# encoding: utf-8 module Imap::Backup module Configuration; end class Configuration::Account < Struct.new(:store, :account, :highline) def initialize(store, account, highline) super end def run catch :done do loop do system('clear') create_menu end end end private def create_menu highline.choose do |menu| header menu modify_email menu modify_password menu modify_server menu modify_backup_path menu choose_folders menu test_connection menu delete_account menu menu.choice('return to main menu') { throw :done } menu.hidden('quit') { throw :done } end end def header(menu) menu.header = <<-EOT Account: email: #{account[:username]} server: #{account[:server]} path: #{account[:local_path]} folders: #{folders.map { |f| f[:name] }.join(', ')} password: #{masked_password} EOT end def modify_email(menu) menu.choice('modify email') do username = Configuration::Asker.email(username) puts "username: #{username}" others = store.accounts.select { |a| a != account}.map { |a| a[:username] } puts "others: #{others.inspect}" if others.include?(username) puts 'There is already an account set up with that email address' else account[:username] = username if account[:server].nil? or account[:server] == '' account[:server] = default_server(username) end account[:modified] = true end end end def modify_password(menu) menu.choice('modify password') do password = Configuration::Asker.password if ! password.nil? account[:password] = password account[:modified] = true end end end def modify_server(menu) menu.choice('modify server') do server = highline.ask('server: ') if ! server.nil? account[:server] = server account[:modified] = true end end end def modify_backup_path(menu) menu.choice('modify backup path') do validator = lambda do |p| same = store.accounts.find do |a| a[:username] != account[:username] && a[:local_path] == p end if same puts "The path '#{p}' is used to backup the account '#{same[:username]}'" false else true end end existing = account[:local_path].clone account[:local_path] = Configuration::Asker.backup_path(account[:local_path], validator) account[:modified] = true if existing != account[:local_path] end end def choose_folders(menu) menu.choice('choose backup folders') do Configuration::FolderChooser.new(account).run end end def test_connection(menu) menu.choice('test connection') do result = Configuration::ConnectionTester.test(account) puts result highline.ask 'Press a key ' end end def delete_account(menu) menu.choice('delete') do if highline.agree("Are you sure? (y/n) ") account[:delete] = true throw :done end end end def folders account[:folders] || [] end def masked_password if account[:password] == '' or account[:password].nil? '(unset)' else account[:password].gsub(/./, 'x') end end def default_server(username) provider = Email::Provider.for_address(username) if provider.provider == :default puts "Can't decide provider for email address '#{username}'" return nil end provider.host end end end