class App.fabDelete constructor: (@el) -> # initialize some stuff # # deletePost handles deleting records # # dependencies: # sweetalert # # data-url="", data-id="" - eg. deletePost: ($elem) => try url = $'url') + "/" + $'id') + ".js" $remove = $($'remove')) request = $.ajax url: url, type: "delete", dataType: 'html' .done (data) => if $remove $remove.hide() App.shared.closeSweetAlert($elem) if (window.location.href).endsWith($'url')+"/"+$'id')) window.location = $'url') #swal("Deleted!", "Your file was successfully deleted!", "success") .fail (data) => $('#message_container').html(data.responseText) $ swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error") catch error swal "Hmmm", "Most unexpected! \n#{error}", "error" # # handleFABLinks # handles click on the fab_button # # buttons will have 5 courses of action # # 1) call a new window # 2) eval string - like "$(selector).openModal()" # 3) make a AJAX call to get some resource to present either in the document.body, a DOMnode, or in a modal # 4) POST the first form on the current document.body # 5) GET the data-url # # hence the button will have a number of attribs # # data-action [ "new" | "ajax" | "submit" | "get" | "string to eval" ] # data-url "/endpoint" # data-selector [ "DOM node to operate on - ie submit, fill, etc" | "download" ] # data-props [ 'true' | '[ 1, "two", { "three": "3" }]' ] # handleFABLinks: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() elem = $(e.currentTarget) loaded_element = elem.closest('.fixed-action-btn') switch'action') when undefined then alert 'Fejl!\n Kontakt ALCO på 9791 1470\n (fejlen er: handleFABLinks ikke sat)' when 'new' then App.shared.openNewWindow(elem) # data-action="new", data-url="/endpoint", data-selector="#id.modal" when 'reset' then App.shared.resetForm(elem) # data-action="reset", data-selector="form" when 'submit' then App.shared.submitForm(elem) # data-action="submit", data-selector="form" when 'post' then App.shared.submitForm(elem) # data-action="post", data-selector="form" when 'delete' then @handleDeleteLinks(e) # data-action="delete", data-selector="form", data-id="id", data-url="url" when 'ajax' then App.shared.callAjax(elem,loaded_element) # data-action="ajax", data-url="/endpoint", data-selector="#id.modal", data-method="get", data-type="html" when 'get' then window.location.href ='url') # data-action="get", data-url="/endpoint" else eval('action')) # data-action="$(document.body).trigger({ type: 'app:modal:state:changed', state: {print_format: 'record' }})" # # handleDeleteLinks # initializes the tags classed with '.delete_link' to verify deleting an issue # # if the calling elem has a data-what-to-delete attrib - this will be shown # handleDeleteLinks: (e) => e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) title = $'delete-title') || "Are you sure?" prompt = $'delete-prompt') || "Are you sure that you want to delete this?" confirm = $'delete-confirm') || "Yes, delete it!" $elem.hide() $('.sweet-overlay').show() swal title: title, text: prompt, type: "warning", animation: "slide-from-bottom", showLoaderOnConfirm: true, showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: confirm, confirmButtonColor: "#ec6c62", (confirmed) => if !confirmed App.shared.closeSweetAlert($elem) else @deletePost($elem) return false prepare: => try $(document.body).off('click.delete') $(document.body).off('click.fab') # # Prepare delete_link's for acting on clicks to delete posts # $(document.body).on 'click.delete', 'a.delete_link, a.delete_item', @handleDeleteLinks # # Add event on the FAB (fixed action button) # $(document.body).on 'click.fab', 'a.fab-button', @handleFABLinks catch error alert 'Fejl!\nLuk din browser og start igen - hvis fejlen stadig opstår, ring så til ALCO på tlf 9791 1470\nFejl: App.fabDelete did not prepare!' console.log error