require 'rake/tasklib' require 'rake/clean' require 'open3' require 'shellwords' require 'securerandom' require_relative 'helper' module XCJobs class Xcodebuild < Rake::TaskLib include Rake::DSL if defined?(Rake::DSL) attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :project attr_accessor :target attr_accessor :workspace attr_accessor :scheme attr_accessor :sdk attr_accessor :configuration attr_accessor :signing_identity attr_accessor :provisioning_profile attr_accessor :build_dir attr_accessor :coverage attr_accessor :formatter attr_reader :destinations attr_reader :provisioning_profile_name attr_reader :provisioning_profile_uuid attr_accessor :unsetenv_others def initialize(name) $stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = true @name = name @destinations = [] @build_settings = {} @unsetenv_others = false end def project if @project File.extname(@project).empty? ? "#{@project}.xcodeproj" : @project end end def workspace if @workspace File.extname(@workspace).empty? ? "#{@workspace}.xcworkspace" : @workspace end end def coverage_enabled @coverage end def before_action(&block) @before_action = block end def after_action(&block) @after_action = block end def provisioning_profile=(provisioning_profile) @provisioning_profile = provisioning_profile @provisioning_profile_path, @provisioning_profile_uuid, @provisioning_profile_name = XCJobs::Helper.extract_provisioning_profile(provisioning_profile) end def add_destination(destination) @destinations << destination end def add_build_setting(setting, value) @build_settings[setting] = value end private def run(cmd) if @before_action if @formatter puts (cmd + ['|', @formatter]).join(" ") else puts cmd.join(" ") end env = { "NSUnbufferedIO" => "YES" } options = { unsetenv_others: unsetenv_others } if @formatter Open3.pipeline_r([env] + cmd + [options], [@formatter]) do |stdout, wait_thrs| output = [] while line = stdout.gets puts line output << line end status = wait_thrs.first.value if status.success?, status) if @after_action else fail "xcodebuild failed (exited with status: #{status.exitstatus})" end end else Open3.popen2e(env, *cmd, options) do |stdin, stdout_err, wait_thr| output = [] while line = stdout_err.gets puts line output << line end status = wait_thr.value if status.success?, status) if @after_action else fail "xcodebuild failed (exited with status: #{status.exitstatus})" end end end end def options [].tap do |opts| opts.concat(['-project', project]) if project opts.concat(['-target', target]) if target opts.concat(['-workspace', workspace]) if workspace opts.concat(['-scheme', scheme]) if scheme opts.concat(['-sdk', sdk]) if sdk opts.concat(['-configuration', configuration]) if configuration opts.concat(['-enableCodeCoverage', 'YES']) if coverage_enabled opts.concat(['-derivedDataPath', build_dir]) if build_dir @destinations.each do |destination| opts.concat(['-destination', destination]) end @build_settings.each do |setting, value| opts << "#{setting}=#{value}" end end end end class Test < Xcodebuild def initialize(name = :test) super @description = 'test application' yield self if block_given? define end def sdk @sdk || 'iphonesimulator' end private def show_coverage(profdata_path, target_path) cmd = ['xcrun', 'llvm-cov', 'report'] opts = ['-instr-profile', profdata_path, target_path, '-use-color=0'] puts (cmd + opts).join(" ") out, status = Open3.capture2(*(cmd + opts)) out.lines.each do |line| puts line end end def generate_gcov_file(profdata_path, target_path) puts 'Generage gcov file...' gcov_file = {} source_path = '' cmd = ['xcrun', 'llvm-cov', 'show'] opts = ['-instr-profile', profdata_path, target_path, '-use-color=0'] out, status = Open3.capture2(*(cmd + opts)) out.lines.each do |line| match = /^(['"]?(?:\/[^\/]+)*['"]?):$/.match(line) if match.to_a.count > 0 source_path = match.to_a[1] gcov_file[source_path] = [] next end match = /^[ ]*([0-9]+|[ ]+)\|[ ]*([0-9]+)\|(.*)$/.match(line) next unless match.to_a.count == 4 count, number, text = match.to_a[1..3] execution_count = case count.strip when '' '-'.rjust(5) when '0' '#####' else count end gcov_file[source_path] << "#{execution_count.rjust(5)}:#{number.rjust(5)}:#{text}" end gcov_file.each do |key, value| gcon_path = File.join(File.dirname(profdata_path), "#{SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(6)}-#{File.basename(target_path)}.gcov") file = File::open(gcon_path, "w") file.puts("#{'-'.rjust(5)}:#{'0'.rjust(5)}:Source:#{key}") file.puts(value) file.flush end end def coverage_report(options) settings = build_settings(options) xcode_version = `xcodebuild -version`.split("\n").first.scan(/\d+/).join('.') targetSettings = { |key, _| settings[key]['PRODUCT_TYPE'] != '' } targetSettings.each do |target, settings| objroot = settings['OBJROOT'] product_type = settings['PRODUCT_TYPE'] if product_type == '' || product_type == '' if sdk.start_with?