Given(/^I have a running auton with one defined step without parameters$/) do class EmptyAuton include StructureMapper::Hash def initialize end def start self.started = true end attribute started: Boolean end @auton_type="EmptyAuton" @auton_id = Celluloid::Actor[:nestene_core].create_auton(@auton_type, 'empty_auton') end When(/^I schedule the step$/) do visit '/auton/%s' % @auton_id click_on 'schedule_step' select 'start' click_on 'schedule' @step_execution_id = page.response_headers['X-AUTON-STEP-ID'] raise 'could not find step id' unless @step_execution_id end Given(/^I have a running auton with one defined step with two parameters$/) do class EmptyAutonWithParams include StructureMapper::Hash def initialize end def start p1, p2 self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 end attribute p1: String attribute p2: String end @auton_type="EmptyAutonWithParams" @auton_id = Celluloid::Actor[:nestene_core].create_auton(@auton_type) end When(/^I schedule the step with parameters$/) do visit '/auton/%s' % @auton_id click_on 'schedule_step' select 'start' click_on 'schedule' # select 'start' fill_in 'parameters[0]', with: 'p1' fill_in 'parameters[1]', with: 'p1' click_on 'schedule' @step_execution_id = page.response_headers['X-AUTON-STEP-ID'] raise 'could not find step id' unless @step_execution_id end Then(/^the executed steps should include the step with the parameters$/) do expect(Celluloid::Actor["storage:%s" % @auton_id].get.queue.executed.first.uuid).to eq(@step_execution_id) end