# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2018 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU class Cloud class AWS # A user as configured in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::roles} class Role < MU::Cloud::Role @deploy = nil @config = nil attr_reader :mu_name attr_reader :config attr_reader :cloud_id # @param mommacat [MU::MommaCat]: A {MU::Mommacat} object containing the deploy of which this resource is/will be a member. # @param kitten_cfg [Hash]: The fully parsed and resolved {MU::Config} resource descriptor as defined in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::roles} def initialize(mommacat: nil, kitten_cfg: nil, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil) @deploy = mommacat @config = MU::Config.manxify(kitten_cfg) @cloud_id ||= cloud_id @mu_name = mu_name @mu_name ||= @deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"]) end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def create if @config['iam_policies'] @config['iam_policies'].each { |policy| policy_name = @mu_name+"-"+policy.keys.first.upcase MU.log "Creating IAM policy #{policy_name}" resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).create_policy( policy_name: policy_name, path: "/"+@deploy.deploy_id+"/", policy_document: JSON.generate(policy.values.first), description: "Generated from inline policy document for Mu role #{@mu_name}" ) } end if !@config['bare_policies'] MU.log "Creating IAM role #{@mu_name}" resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).create_role( path: "/"+@deploy.deploy_id+"/", role_name: @mu_name, description: "Generated by Mu", assume_role_policy_document: gen_role_policy_doc, tags: get_tag_params ) end end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def groom if @config['policies'] @config['iam_policies'] ||= [] @config['iam_policies'].concat(convert_policies_to_iam) end if !@config['bare_policies'] resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_role( role_name: @mu_name ).role ext_tags = resp.tags.map { |t| t.to_h } tag_param = get_tag_params(true) tag_param.reject! { |t| ext_tags.include?(t) } if tag_param.size > 0 MU.log "Updating tags on IAM role #{@mu_name}", MU::NOTICE, details: tag_param MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).tag_role(role_name: @mu_name, tags: tag_param) end end if @config['iam_policies'] or @config['import'] attached_policies = [] configured_policies = [] if @config['iam_policies'] configured_policies = @config['iam_policies'].map { |p| @mu_name+"-"+p.keys.first.upcase } end if @config['import'] MU.log "Attaching canned #{@config['import'].size > 1 ? "policies" : "policy"} #{@config['import'].join(", ")} to role #{@mu_name}", MU::NOTICE configured_policies.concat(@config['import'].map { |p| p.gsub(/.*?\/([^:\/]+)$/, '\1') }) end if !@config['bare_policies'] attached_policies = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_attached_role_policies( role_name: @mu_name ).attached_policies attached_policies.each { |a| if !configured_policies.include?(a.policy_name) MU.log "Removing IAM policy #{a.policy_name} from role #{@mu_name}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS::Role.purgePolicy(a.policy_arn, @config['credentials']) end } end if @config['iam_policies'] @config['iam_policies'].each { |policy| policy_name = @mu_name+"-"+policy.keys.first.upcase arn = "arn:"+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+":iam::"+MU::Cloud::AWS.credToAcct(@config['credentials'])+":policy/#{@deploy.deploy_id}/#{policy_name}" resp = begin desc = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_policy(policy_arn: arn) version = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_policy_version( policy_arn: arn, version_id: desc.policy.default_version_id ) if version.policy_version.document != URI.encode(JSON.generate(policy.values.first), /[^a-z0-9\-]/i) MU.log "Updating IAM policy #{policy_name}", MU::NOTICE, details: policy.values.first update_policy(arn, policy.values.first) MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_policy(policy_arn: arn) else desc end rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity => e MU.log "Creating IAM policy #{policy_name}", details: policy.values.first MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).create_policy( policy_name: policy_name, path: "/"+@deploy.deploy_id+"/", policy_document: JSON.generate(policy.values.first), description: "Generated from inline policy document for Mu role #{@mu_name}" ) end } end end if !@config['bare_policies'] and (@config['iam_policies'] or @config['import']) bindTo("role", @mu_name) end end # Canonical Amazon Resource Number for this resource # @return [String] def arn desc = cloud_desc if desc["role"] desc["role"].arn else nil end end # Return a hash containing a +role+ element and a +policies+ element, # populated with one or both depending on what this resource has # defined. def cloud_desc desc = {} if @config['bare_policies'] desc["policies"] = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_policies( path_prefix: "/"+MU.deploy_id+"/" ).policies desc["policies"].reject! { |p| !p.policy_name.match(/^#{Regexp.quote(@mu_name)}-/) } else desc["role"] = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_role( role_name: @mu_name ).role if @config['iam_policies'] desc["policies"] = [] MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_attached_role_policies( role_name: @mu_name ).attached_policies.each { |p| desc["policies"] << MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_policy( policy_arn: p.policy_arn ).policy } end end desc end # Return the metadata for this user cofiguration # @return [Hash] def notify MU.structToHash(cloud_desc) end # Insert a new target entity into an existing policy. # @param policy [String]: The name of the policy to which we're