# Oj Options To change default serialization mode use the following form. Attempting to modify the Oj.default_options Hash directly will not set the changes on the actual default options but on a copy of the Hash: ```ruby Oj.default_options = {:mode => :compat } ``` Another way to make use of options when calling load or dump methods is to pass in a Hash with the options already set in the Hash. This is slightly less efficient than setting the globals for many smaller JSON documents but does provide a more thread safe approach to using custom options for loading and dumping. ### Options for serializer and parser ### :allow_blank [Boolean] If true a nil input to load will return nil and not raise an Exception. ### :allow_gc [Boolean] Allow or prohibit GC during parsing, default is true (allow). ### :allow_invalid_unicode [Boolean] Allow invalid unicode, default is false (don't allow). ### :allow_nan Alias for the :nan option. ### :array_class [Class] Class to use instead of Array on load. ### :array_nl Trailer appended to the end of an array dump. The default is an empty string. Primarily intended for json gem compatibility. Using just indent as an integer gives better performance. ### :ascii_only If true all non-ASCII character are escaped when dumping. This is the same as setting the :escape_mode options to :ascii and exists for json gem compatibility. ### :auto_define [Boolean] Automatically define classes if they do not exist. ### :bigdecimal_as_decimal [Boolean] If true dump BigDecimal as a decimal number otherwise as a String ### :bigdecimal_load [Symbol] Determines how to load decimals. - `:bigdecimal` convert all decimal numbers to BigDecimal. - `:float` convert all decimal numbers to Float. - `:auto` the most precise for the number of digits is used. ### :circular [Boolean] Detect circular references while dumping. In :compat mode raise a NestingError. For other modes except the :object mode place a null in the output. For :object mode place references in the output that will be used to recreate the looped references on load. ### :class_cache [Boolean] Cache classes for faster parsing. This option should not be used if dynamically modifying classes or reloading classes then don't use this. ### :create_additions A flag indicating the :create_id key when encounterd during parsing should creating an Object mactching the class name specified in the value associated with the key. ### :create_id [String] The :create_id option specifies that key is used for dumping and loading when specifying the class for an encoded object. The default is `json_create`. ### :empty_string [Boolean] If true an empty input will not raise an Exception. The default differs according to the mode and in some cases the function used to load or dump. The defaults are: - :null - true - :strict - true - :compat or :json - true - JSON.parse() - false - JSON.load() - true (or what ever is set in the defaults) - :rails - TBD - :object - true - :custom - true ### :escape_mode [Symbol] Determines the characters to escape when dumping. Only the :ascii and :json modes are supported in :compat mode. - `:newline` allows unescaped newlines in the output. - `:json` follows the JSON specification. This is the default mode. - `:xss_safe` escapes HTML and XML characters such as `&` and `<`. - `:ascii` escapes all non-ascii or characters with the hi-bit set. - `:unicode_xss` escapes a special unicodes and is xss safe. ### :float_precision [Fixnum] The number of digits of precision when dumping floats, 0 indicates use Ruby directly. ### :hash_class [Class] Class to use instead of Hash on load. This is the same as the :object_class. ### :indent [Fixnum] Number of spaces to indent each element in a JSON document, zero is no newline between JSON elements, negative indicates no newline between top level JSON elements in a stream. ### :indent_str Indentation for each element when dumping. The default is an empty string. Primarily intended for json gem compatibility. Using just indent as an integer gives better performance. ### :match_string Provides a means to detect strings that should be used to create non-String objects. The value to the option must be a Hash with keys that are regular expressions and values are class names. For strict json gem compatibility a RegExp should be used. For better performance but sacrificing some regexp options a string can be used and the C version of regex will be used instead. ### :max_nesting The maximum nesting depth on both dump and load that is allowed. This exists for json gem compatibility. ### :mode [Symbol] Primary behavior for loading and dumping. The :mode option controls which other options are in effect. For more details see the {file:Modes.md} page. By default Oj uses the :custom mode which is provides the highest degree of customization. ### :nan [Symbol] How to dump Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN in :null, :strict, and :compat mode. Default is :auto but is ignored in the :compat and :rails mode. - `:null` places a null - `:huge` places a huge number - `:word` places Infinity or NaN - `:raise` raises and exception - `:auto` uses default for each mode which are `:raise` for `:strict`, `:null` for `:null`, and `:word` for `:compat`. ### :nilnil [Boolean] If true a nil input to load will return nil and not raise an Exception. ### :object_class The class to use when creating a Hash on load instead of the Hash class. ### :object_nl Trailer appended to the end of an object dump. The default is an empty string. Primarily intended for json gem compatibility. Using just indent as an integer gives better performance. ### :omit_nil [Boolean] If true, Hash and Object attributes with nil values are omitted. ### :quirks_mode [Boolean] Allow single JSON values instead of documents, default is true (allow). This can also be used in :compat mode to be backward compatible with older versions of the json gem. ### :second_precision [Fixnum] The number of digits after the decimal when dumping the seconds of time. ### :space String inserted after the ':' character when dumping a JSON object. The default is an empty string. Primarily intended for json gem compatibility. Using just indent as an integer gives better performance. ### :space_before String inserted before the ':' character when dumping a JSON object. The default is an empty string. Primarily intended for json gem compatibility. Using just indent as an integer gives better performance. ### :symbol_keys [Boolean] Use symbols instead of strings for hash keys. :symbolize_names is an alias. ### :time_format [Symbol] The :time_format when dumping. - `:unix` time is output as a decimal number in seconds since epoch including fractions of a second. - `:unix_zone` similar to the `:unix` format but with the timezone encoded in the exponent of the decimal number of seconds since epoch. - `:xmlschema` time is output as a string that follows the XML schema definition. - `:ruby` time is output as a string formatted using the Ruby `to_s` conversion. ### :use_as_json [Boolean] Call `as_json()` methods on dump, default is false. The option is ignored in the :compat and :rails mode. ### :use_to_hash [Boolean] Call `to_hash()` methods on dump, default is false. The option is ignored in the :compat and :rails mode. ### :use_to_json [Boolean] Call `to_json()` methods on dump, default is false. The option is ignored in the :compat and :rails mode.