require "highline" require "particlerb" require "particlepi/spinner" require "particlepi/settings" module ParticlePi class LoginFailedError < StandardError end class KeyUpdateError < StandardError end class ClaimError < StandardError end class Setup attr_reader :username, :password attr_reader :token attr_reader :device_id attr_reader :name attr_reader :prompt attr_reader :settings def initialize(options) @user = options[:user] @password = options[:password] @prompt = @token = nil @device_id = nil @name = nil @settings = end def run! load_settings title "Let's connect your Raspberry Pi to the Particle Cloud!" if reenter_credentials prompt_credentials perform_login save_credentials else auth_client end prompt_device_id save_device_id prompt_device_name save_device_name generate_device_key Spinner.start "Claiming the device to your Particle account" do publish_device_key restart_agent claim_device rename_device end info "Done! Go to #{Paint['', :blue, :bright]} to flash code to your Raspberry Pi" rescue LoginFailedError error "Wrong username or password" rescue KeyUpdateError error "Could not update keys for this device. Are you sure this device is not owned by another account?" rescue ClaimError error "Could not claim the device to your account. ==> The fix would be to ensure tinker is running." rescue Faraday::ClientError error "Network error. Check your internet connection and try again" end def load_settings settings.load end def reenter_credentials username = settings.values["username"] if username prompt.say "\nYou are already logged in as #{Paint[username, :yellow, :bright]}." prompt.agree "Do you want to log in as a different user? " do |q| q.default = 'yes' end else info "Log in with your Particle account" info "Don't have an account yet? Create one at" true end end def prompt_credentials @username = prompt.ask("Email address: ") do |q| q.default = username q.responses[:ask_on_error] = :question q.validate =/@/ end @password = prompt.ask("Password: ") do |q| q.default = password q.echo = false end end def perform_login Spinner.start "Logging in" do particle_token = Particle.login(username, password, expires_in: 0) @token = end rescue Particle::BadRequest => e raise end def save_credentials settings.values["username"] = username settings.values["token"] = token end def auth_client Particle.access_token = settings.values["token"] end def prompt_device_id prompt.say "For the alpha phase, you should have received a device ID for the Raspberry Pi" @device_id = prompt.ask "Device ID: " do |q| q.validate = /^[0-9a-z]{24}$/ q.default = if File::exist?(device_id_path) end end def prompt_device_name prompt.say "How do you want your device to be labeled in the Particle tools?" @name = prompt.ask "Name: " do |q| q.default = settings.values["name"] || "pi" end end def save_device_name settings.values["name"] = name end def device_id_path File.join(ParticlePi.project_root, "settings/device_id.txt") end def save_device_id IO.write(device_id_path, device_id + "\n") end def key_path File.join(ParticlePi.project_root, "settings/device_key.der") end def public_key_path File.join(ParticlePi.project_root, "settings/") end def generate_device_key system "openssl genrsa 1024 | openssl rsa -outform DER -out #{key_path}" system "openssl rsa -inform DER -in #{key_path} -pubout -outform PEM -out #{public_key_path}" end def publish_device_key public_key = Particle.device(device_id).update_public_key(public_key) rescue Particle::ForbiddenError raise end def restart_agent system "sudo service particlepi restart" end def claim_device(tries = 5) Particle.device(device_id).claim rescue Particle::Error => e tries -= 1 unless sleep 1 retry end raise ClaimError end def rename_device Particle.device(device_id).rename(name) end def title(message) prompt.say Paint[message, :cyan, :bright] end def info(message) prompt.say message end def error(message) prompt.say Paint[message, :red] end end end