('iphone') && settings['ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH'] == 'NO' executable_name = settings['EXECUTABLE_NAME'] else executable_name = product_type == '' ? settings['EXECUTABLE_PATH'] : settings['EXECUTABLE_NAME'] end target_path = Dir.glob(File.join(objroot, '/**/' +executable_name)).select { |f| File.stat(f).file? }.first elsif raise %[Product type (PRODUCT_TYPE) '#{product_type}' is unsupported.] end profdata_path = Dir.glob(File.join(objroot, '/**/Coverage.profdata')).first show_coverage(profdata_path, target_path) generate_gcov_file(profdata_path, target_path) end end def build_settings(options) out, status = Open3.capture2(*(['xcodebuild', 'test'] + options + ['-showBuildSettings'])) settings, target = {}, nil out.lines.each do |line| case line when /Build settings for action test and target (.+):/ target = $1 settings[target] = {} else key, value = line.split(/\=/).collect(&:strip) settings[target][key] = value if target end end return settings end def define raise 'test action requires specifying a scheme' unless scheme raise 'cannot specify both a scheme and targets' if scheme && target desc @description task @name do if sdk == 'iphonesimulator' add_build_setting('CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY', '""') add_build_setting('CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED', 'NO') end add_build_setting('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'NO') run(['xcodebuild', 'test'] + options) if coverage_enabled coverage_report(options) end end end end class Build < Xcodebuild def initialize(name = :build) super @description = 'build application' yield self if block_given? define end private def define raise 'the scheme is required when specifying build_dir' if build_dir && !scheme raise 'cannot specify both a scheme and targets' if scheme && target CLEAN.include(build_dir) if build_dir CLOBBER.include(build_dir) if build_dir desc @description task @name do add_build_setting('CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR', File.join(build_dir, 'temp')) if build_dir add_build_setting('CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY', signing_identity) if signing_identity add_build_setting('PROVISIONING_PROFILE', provisioning_profile_uuid) if provisioning_profile_uuid run(['xcodebuild', 'build'] + options) end end end class Archive < Xcodebuild attr_accessor :archive_path def initialize(name = :archive) super @description = 'make xcarchive' yield self if block_given? define end private def define raise 'archive action requires specifying a scheme' unless scheme raise 'cannot specify both a scheme and targets' if scheme && target if build_dir CLEAN.include(build_dir) CLOBBER.include(build_dir) end desc @description namespace :build do task @name do add_build_setting('CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR', File.join(build_dir, 'temp')) if build_dir add_build_setting('CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY', signing_identity) if signing_identity add_build_setting('PROVISIONING_PROFILE', provisioning_profile_uuid) if provisioning_profile_uuid run(['xcodebuild', 'archive'] + options) if build_dir && scheme bd = build_dir.shellescape s = scheme.shellescape sh %[(cd #{bd}; zip -ryq #{File.join("#{s}.xcarchive", "dSYMs")})] sh %[(cd #{bd}; zip -ryq #{s} #{s}.xcarchive)] end end end end def archive_path @archive_path || (build_dir && scheme ? File.join(build_dir, scheme) : nil) end def options super.tap do |opts| opts.concat(['-archivePath', archive_path]) if archive_path end end end class Export < Xcodebuild attr_accessor :archive_path attr_accessor :export_format attr_accessor :export_path attr_accessor :export_provisioning_profile attr_accessor :export_signing_identity attr_accessor :export_installer_identity attr_accessor :export_with_original_signing_identity attr_accessor :options_plist def initialize(name = :export) super self.unsetenv_others = true @description = 'export from an archive' @export_format = 'IPA' yield self if block_given? define end def archive_path @archive_path || (build_dir && scheme ? File.join(build_dir, scheme) : nil) end def export_format @export_format end def export_provisioning_profile=(provisioning_profile) provisioning_profile_path, provisioning_profile_uuid, provisioning_profile_name = XCJobs::Helper.extract_provisioning_profile(provisioning_profile) if provisioning_profile_name @export_provisioning_profile = provisioning_profile_name else @export_provisioning_profile = provisioning_profile end end private def define desc @description namespace :build do task name do run(['xcodebuild', '-exportArchive'] + options) end end end def options [].tap do |opts| opts.concat(['-exportOptionsPlist', options_plist]) if options_plist opts.concat(['-archivePath', archive_path]) if archive_path opts.concat(['-exportFormat', export_format]) if export_format opts.concat(['-exportPath', export_path]) if export_path opts.concat(['-exportProvisioningProfile', export_provisioning_profile]) if export_provisioning_profile opts.concat(['-exportSigningIdentity', export_signing_identity]) if export_signing_identity opts.concat(['-exportInstallerIdentity', export_installer_identity]) if export_installer_identity opts.concat(['-exportWithOriginalSigningIdentity']) if export_with_original_signing_identity end end end end