/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include /************************************************************************* * * Process list management functions for ApplicationPool2::Group * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Private methods * ****************************/ Process * Group::findProcessWithStickySessionId(unsigned int id) const { ProcessList::const_iterator it, end = enabledProcesses.end(); for (it = enabledProcesses.begin(); it != end; it++) { Process *process = it->get(); if (process->getStickySessionId() == id) { return process; } } return NULL; } Process * Group::findProcessWithStickySessionIdOrLowestBusyness(unsigned int id) const { int leastBusyProcessIndex = -1; int lowestBusyness = 0; unsigned int i, size = enabledProcessBusynessLevels.size(); const int *enabledProcessBusynessLevels = &this->enabledProcessBusynessLevels[0]; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process *process = enabledProcesses[i].get(); if (process->getStickySessionId() == id) { return process; } else if (leastBusyProcessIndex == -1 || enabledProcessBusynessLevels[i] < lowestBusyness) { leastBusyProcessIndex = i; lowestBusyness = enabledProcessBusynessLevels[i]; } } if (leastBusyProcessIndex == -1) { return NULL; } else { return enabledProcesses[leastBusyProcessIndex].get(); } } Process * Group::findProcessWithLowestBusyness(const ProcessList &processes) const { if (processes.empty()) { return NULL; } int lowestBusyness = -1; Process *leastBusyProcess = NULL; ProcessList::const_iterator it; ProcessList::const_iterator end = processes.end(); for (it = processes.begin(); it != end; it++) { Process *process = (*it).get(); int busyness = process->busyness(); if (lowestBusyness == -1 || lowestBusyness > busyness) { lowestBusyness = busyness; leastBusyProcess = process; } } return leastBusyProcess; } /** * Cache-optimized version of findProcessWithLowestBusyness() for the common case. */ Process * Group::findEnabledProcessWithLowestBusyness() const { if (enabledProcesses.empty()) { return NULL; } int leastBusyProcessIndex = -1; int lowestBusyness = 0; unsigned int i, size = enabledProcessBusynessLevels.size(); const int *enabledProcessBusynessLevels = &this->enabledProcessBusynessLevels[0]; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (leastBusyProcessIndex == -1 || enabledProcessBusynessLevels[i] < lowestBusyness) { leastBusyProcessIndex = i; lowestBusyness = enabledProcessBusynessLevels[i]; } } return enabledProcesses[leastBusyProcessIndex].get(); } /** * Adds a process to the given list (enabledProcess, disablingProcesses, disabledProcesses) * and sets the process->enabled flag accordingly. * The process must currently not be in any list. This function does not fix * getWaitlist invariants or other stuff. */ void Group::addProcessToList(const ProcessPtr &process, ProcessList &destination) { destination.push_back(process); process->setIndex(destination.size() - 1); if (&destination == &enabledProcesses) { process->enabled = Process::ENABLED; enabledCount++; enabledProcessBusynessLevels.push_back(process->busyness()); if (process->isTotallyBusy()) { nEnabledProcessesTotallyBusy++; } } else if (&destination == &disablingProcesses) { process->enabled = Process::DISABLING; disablingCount++; } else if (&destination == &disabledProcesses) { assert(process->sessions == 0); process->enabled = Process::DISABLED; disabledCount++; } else if (&destination == &detachedProcesses) { assert(process->isAlive()); process->enabled = Process::DETACHED; if (!this->options.abortWebsocketsOnProcessShutdown && this->options.appType == P_STATIC_STRING("node")) { // When Passenger is not allowed to abort websockets the application needs a way to know graceful shutdown // is in progress. The solution for the most common use (Node.js) is to send a SIGINT. This is the general // termination signal for Node; later versions of pm2 also use it (with a 1.6 sec grace period, Passenger just waits) kill(process->getPid(), SIGINT); } callAbortLongRunningConnectionsCallback(process); } else { P_BUG("Unknown destination list"); } } /** * Removes a process to the given list (enabledProcess, disablingProcesses, disabledProcesses). * This function does not fix getWaitlist invariants or other stuff. */ void Group::removeProcessFromList(const ProcessPtr &process, ProcessList &source) { ProcessPtr p = process; // Keep an extra reference count just in case. source.erase(source.begin() + process->getIndex()); process->setIndex(-1); switch (process->enabled) { case Process::ENABLED: assert(&source == &enabledProcesses); enabledCount--; if (process->isTotallyBusy()) { nEnabledProcessesTotallyBusy--; } break; case Process::DISABLING: assert(&source == &disablingProcesses); disablingCount--; break; case Process::DISABLED: assert(&source == &disabledProcesses); disabledCount--; break; case Process::DETACHED: assert(&source == &detachedProcesses); break; default: P_BUG("Unknown 'enabled' state " << (int) process->enabled); } // Rebuild indices ProcessList::iterator it, end = source.end(); unsigned int i = 0; for (it = source.begin(); it != end; it++, i++) { const ProcessPtr &process = *it; process->setIndex(i); } // Rebuild enabledProcessBusynessLevels if (&source == &enabledProcesses) { enabledProcessBusynessLevels.clear(); for (it = source.begin(); it != end; it++, i++) { const ProcessPtr &process = *it; enabledProcessBusynessLevels.push_back(process->busyness()); } enabledProcessBusynessLevels.shrink_to_fit(); } } void Group::removeFromDisableWaitlist(const ProcessPtr &p, DisableResult result, boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { deque::const_iterator it, end = disableWaitlist.end(); deque newList; for (it = disableWaitlist.begin(); it != end; it++) { const DisableWaiter &waiter = *it; const ProcessPtr process = waiter.process; if (process == p) { postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(waiter.callback, p, result)); } else { newList.push_back(waiter); } } disableWaitlist = newList; } void Group::clearDisableWaitlist(DisableResult result, boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { // This function may be called after processes in the disableWaitlist // have been disabled or enabled, so do not assume any value for // waiter.process->enabled in this function. postLockActions.reserve(postLockActions.size() + disableWaitlist.size()); while (!disableWaitlist.empty()) { const DisableWaiter &waiter = disableWaitlist.front(); postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(waiter.callback, waiter.process, result)); disableWaitlist.pop_front(); } } void Group::enableAllDisablingProcesses(boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { P_DEBUG("Enabling all DISABLING processes with result DR_ERROR"); deque::iterator it, end = disableWaitlist.end(); for (it = disableWaitlist.begin(); it != end; it++) { const DisableWaiter &waiter = *it; const ProcessPtr process = waiter.process; // A process can appear multiple times in disableWaitlist. assert(process->enabled == Process::DISABLING || process->enabled == Process::ENABLED); if (process->enabled == Process::DISABLING) { removeProcessFromList(process, disablingProcesses); addProcessToList(process, enabledProcesses); P_DEBUG("Enabled process " << process->inspect()); } } clearDisableWaitlist(DR_ERROR, postLockActions); } /** * The `immediately` parameter only has effect if the detached processes checker * thread is active. It means that, if the thread is currently sleeping, it should * wake up immediately and perform work. */ void Group::startCheckingDetachedProcesses(bool immediately) { if (!detachedProcessesCheckerActive) { P_DEBUG("Starting detached processes checker"); getPool()->nonInterruptableThreads.create_thread( boost::bind(&Group::detachedProcessesCheckerMain, this, shared_from_this()), "Detached processes checker: " + getName(), POOL_HELPER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE ); detachedProcessesCheckerActive = true; } else if (detachedProcessesCheckerActive && immediately) { detachedProcessesCheckerCond.notify_all(); } } void Group::detachedProcessesCheckerMain(GroupPtr self) { TRACE_POINT(); Pool *pool = getPool(); Pool::DebugSupportPtr debug = pool->debugSupport; if (debug != NULL && debug->detachedProcessesChecker) { debug->debugger->send("About to start detached processes checker"); debug->messages->recv("Proceed with starting detached processes checker"); } boost::unique_lock lock(pool->syncher); while (true) { assert(detachedProcessesCheckerActive); if (getLifeStatus() == SHUT_DOWN || this_thread::interruption_requested()) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); P_DEBUG("Stopping detached processes checker"); detachedProcessesCheckerActive = false; break; } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (!detachedProcesses.empty()) { P_TRACE(2, "Checking whether any of the " << detachedProcesses.size() << " detached processes have exited..."); ProcessList::iterator it, end = detachedProcesses.end(); ProcessList processesToRemove; for (it = detachedProcesses.begin(); it != end; it++) { const ProcessPtr process = *it; switch (process->getLifeStatus()) { case Process::ALIVE: if (process->canTriggerShutdown()) { P_DEBUG("Detached process " << process->inspect() << " has 0 active sessions now. Triggering shutdown."); process->triggerShutdown(); assert(process->getLifeStatus() == Process::SHUTDOWN_TRIGGERED); } break; case