appending, which must already exist as part of this role resource # @param targets [Array]: The target resource. If +target_type+ isn't specified, this should be a fully-resolved ARN. # @param mu_type [String]: A valid Mu resource type def injectPolicyTargets(policy, targets, mu_type = nil) if !policy.match(/^#{@deploy.deploy_id}/) policy = @mu_name+"-"+policy.upcase end my_policies = cloud_desc["policies"] my_policies.each { |p| if p.policy_name == policy old = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_policy_version( policy_arn: p.arn, version_id: p.default_version_id ).policy_version doc = JSON.parse(URI.decode(old.document)) need_update = false doc["Statement"].each { |s| targets.each { |target| targetstr = if target['type'] sibling = @deploy.findLitterMate( name: target["identifier"], type: target["type"] ) sibling.cloudobj.arn else target['identifier'] end if sibling and !s["Resource"].include?(targetstr) s["Resource"] << targetstr need_update = true end } } if need_update MU.log "Updating IAM policy #{policy} to grant permissions on #{targets.to_s}", details: doc update_policy(p.arn, doc) end end } end # Delete an IAM policy, along with attendant versions and attachments. # @param policy_arn [String]: The ARN of the policy to purge def self.purgePolicy(policy_arn, credentials) attachments = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).list_entities_for_policy( policy_arn: policy_arn ) attachments.policy_users.each { |u| MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).detach_user_policy( user_name: u.user_name, policy_arn: policy_arn ) } attachments.policy_groups.each { |g| MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).detach_group_policy( group_name: g.group_name, policy_arn: policy_arn ) } attachments.policy_roles.each { |r| MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).detach_role_policy( role_name: r.role_name, policy_arn: policy_arn ) } versions = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).list_policy_versions( policy_arn: policy_arn, ).versions versions.each { |v| next if v.is_default_version MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).delete_policy_version( policy_arn: policy_arn, version_id: v.version_id ) } # Delete the policy, unless it's one of the global canned ones owned # by AWS if !policy_arn.match(/^arn:aws:iam::aws:/) MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).delete_policy( policy_arn: policy_arn ) end end # Does this resource type exist as a global (cloud-wide) artifact, or # is it localized to a region/zone? # @return [Boolean] def self.isGlobal? true end # Remove all roles associated with the currently loaded deployment. # @param noop [Boolean]: If true, will only print what would be done # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: If true, will remove resources not flagged as originating from this Mu server # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.cleanup(noop: false, ignoremaster: false, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil, flags: {}) resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).list_policies( path_prefix: "/"+MU.deploy_id+"/" ) if resp and resp.policies resp.policies.each { |policy| MU.log "Deleting IAM policy /#{MU.deploy_id}/#{policy.policy_name}" if !noop purgePolicy(policy.arn, credentials) end } end resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).list_roles( path_prefix: "/"+MU.deploy_id+"/" ) if resp and resp.roles resp.roles.each { |r| MU.log "Deleting IAM role #{r.role_name}" if !noop # purgePolicy won't touch roles we don't own, so gently detach # those first detachables = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).list_attached_role_policies( role_name: r.role_name ).attached_policies detachables.each { |rp| MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).detach_role_policy( role_name: r.role_name, policy_arn: rp.policy_arn ) } begin MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).remove_role_from_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: r.role_name, role_name: r.role_name ) MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).delete_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: r.role_name) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::ValidationError => e MU.log "Cleaning up IAM role #{r.role_name}: #{e.inspect}", MU::WARN rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity => e end MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: credentials).delete_role( role_name: r.role_name ) end } end end # Locate an existing user group. # @param cloud_id [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for this resource. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region. # @param flags [Hash]: Optional flags # @return [OpenStruct]: The cloud provider's complete descriptions of matching user group. def self.find(cloud_id: nil, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil, flags: {}) found = nil found end # Attach this role or group of loose policies to the specified entity. # @param entitytype [String]: The type of entity (user, group or role for policies; instance_profile for roles) def bindTo(entitytype, entityname) if entitytype == "instance_profile" begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: entityname ).instance_profile if !resp.roles.map { |r| r.role_name}.include?(@mu_name) MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).add_role_to_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: entityname, role_name: @mu_name ) end rescue Exception => e MU.log "Error binding role #{@mu_name} to instance profile #{entityname}: #{e.message}", MU::ERR raise e end elsif ["user", "group", "role"].include?