a mismatch between the number of # expected fields for format/sprintf/#% and what is actually # passed as arguments. # # In addition it checks whether different formats are used in the same # format string. Do not mix numbered, unnumbered, and named formats in # the same format string. # # @example # # # bad # # format('A value: %s and another: %i', a_value) # # @example # # # good # # format('A value: %s and another: %i', a_value, another) # # @example # # # bad # # format('Unnumbered format: %s and numbered: %2$s', a_value, another) # # @example # # # good # # format('Numbered format: %1$s and numbered %2$s', a_value, another) class FormatParameterMismatch < Base # http://rubular.com/r/CvpbxkcTzy MSG = "Number of arguments (%i) to `%s` doesn't " \ 'match the number of fields (%i).' MSG_INVALID = 'Format string is invalid because formatting sequence types ' \ '(numbered, named or unnumbered) are mixed.' KERNEL = 'Kernel' SHOVEL = '<<' STRING_TYPES = %i[str dstr].freeze RESTRICT_ON_SEND = %i[format sprintf %].freeze def on_send(node) return unless format_string?(node) if invalid_format_string?(node) add_offense(node.loc.selector, message: MSG_INVALID) return end return unless offending_node?(node) add_offense(node.loc.selector, message: message(node)) end private def format_string?(node) called_on_string?(node) && method_with_format_args?(node) end def invalid_format_string?(node) string = if sprintf?(node) || format?(node) node.first_argument.source else node.receiver.source end !RuboCop::Cop::Utils::FormatString.new(string).valid? end def offending_node?(node) return false if splat_args?(node) num_of_format_args, num_of_expected_fields = count_matches(node) return false if num_of_format_args == :unknown matched_arguments_count?(num_of_expected_fields, num_of_format_args) end def matched_arguments_count?(expected, passed) if passed.negative? expected < passed.abs else expected != passed end end def_node_matcher :called_on_string?, <<~PATTERN {(send {nil? const_type?} _ (str _) ...) (send (str ...) ...)} PATTERN def method_with_format_args?(node) sprintf?(node) || format?(node) || percent?(node) end def splat_args?(node) return false if percent?(node) node.arguments.drop(1).any?(&:splat_type?) end def heredoc?(node) node.first_argument.source[0, 2] == SHOVEL end def count_matches(node) if countable_format?(node) count_format_matches(node) elsif countable_percent?(node) count_percent_matches(node) else [:unknown] * 2 end end def countable_format?(node) (sprintf?(node) || format?(node)) && !heredoc?(node) end def countable_percent?(node) percent?(node) && node.first_argument.array_type? end def count_format_matches(node) [node.arguments.count - 1, expected_fields_count(node.first_argument)] end def count_percent_matches(node) [node.first_argument.child_nodes.count, expected_fields_count(node.receiver)] end def format_method?(name, node) return false if node.const_receiver? && !node.receiver.loc.name.is?(KERNEL) return false unless node.method?(name) node.arguments.size > 1 && node.first_argument.str_type? end def expected_fields_count(node) return :unknown unless node.str_type? format_string = RuboCop::Cop::Utils::FormatString.new(node.source) return 1 if format_string.named_interpolation? max_digit_dollar_num = format_string.max_digit_dollar_num return max_digit_dollar_num if max_digit_dollar_num&.nonzero? format_string .format_sequences .reject(&:percent?) .reduce(0) { |acc, seq| acc + seq.arity } end def format?(node) format_method?(:format, node) end def sprintf?(node) format_method?(:sprintf, node) end def percent?(node) receiver = node.receiver percent = node.method?(:%) && (STRING_TYPES.include?(receiver.type) || node.first_argument.array_type?) return false if percent && STRING_TYPES.include?(receiver.type) && heredoc?(node) percent end def message(node) num_args_for_format, num_expected_fields = count_matches(node) method_name = node.method?(:%) ? 'String#%' : node.method_name format(MSG, arg_num: num_args_for_format, method: method_name, field_num: num_expected_fields) end end end end end