module Octokit class Client # Methods for Projects API # # @see module Projects # List projects for a repository # # Requires authenticated client # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @return [Array] Repository projects # @see # @example # @client.projects('octokit/octokit.rb') def projects(repo, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) paginate "#{Repository.path repo}/projects", opts end # Create a project # # Requires authenticated client # # @param repo [Integer, String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param name [String] Project name # @option options [String] :body Body of the project # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Fresh new project # @see # @example Create project with only a name # @client.create_project('octokit/octokit.rb', 'implement new APIs') # # @example Create project with name and body # @client.create_project('octokit/octokit.rb', 'bugs be gone', body: 'Fix all the bugs @joeyw creates') def create_project(repo, name, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) opts[:name] = name post "#{Repository.path repo}/projects", opts end # List organization projects # # Requires authenticated client # # @param org [String] A GitHub organization # @return [Array] Organization projects # @see # @example # @client.org_projects("octokit") def org_projects(org, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) get "orgs/#{org}/projects", opts end alias :organization_projects :org_projects # Create organization project # # Requires authenticated client # # @param org [String] A GitHub organization # @param name [String] Project name # @option options [String] :body Project body # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Organization project # @see # @example Create with only a name # @client.create_org_project("octocat", "make more octocats") # @example Create a project with name and body # @client.create_org_project("octokit", "octocan", body: 'Improve clients') def create_org_project(org, name, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) opts[:name] = name post "orgs/#{org}/projects", opts end alias :create_organization_project :create_org_project # Get a project by id # # @param id [Integer] Project id # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Project # @see # @example # Octokit.project(123942) def project(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) get "projects/#{id}", opts end # Update a project # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project id # @option options [String] :name Project name # @option options [String] :body Project body # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Project # @see # @example Update project name # @client.update_project(123942, name: 'New name') def update_project(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) patch "projects/#{id}", opts end # Delete a project # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project id # @return [Boolean] Result of deletion # @see # @example # @client.delete_project(123942) def delete_project(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) boolean_from_response :delete, "projects/#{id}", opts end # List project columns # # @param id [Integer] Project id # @return [Array] List of project columns # @see # @example # @client.project_columns(123942) def project_columns(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) paginate "projects/#{id}/columns", opts end # Create a project column # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project column id # @param name [String] New column name # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Newly created column # @see # @example # @client.create_project_column(123942, "To Dones") def create_project_column(id, name, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) opts[:name] = name post "projects/#{id}/columns", opts end # Get a project column by ID # # @param id [Integer] Project column id # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Project column # @see # @example # Octokit.project_column(30294) def project_column(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) get "projects/columns/#{id}", opts end # Update a project column # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project column id # @param name [String] New column name # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Updated column # @see # @example # @client.update_project_column(30294, "new column name") def update_project_column(id, name, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) opts[:name] = name patch "projects/columns/#{id}", opts end # Delete a project column # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project column id # @return [Boolean] Result of deletion request, true when deleted # @see # @example # @client.delete_project_column(30294) def delete_project_column(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) boolean_from_response :delete, "projects/columns/#{id}", opts end # Move a project column # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project column id # @param position [String] New position for the column. Can be one of # first, last, or after:, where # is the id value of a column in the same project. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Result # @see # @example # @client.move_project_column(30294, "last") def move_project_column(id, position, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) opts[:position] = position post "projects/columns/#{id}/moves", opts end # List columns cards # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project column id # @return [Array] Cards in the column # @see # @example # @client.column_cards(30294) def column_cards(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) paginate "projects/columns/#{id}/cards", opts end # Create project card # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project column id # @option options [String] :note Card contents for a note type # @option options [Integer] :content_id Issue ID for the card contents # @option options [String] :content_type Type of content to associate # with the card. Issue is presently the only avaiable value # @note If :note is supplied, :content_id and :content_type must be # excluded. Similarly, if :content_id is supplied, :content_type must # be set and :note must not be included. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Newly created card # @see # @example Create a project card with a note # @client.create_project_card(123495, note: 'New note card') # @example Create a project card for an repository issue # @client.create_project_card(123495, content_id: 1, content_type: 'Issue') def create_project_card(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) post "projects/columns/#{id}/cards", opts end # Get a project card # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project card id # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Project card # @see # @example # @client.project_card(123495) def project_card(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) get "projects/columns/cards/#{id}", opts end # Update a project card # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project card id # @option options [String] :note The card's note content. Only valid for # cards without another type of content, so this cannot be specified if # the card already has a content_id and content_type. # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Updated project card # @see # @example # @client.update_project_card(12345, note: 'new note') def update_project_card(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) patch "projects/columns/cards/#{id}", opts end # Move a project card # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project card id # @param position [String] Can be one of top, bottom, # or after:, where is the id value of a # card in the same column, or in the new column specified by column_id. # @option options [Integer] :column_id The column id to move the card to, # must be column in same project # @return [Sawyer::Resource] Empty sawyer resource # @see # @example Move a card to the bottom of the same column # @client.move_project_card(123495, 'bottom') # @example Move a card to the top of another column # @client.move_project_card(123495, 'top', column_id: 59402) def move_project_card(id, position, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) opts[:position] = position post "projects/columns/cards/#{id}/moves", opts end # Delete a project card # # Requires authenticated client # # @param id [Integer] Project card id # @return [Boolean] True of deleted, false otherwise # @see # @example # @client.delete_project_card(123495) def delete_project_card(id, options = {}) opts = ensure_api_media_type(:projects, options) boolean_from_response :delete, "projects/columns/cards/#{id}", opts end end # Projects end end