require 'facter' require 'facter/util/fact' require 'facter/util/loader' # Manage which facts exist and how we access them. Largely just a wrapper # around a hash of facts. class Facter::Util::Collection def initialize(internal_loader, external_loader) @facts = @internal_loader = internal_loader @external_loader = external_loader end # Return a fact object by name. If you use this, you still have to call # 'value' on it to retrieve the actual value. def [](name) value(name) end # Add a resolution mechanism for a named fact. This does not distinguish # between adding a new fact and adding a new way to resolve a fact. def add(name, options = {}, &block) name = canonize(name) unless fact = @facts[name] fact = @facts[name] = fact end # Set any fact-appropriate options. options.each do |opt, value| method = opt.to_s + "=" if fact.respond_to?(method) fact.send(method, value) options.delete(opt) end end if block_given? resolve = fact.add(&block) else resolve = fact.add end # Set any resolve-appropriate options if resolve # If the resolve was actually added, set any resolve-appropriate options options.each do |opt, value| method = opt.to_s + "=" if resolve.respond_to?(method) resolve.send(method, value) options.delete(opt) end end end unless options.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Invalid facter option(s) %s" % options.keys.collect { |k| k.to_s }.join(",") end return fact end include Enumerable # Iterate across all of the facts. def each load_all @facts.each do |name, fact| value = fact.value unless value.nil? yield name.to_s, value end end end # Return a fact by name. def fact(name) name = canonize(name) # Try to load the fact if necessary load(name) unless @facts[name] # Try HARDER internal_loader.load_all unless @facts[name] if @facts.empty? Facter.warnonce("No facts loaded from #{internal_loader.search_path.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)}") end @facts[name] end # Flush all cached values. def flush @facts.each { |name, fact| fact.flush } end # Return a list of all of the facts. def list load_all return @facts.keys end def load(name) internal_loader.load(name) external_loader.load(self) end # Load all known facts. def load_all internal_loader.load_all external_loader.load(self) end def internal_loader @internal_loader end def external_loader @external_loader end # Return a hash of all of our facts. def to_hash @facts.inject({}) do |h, ary| value = ary[1].value if ! value.nil? # For backwards compatibility, convert the fact name to a string. h[ary[0].to_s] = value end h end end def value(name) if fact = fact(name) fact.value end end private # Provide a consistent means of getting the exact same fact name # every time. def canonize(name) name.to_s.downcase.to_sym end end