(entitytype) mypolicies = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_policies( path_prefix: "/"+@deploy.deploy_id+"/" ).policies mypolicies.reject! { |p| !p.policy_name.match(/^#{Regexp.quote(@mu_name)}-/) } if @config['import'] @config['import'].each { |policy| if !policy.match(/^arn:/i) p_arn = "arn:"+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(@config["region"]) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+":iam::aws:policy/"+policy end retried = false begin mypolicies << MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_policy( policy_arn: p_arn ).policy rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity => e if !retried p_arn = "arn:"+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(@config["region"]) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+":iam::aws:policy/service-role/"+policy retried = true retry end raise e end } end mypolicies.each { |p| if entitytype == "user" resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_attached_user_policies( path_prefix: "/"+@deploy.deploy_id+"/", user_name: entityname ) if !resp or !resp.attached_policies.map { |p| p.policy_name }.include?(p.policy_name) MU.log "Attaching IAM policy #{p.policy_name} to user #{entityname}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).attach_user_policy( policy_arn: p.arn, user_name: entityname ) end elsif entitytype == "group" resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_attached_group_policies( path_prefix: "/"+@deploy.deploy_id+"/", group_name: entityname ) if !resp or !resp.attached_policies.map { |p| p.policy_name }.include?(p.policy_name) MU.log "Attaching policy #{p.policy_name} to group #{entityname}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).attach_group_policy( policy_arn: p.arn, group_name: entityname ) end elsif entitytype == "role" resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_attached_role_policies( role_name: entityname ) if !resp or !resp.attached_policies.map { |p| p.policy_name }.include?(p.policy_name) MU.log "Attaching policy #{p.policy_name} to role #{entityname}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).attach_role_policy( policy_arn: p.arn, role_name: entityname ) end end } else raise MuError, "Invalid entitytype '#{entitytype}' passed to MU::Cloud::AWS::Role.bindTo. Must be be one of: user, group, role, instance_profile" end end # Create an instance profile for EC2 instances, named identically and # bound to this role. def createInstanceProfile if @config['bare_policies'] raise MuError, "#{self} has 'bare_policies' set, cannot create an instance profile without a role to bind" end resp = begin MU.log "Creating instance profile #{@mu_name} #{@config['credentials']}" MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).create_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: @mu_name ) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::EntityAlreadyExists => e MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_instance_profile( instance_profile_name: @mu_name ) end # make sure it's really there before moving on begin MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).get_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: @mu_name) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::WARN sleep 10 retry end bindTo("instance_profile", @mu_name) resp.instance_profile.arn end # Cloud-specific configuration properties. # @param config [MU::Config]: The calling MU::Config object # @return [Array]: List of required fields, and json-schema Hash of cloud-specific configuration parameters for this resource def self.schema(config) toplevel_required = [] aws_resource_types = MU::Cloud.resource_types.keys.reject { |t| begin MU::Cloud.loadCloudType("AWS", t) false rescue MuCloudResourceNotImplemented true end }.map { |t| MU::Cloud.resource_types[t][:cfg_name] }.sort schema = { "tags" => MU::Config.tags_primitive, "optional_tags" => MU::Config.optional_tags_primitive, "import" => { "items" => { "description" => "Can be a shorthand reference to a canned IAM policy like +AdministratorAccess+, or a full ARN like +arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonESCognitoAccess+" } }, "bare_policies" => { "type" => "boolean", "default" => false, "description" => "Do not create a role, but simply create the policies specified in +policies+ and/or +iam_policies+ for direct attachment to other entities." }, "can_assume" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "object", "description" => "Entities which are permitted to assume this role. Can be services, IAM objects, or other Mu resources.", "required" => ["entity_type", "entity_id"], "properties" => { "entity_type" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Type of entity which will be permitted to assume this role. See +entity_id+ for details.", "enum" => ["service", "aws", "federated"]+aws_resource_types }, "assume_method" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/APIReference/API_Operations.html", "enum" => ["basic", "saml", "web"], "default" => "basic" }, "entity_id" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "An identifier appropriate for the +entity_type+ which is allowed to assume this role- see details for valid formats.\n **service**: The name of a service which is allowed to assume this role, such as +ec2.amazonaws.com+. See also https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_create_for-service.html#roles-creatingrole-service-api. For an unofficial list of service names, see https://gist.github.com/shortjared/4c1e3fe52bdfa47522cfe5b41e5d6f22\n **#{aws_resource_types.join(", ")}**: A resource of one of these Mu types, declared elsewhere in this stack with a name specified in +entity_id+, for which Mu will attempt to resolve the appropriate *aws* or *service* identifier.