class InputTemplateRenderer class UndefinedInput < ::Foreman::Exception end class RenderError < ::Foreman::Exception end include UnattendedHelper attr_accessor :template, :host, :invocation, :input_values, :error_message # takes template object that should be rendered # host and template invocation arguments are optional # so we can render values based on parameters, facts or user inputs def initialize(template, host = nil, invocation = nil, input_values = nil, preview = false, templates_stack = []) raise Foreman::Exception, N_('Recursive rendering of templates detected') if templates_stack.include?(template) @host = host @invocation = invocation @template = template @input_values = input_values @preview = preview @templates_stack = templates_stack + [template] end def render @template.validate_unique_inputs! render_safe(@template.template, ::Foreman::Renderer::ALLOWED_HELPERS + [ :input, :render_template, :preview?, :render_error, :cached ], :host => @host) rescue => e self.error_message ||= _('error during rendering: %s') % e.message Rails.logger.debug e.to_s + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") return false end def preview old_preview = @preview @preview = true render ensure @preview = old_preview end def cached(key, &block) return yield if preview? cache_key = "#{JobInvocation::CACHE_PREFIX}_#{invocation.job_invocation_id}_#{key}" Rails.logger.debug "cache hit for #{cache_key}" if Rails.cache.exist?(cache_key) Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key, &block) end def input(name) return @input_values[name.to_s] if @input_values input = find_by_name(@template.template_inputs_with_foreign, name) # rubocop:disable Rails/DynamicFindBy if input @preview ? input.preview(self) : input.value(self) else self.error_message = _('input macro with name \'%s\' used, but no input with such name defined for this template') % name raise UndefinedInput, "Rendering failed, no input with name #{name} for input macro found" end end def render_error(message) raise end def render_template(template_name, input_values = {}, options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(:with_foreign_input_set) with_foreign_input_set = options.fetch(:with_foreign_input_set, true) template = @template.class.authorized("view_#{@template.class.to_s.underscore.pluralize}").find_by(:name => template_name) unless template self.error_message = _('included template \'%s\' not found') % template_name raise error_message end if with_foreign_input_set input_values = foreign_input_set_values(template, input_values) end included_renderer =, host, invocation, input_values.with_indifferent_access, @preview, @templates_stack) out = included_renderer.render if included_renderer.error_message self.error_message = included_renderer.error_message raise error_message else out end end def preview? !!@preview end def foreign_input_set_values(target_template, overrides = {}) input_set = @template.foreign_input_sets.find_by(:target_template_id => target_template) return overrides if input_set.nil? inputs_to_generate = - included_renderer =, host, invocation, nil, @preview, @templates_stack) input_values = inputs_to_generate.inject( do |hash, input_name| hash.merge(input_name => included_renderer.input(input_name)) end input_values.merge(overrides) end def logger Rails.logger end def find_by_name(collection, name) collection.detect { |i| == name.to_s } end end