#ifndef GOSU_SRC_AUDIO_SNDFILE_HPP #define GOSU_SRC_AUDIO_SNDFILE_HPP #include #include #include #include namespace Gosu { class SndFile : public AudioFile { SNDFILE* file; SF_INFO info; Reader reader; Buffer buffer; // Cannot use /DELAYLOAD with libsndfile.dll because it was compiled // using arcane GNU tools of dark magic (or maybe it's the filename). #ifdef GOSU_IS_WIN static HMODULE dll() { static HMODULE dll = LoadLibrary(L"libsndfile.dll"); if (!dll) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find libsndfile.dll"); return dll; } #define CREATE_STUB(NAME, RETURN, PARAMS, NAMES) \ static RETURN NAME PARAMS \ { \ typedef RETURN (__cdecl *NAME##_ptr) PARAMS; \ static NAME##_ptr f = (NAME##_ptr)GetProcAddress(dll(), #NAME); \ if (!f) \ throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find " ## #NAME); \ return f NAMES; \ } CREATE_STUB(sf_open_virtual, SNDFILE*, (SF_VIRTUAL_IO* sfvirtual, int mode, SF_INFO* sfinfo, void* user_data), (sfvirtual, mode, sfinfo, user_data)) CREATE_STUB(sf_close, int, (SNDFILE *sndfile), (sndfile)) CREATE_STUB(sf_readf_short, sf_count_t, (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t items), (sndfile, ptr, items)) CREATE_STUB(sf_seek, sf_count_t, (SNDFILE *sndfile, sf_count_t frames, int whence), (sndfile, frames, whence)) CREATE_STUB(sf_strerror, const char*, (SNDFILE* sndfile), (sndfile)) #endif static sf_count_t get_filelen(SndFile *self) { return self->buffer.size(); } static sf_count_t seek(sf_count_t offset, int whence, SndFile *self) { switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: self->reader.setPosition(offset); break; case SEEK_CUR: self->reader.seek(offset); break; case SEEK_END: self->reader.setPosition(self->buffer.size() - offset); break; } if (self->reader.position() > self->buffer.size()) { self->reader.setPosition(self->buffer.size()); } return 0; } static sf_count_t read(void *ptr, sf_count_t count, SndFile *self) { sf_count_t avail = self->buffer.size() - self->reader.position(); count = std::min(avail, count); self->reader.read(ptr, count); return count; } static sf_count_t tell(SndFile *self) { return self->reader.position(); } static SF_VIRTUAL_IO* ioInterface() { static SF_VIRTUAL_IO io; io.get_filelen = (sf_vio_get_filelen)&get_filelen; io.seek = (sf_vio_seek)&seek; io.read = (sf_vio_read)&read; io.tell = (sf_vio_tell)&tell; io.write = NULL; return &io; } public: SndFile(Reader reader) : file(NULL), reader(buffer.frontReader()) { info.format = 0; buffer.resize(reader.resource().size() - reader.position()); reader.read(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); file = sf_open_virtual(ioInterface(), SFM_READ, &info, this); if (!file) throw std::runtime_error(std::string(sf_strerror(NULL))); } SndFile(const std::wstring& filename) : file(NULL), reader(buffer.frontReader()) { info.format = 0; #ifdef GOSU_IS_WIN loadFile(buffer, filename); file = sf_open_virtual(ioInterface(), SFM_READ, &info, this); #else file = sf_open(wstringToUTF8(filename).c_str(), SFM_READ, &info); #endif if (!file) throw std::runtime_error(std::string(sf_strerror(NULL))); } ~SndFile() { if (file) sf_close(file); } ALenum format() const { switch (info.channels) { case 1: return AL_FORMAT_MONO16; case 2: return AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; default: throw std::runtime_error("Too many channels in audio file"); }; } ALuint sampleRate() const { return info.samplerate; } std::size_t readData(void* dest, std::size_t length) { int frameSize = sizeof(short) * info.channels; return sf_readf_short(file, (short*)dest, length / frameSize) * frameSize; } void rewind() { sf_seek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); } }; } #endif