# string-irc - Add color codes for mIRC compatible client. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/banyan/string-irc.png)](http://travis-ci.org/banyan/string-irc) [](https://gemnasium.com/banyan/string-irc) Description --- Port of http://search.cpan.org/~hirose/String-IRC-0.04/ from Perl to Ruby. Compatibility --- Tested under Ruby 1.9.2 and Ruby 1.8.7. See current status at [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org/banyan/string-irc). Getting Started --- require 'string-irc' si1 = StringIrc.new('hello') si1.red.underline si2 = StringIrc.new('world').yellow('green').bold msg = "#{si1.to_s} #{si2.to_s}" # You must add #to_s, this is the diffrence from original. Usage --- si.COLOR([BG_COLOR]) Add color code and return StringIRC object. BG_COLOR is optional. Available COLOR and BC_COLOR are as follows. white black blue navy green red brown maroon purple orange olive yellow light_green lime teal a_green blue_cyan light_cyan cyan aqua light_blue royal pink light_purple fuchsia grey light_grey silver #bold, #underline, #inverse are available method. si.bold si.underline si.inverse Copyright --- MIT License