require 'tins/xt/full' require 'tins/deep_const_get' require 'fileutils' require 'rbconfig' module Utils class Editor FILE_LINENUMBER_REGEXP = /\A\s*([^:]+):(\d+)/ CLASS_METHOD_REGEXP = /\A([A-Z][\w:]+)([#.])(\S+)/ module SourceLocationExtension include Tins::DeepConstGet def source_location filename = nil linenumber = nil if respond_to?(:to_str) string = to_str case when string =~ FILE_LINENUMBER_REGEXP && File.exist?($1) filename = $1 linenumber = $2.to_i when string =~ CLASS_METHOD_REGEXP && !File.exist?(string) klassname = $1 method_kind = $2 == '#' ? :instance_method : :method methodname = $3 filename, linenumber = deep_const_get(klassname).__send__(method_kind, methodname).source_location else filename = string end else filename = to_s end array = linenumber ? [ filename, linenumber ] : [ filename, 1 ] array_singleton_class = class << array; self; end array_singleton_class.instance_eval do define_method(:filename) { filename } define_method(:linenumber) { linenumber } define_method(:to_s) { [ filename, linenumber ].compact * ':' } end array end end class ::Object include SourceLocationExtension end def initialize self.wait = false self.pause_duration = 1 self.servername = derive_server_name config = config.configure_from_paths self.config = config.edit yield self if block_given? end def derive_server_name name = ENV['VIM_SERVER'] || File.dirname(Dir.pwd) RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ and name = "G_#{name}" name.upcase end private :derive_server_name attr_accessor :pause_duration attr_accessor :wait attr_accessor :servername attr_accessor :mkdir attr_accessor :config alias wait? wait def vim ([ config.vim_path ] + Array(config.vim_default_args)) end def cmd(*parts) command = parts.compact.inject([]) do |a, p| case when p == nil, p == [] a when p.respond_to?(:to_ary) a.concat p.to_ary else a << p.to_s end end $DEBUG and warn command * ' ' system(* end def fullscreen=(enabled) start sleep pause_duration if enabled edit_remote_send ':set fullscreen' else edit_remote_send ':set nofullscreen' end activate end def file_linenumber?(filename) filename.match(FILE_LINENUMBER_REGEXP) end def expand_globs(filenames) { |f| Dir[f] }.flatten.uniq.sort.full? || filenames end def edit(*filenames) if filenames.size == 1 and source_location = filenames.first.source_location then edit_source_location(source_location) # || edit_file(expand_globs(source_location[0, 1])) elsif source_locations = filenames = expand_globs( edit_file(*filenames) end end def make_dirs(*filenames) if mkdir for filename in filenames FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) end end end private :make_dirs def edit_file(*filenames) make_dirs(*filenames) edit_remote_file(*filenames) end def edit_file_linenumber(filename, linenumber) make_dirs filename if wait? edit_remote_wait("+#{linenumber}", filename) else edit_remote("+#{linenumber}", filename) end end def edit_source_location(source_location) edit_file_linenumber(source_location[0], source_location[1]) end def ensure_running started? ? activate : start self end def start started? or cmd(*vim, '--servername', servername) end def stop started? and edit_remote_send(':qa') end def activate if Array(config.vim_default_args).include?('-g') edit_remote("stupid_trick#{rand}") sleep pause_duration edit_remote_send(':bw') else # TODO use tmux to switch to editor pane? end end def serverlist @serverlist ||= `#{ * ' '} --serverlist`.split end def started?(name = servername) serverlist.member?(name) end def edit_remote(*args) cmd(*vim, '--servername', servername, '--remote', *args) end def edit_remote_wait(*args) cmd(*vim, '--servername', servername, '--remote-wait', *args) end def edit_remote_send(*args) cmd(*vim, '--servername', servername, '--remote-send', *args) end def edit_remote_file(*filenames) if wait? edit_remote_wait(*filenames) else edit_remote(*filenames) end end end end