\n **aws**: An ARN which should be permitted to assume this role, often another role like +arn:aws:iam::AWS-account-ID:role/role-name+ or a specific user session such as +arn:aws:sts::AWS-account-ID:assumed-role/role-name/role-session-name+. See also https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_elements_principal.html#Principal_specifying\n **federated**: A federated identity provider, such as +accounts.google.com+ or +arn:aws:iam::AWS-account-ID:saml-provider/provider-name+. See also https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_elements_principal.html#Principal_specifying" } # XXX it's possible that 'role' is the only Mu resource type that maps to something that can assume another role in AWS IAM, so maybe that aws_resource_types.join should be something simpler } } }, "iam_policies" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "object", "description" => "A key (name) with a value that is a raw Amazon-compatible policy document. This is not the recommended method for granting permissions- we suggest listing +roles+ for the user instead. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/RoleGuide/access_policies_examples.html for example policies.", } } } [toplevel_required, schema] end # Cloud-specific pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::roles}, bare and unvalidated. # @param role [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a member # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validateConfig(role, configurator) ok = true if role['import'] role['import'].each { |policy| arn = if !policy.match(/^arn:/i) "arn:"+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(role["region"]) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+":iam::aws:policy/"+policy else policy end retried = false begin MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: role['credentials']).get_policy(policy_arn: arn) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity => e if !retried arn = "arn:"+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(role["region"]) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+":iam::aws:policy/service-role/"+policy retried = true retry end MU.log "No such canned AWS IAM policy '#{arn}'", MU::ERR ok = false end policy = arn } end if role["bare_policies"] and (!role["iam_policies"] or role["iam_policies"].empty?) MU.log "IAM role #{role['name']} has bare_policies set, but no iam_policies specified", MU::ERR ok = false end if (!role['can_assume'] or role['can_assume'].empty?) and !role["bare_policies"] MU.log "IAM role #{role['name']} must specify at least one can_assume entry", MU::ERR ok = false end if role['policies'] role['policies'].each { |policy| policy['targets'].each { |target| if target['type'] role['dependencies'] ||= [] role['dependencies'] << { "name" => target['identifier'], "type" => target['type'] } end } } end ok end private # Convert entries from the cloud-neutral @config['policies'] list into # AWS syntax. def convert_policies_to_iam iam_policies = [] if @config['policies'] @config['policies'].each { |policy| doc = { "Version" => "2012-10-17", "Statement" => [ { "Sid" => policy["name"].gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z]*/, ""), "Effect" => policy['flag'].capitalize, "Action" => [], "Resource" => [] } ] } policy["permissions"].each { |perm| doc["Statement"].first["Action"] << perm } if policy["targets"] policy["targets"].each { |target| if target["type"] sibling = @deploy.findLitterMate( name: target["identifier"], type: target["type"] ) if sibling doc["Statement"].first["Resource"] << sibling.cloudobj.arn else raise MuError, "Couldn't find a #{target["entity_type"]} named #{target["identifier"]} when generating IAM policy in role #{@mu_name}" end else doc["Statement"].first["Resource"] << target["identifier"] end } end iam_policies << { policy["name"] => doc } } end iam_policies end def get_tag_params(strip_std = false) @config['tags'] ||= [] if !strip_std MU::MommaCat.listStandardTags.each_pair { |key, value| @config['tags'] << { "key" => key, "value" => value } } if @config['optional_tags'] MU::MommaCat.listOptionalTags.each { |key, value| @config['tags'] << { "key" => key, "value" => value } } end end @config['tags'].map { |t| { :key => t["key"], :value => t["value"] } } end def gen_role_policy_doc role_policy_doc = { "Version" => "2012-10-17", } statements = [] if @config['can_assume'] act_map = { "basic" => "sts:AssumeRole", "saml" => "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML", "web" => "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity" } @config['can_assume'].each { |svc| statement = { "Effect" => "Allow", "Action" => act_map[svc['assume_method']], "Principal" => {} } if ["service", "iam", "federated"].include?(svc["entity_type"]) statement["Principal"][svc["entity_type"].capitalize] = svc["entity_id"] else sibling = @deploy.findLitterMate( name: svc["entity_id"], type: svc["entity_type"] ) if sibling statement["Principal"][svc["entity_type"].capitalize] = sibling.cloudobj.arn else raise MuError, "Couldn't find a #{svc["entity_type"]} named #{svc["entity_id"]} when generating IAM policy in role #{@mu_name}" end end statements << statement } end role_policy_doc["Statement"] = statements JSON.generate(role_policy_doc) end # Update a policy, handling deletion of old versions as needed def update_policy(arn, doc) begin MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).create_policy_version( policy_arn: arn, set_as_default: true, policy_document: JSON.generate(doc) ) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::LimitExceeded => e delete_version = MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_policy_versions( policy_arn: arn, ).versions.last.version_id MU.log "Purging oldest version (#{delete_version}) of IAM policy #{arn}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.iam(credentials: @config['credentials']).delete_policy_version( policy_arn: arn, version_id: delete_version ) retry end end end end end end