module ThoughtBot # :nodoc: module Shoulda # :nodoc: module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: module Assertions # Asserts that the given object can be saved # # assert_save def assert_save(obj) assert, "Errors: #{pretty_error_messages obj}" obj.reload end # Asserts that the given object is valid # # assert_valid def assert_valid(obj) assert obj.valid?, "Errors: #{pretty_error_messages obj}" end # Asserts that an Active Record model validates with the passed # value by making sure the error_message_to_avoid is not # contained within the list of errors for that attribute. # # assert_good_value(, :email, "") # assert_good_value(, :ssn, "123456789", /length/) # # If a class is passed as the first argument, a new object will be # instantiated before the assertion. If an instance variable exists with # the same name as the class (underscored), that object will be used # instead. # # assert_good_value(User, :email, "") # # @product = => false) # assert_good_value(Product, :price, "0") def assert_good_value(object_or_klass, attribute, value, error_message_to_avoid = //) object = get_instance_of(object_or_klass) object.send("#{attribute}=", value) object.valid? assert_does_not_contain(object.errors.on(attribute), error_message_to_avoid, "when set to #{value.inspect}") end # Asserts that an Active Record model invalidates the passed # value by making sure the error_message_to_expect is # contained within the list of errors for that attribute. # # assert_bad_value(, :email, "invalid") # assert_bad_value(, :ssn, "123", /length/) # # If a class is passed as the first argument, a new object will be # instantiated before the assertion. If an instance variable exists with # the same name as the class (underscored), that object will be used # instead. # # assert_bad_value(User, :email, "invalid") # # @product = => true) # assert_bad_value(Product, :price, "0") def assert_bad_value(object_or_klass, attribute, value, error_message_to_expect = self.class.default_error_message(:invalid)) object = get_instance_of(object_or_klass) object.send("#{attribute}=", value) assert !object.valid?, "#{object.class} allowed #{value.inspect} as a value for #{attribute}" assert object.errors.on(attribute), "There are no errors on #{attribute} after being set to #{value.inspect}" assert_contains(object.errors.on(attribute), error_message_to_expect, "when set to #{value.inspect}") end def pretty_error_messages(obj) do |a, m| msg = "#{a} #{m}" msg << " (#{obj.send(a).inspect})" unless a.to_sym == :base end end private def get_instance_of(object_or_klass) if object_or_klass.is_a?(Class) klass = object_or_klass instance_variable_get("@#{klass.to_s.underscore}") || else object_or_klass end end end end end end