Process::SHUTDOWN_TRIGGERED: if (process->canCleanup()) { P_DEBUG("Detached process " << process->inspect() << " has shut down. Cleaning up associated resources."); process->cleanup(); assert(process->getLifeStatus() == Process::DEAD); processesToRemove.push_back(process); } else if (process->shutdownTimeoutExpired()) { P_WARN("Detached process " << process->inspect() << " didn't shut down within " PROCESS_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_DISPLAY ". Forcefully killing it with SIGKILL."); kill(process->getPid(), SIGKILL); } break; default: P_BUG("Unknown 'lifeStatus' state " << (int) process->getLifeStatus()); } } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); end = processesToRemove.end(); for (it = processesToRemove.begin(); it != end; it++) { removeProcessFromList(*it, detachedProcesses); } } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (detachedProcesses.empty()) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); P_DEBUG("Stopping detached processes checker"); detachedProcessesCheckerActive = false; boost::container::vector actions; if (shutdownCanFinish()) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); finishShutdown(actions); } verifyInvariants(); verifyExpensiveInvariants(); lock.unlock(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); runAllActions(actions); break; } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); verifyInvariants(); verifyExpensiveInvariants(); } // Not all processes can be shut down yet. Sleep for a while unless // someone wakes us up. UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); detachedProcessesCheckerCond.timed_wait(lock, posix_time::milliseconds(100)); } } /**************************** * * Public methods * ****************************/ /** * Attaches the given process to this Group and mark it as enabled. This * function doesn't touch `getWaitlist` so be sure to fix its invariants * afterwards if necessary, e.g. by calling `assignSessionsToGetWaiters()`. */ AttachResult Group::attach(const ProcessPtr &process, boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { TRACE_POINT(); assert(process->getGroup() == NULL || process->getGroup() == this); assert(process->isAlive()); assert(isAlive()); if (processUpperLimitsReached()) { return AR_GROUP_UPPER_LIMITS_REACHED; } else if (poolAtFullCapacity()) { return AR_POOL_AT_FULL_CAPACITY; } else if (!isWaitingForCapacity() && anotherGroupIsWaitingForCapacity()) { return AR_ANOTHER_GROUP_IS_WAITING_FOR_CAPACITY; } process->initializeStickySessionId(generateStickySessionId()); if (options.forceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess != -1) { process->forceMaxConcurrency(options.forceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess); } P_DEBUG("Attaching process " << process->inspect()); addProcessToList(process, enabledProcesses); /* Now that there are enough resources, relevant processes in * 'disableWaitlist' can be disabled. */ deque::const_iterator it, end = disableWaitlist.end(); deque newDisableWaitlist; for (it = disableWaitlist.begin(); it != end; it++) { const DisableWaiter &waiter = *it; const ProcessPtr process2 = waiter.process; // The same process can appear multiple times in disableWaitlist. assert(process2->enabled == Process::DISABLING || process2->enabled == Process::DISABLED); if (process2->sessions == 0) { if (process2->enabled == Process::DISABLING) { P_DEBUG("Disabling DISABLING process " << process2->inspect() << "; disable command succeeded immediately"); removeProcessFromList(process2, disablingProcesses); addProcessToList(process2, disabledProcesses); } else { P_DEBUG("Disabling (already disabled) DISABLING process " << process2->inspect() << "; disable command succeeded immediately"); } postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(waiter.callback, process2, DR_SUCCESS)); } else { newDisableWaitlist.push_back(waiter); } } disableWaitlist = newDisableWaitlist; // Update GC sleep timer. wakeUpGarbageCollector(); postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(&Group::runAttachHooks, this, process)); return AR_OK; } /** * Detaches the given process from this Group. This function doesn't touch * getWaitlist so be sure to fix its invariants afterwards if necessary. * `pool->detachProcessUnlocked()` does that so you should usually use * that method over this one. */ void Group::detach(const ProcessPtr &process, boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { TRACE_POINT(); assert(process->getGroup() == this); assert(process->isAlive()); assert(isAlive()); if (process->enabled == Process::DETACHED) { P_DEBUG("Detaching process " << process->inspect() << ", which was already being detached"); return; } const ProcessPtr p = process; // Keep