@command_line Feature: Interacting with Mirage is done via HTTP using REST style URLs and therefore you can interact with it in any language. If however you are using Ruby, and you want to, you can use the Mirage Client that comes in the Mirage distribution. By default the client is configured to connect to an instance of the Mirage server on localhost:7001 which is where the Mirage server starts on by default. Background: Given the following gems are required to run the Mirage client test code: """ require 'rubygems' require 'rspec' require 'mirage' """ Scenario: checking if mirage is running Then I run """ Mirage::Client.new.running?.should == false """ Given Mirage is running Then I run """ Mirage::Client.new.running?.should == true """ Scenario: connecting to mirage running on a different url Given I run 'mirage start -p 9001' Then I run """ Mirage::Client.new("http://localhost:9001/mirage").running?.should == true """