import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { foremanUrl } from 'foremanReact/common/helpers'; export const JOB_TEMPLATES = 'JOB_TEMPLATES'; export const JOB_CATEGORIES = 'JOB_CATEGORIES'; export const JOB_TEMPLATE = 'JOB_TEMPLATE'; export const JOB_INVOCATION = 'JOB_INVOCATION'; export const templatesUrl = foremanUrl('/api/v2/job_templates'); export const repeatTypes = { noRepeat: __('Does not repeat'), cronline: __('Cronline'), monthly: __('Monthly'), weekly: __('Weekly'), daily: __('Daily'), hourly: __('Hourly'), }; export const SCHEDULE_TYPES = { NOW: __('Immediate execution'), FUTURE: __('Future execution'), RECURRING: __('Recurring execution'), }; export const WIZARD_TITLES = { categoryAndTemplate: __('Category and Template'), hostsAndInputs: __('Target hosts and inputs'), advanced: __('Advanced fields'), schedule: __('Schedule'), review: __('Review details'), typeOfExecution: __('Type of execution'), }; export const initialScheduleState = { repeatType: repeatTypes.noRepeat, scheduleType: SCHEDULE_TYPES.NOW, repeatAmount: '', repeatData: {}, startsAt: '', startsBefore: '', ends: '', isFuture: false, isNeverEnds: true, isTypeStatic: true, purpose: '', }; export const HOSTS_API = 'HOSTS_API'; export const HOSTS = 'HOSTS'; export const HOST_COLLECTIONS = 'HOST_COLLECTIONS'; export const HOST_GROUPS = 'HOST_GROUPS'; export const hostMethods = { hosts: __('Hosts'), hostCollections: __('Host collections'), hostGroups: __('Host groups'), searchQuery: __('Search query'), }; export const hostQuerySearchID = 'mainHostQuery'; export const hostsController = 'hosts'; export const dataName = { [HOSTS]: 'hosts', [HOST_GROUPS]: 'hostgroups', }; export const HOSTS_TO_PREVIEW_AMOUNT = 20; export const DEBOUNCE_API = 1500; export const HOST_IDS = 'HOST_IDS'; export const REX_FEATURE = 'REX_FEATURE'; export const JOB_API_KEY = 'JOB_API_KEY';