an extra reference just in case. P_DEBUG("Detaching process " << process->inspect()); if (process->enabled == Process::ENABLED || process->enabled == Process::DISABLING) { assert(enabledCount > 0 || disablingCount > 0); if (process->enabled == Process::ENABLED) { removeProcessFromList(process, enabledProcesses); } else { removeProcessFromList(process, disablingProcesses); removeFromDisableWaitlist(process, DR_NOOP, postLockActions); } } else { assert(process->enabled == Process::DISABLED); assert(!disabledProcesses.empty()); removeProcessFromList(process, disabledProcesses); } addProcessToList(process, detachedProcesses); startCheckingDetachedProcesses(false); postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(&Group::runDetachHooks, this, process)); } /** * Detaches all processes from this Group. This function doesn't touch * getWaitlist so be sure to fix its invariants afterwards if necessary. */ void Group::detachAll(boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { assert(isAlive()); P_DEBUG("Detaching all processes in group " << info.name); foreach (ProcessPtr process, enabledProcesses) { addProcessToList(process, detachedProcesses); } foreach (ProcessPtr process, disablingProcesses) { addProcessToList(process, detachedProcesses); } foreach (ProcessPtr process, disabledProcesses) { addProcessToList(process, detachedProcesses); } enabledProcesses.clear(); disablingProcesses.clear(); disabledProcesses.clear(); enabledProcessBusynessLevels.clear(); enabledCount = 0; disablingCount = 0; disabledCount = 0; nEnabledProcessesTotallyBusy = 0; clearDisableWaitlist(DR_NOOP, postLockActions); startCheckingDetachedProcesses(false); } /** * Marks the given process as enabled. This function doesn't touch getWaitlist * so be sure to fix its invariants afterwards if necessary. */ void Group::enable(const ProcessPtr &process, boost::container::vector &postLockActions) { assert(process->getGroup() == this); assert(process->isAlive()); assert(isAlive()); if (process->enabled == Process::DISABLING) { P_DEBUG("Enabling DISABLING process " << process->inspect()); removeProcessFromList(process, disablingProcesses); addProcessToList(process, enabledProcesses); removeFromDisableWaitlist(process, DR_CANCELED, postLockActions); } else if (process->enabled == Process::DISABLED) { P_DEBUG("Enabling DISABLED process " << process->inspect()); removeProcessFromList(process, disabledProcesses); addProcessToList(process, enabledProcesses); } else { P_DEBUG("Enabling ENABLED process " << process->inspect()); } } /** * Marks the given process as disabled. Returns DR_SUCCESS, DR_DEFERRED * or DR_NOOP. If the result is DR_DEFERRED, then the callback will be * called later with the result of this action. */ DisableResult Group::disable(const ProcessPtr &process, const DisableCallback &callback) { assert(process->getGroup() == this); assert(process->isAlive()); assert(isAlive()); if (process->enabled == Process::ENABLED) { P_DEBUG("Disabling ENABLED process " << process->inspect() << "; enabledCount=" << enabledCount << ", process.sessions=" << process->sessions); assert(enabledCount >= 0); if (enabledCount == 1 && !allowSpawn()) { P_WARN("Cannot disable sole enabled process in group " << info.name << " because spawning is not allowed according to the current" << " configuration options"); return DR_ERROR; } else if (enabledCount <= 1 || process->sessions > 0) { removeProcessFromList(process, enabledProcesses); addProcessToList(process, disablingProcesses); disableWaitlist.push_back(DisableWaiter(process, callback)); if (enabledCount == 0) { /* All processes are going to be disabled, so in order * to avoid blocking requests we first spawn a new process * and disable this process after the other one is done * spawning. We do this irrespective of resource limits * because this is an exceptional situation. */ P_DEBUG("Spawning a new process to avoid the disable action from blocking requests"); spawn(); } P_DEBUG("Deferring disable command completion"); return DR_DEFERRED; } else { removeProcessFromList(process, enabledProcesses); addProcessToList(process, disabledProcesses); P_DEBUG("Disable command succeeded immediately"); return DR_SUCCESS; } } else if (process->enabled == Process::DISABLING) { assert(disablingCount > 0); disableWaitlist.push_back(DisableWaiter(process, callback)); P_DEBUG("Disabling DISABLING process " << process->inspect() << info.name << "; command queued, deferring disable command completion"); return DR_DEFERRED; } else { assert(disabledCount > 0); P_DEBUG("Disabling DISABLED process " << process->inspect() << info.name << "; disable command succeeded immediately"); return DR_NOOP; } } } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger