/* ** mirb - Embeddable Interactive Ruby Shell ** ** This program takes code from the user in ** an interactive way and executes it ** immediately. It's a REPL... */ #include #ifdef MRB_NO_STDIO # error mruby-bin-mirb conflicts 'MRB_NO_STDIO' in your build configuration #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* obsolete configuration */ #ifdef ENABLE_READLINE # define MRB_USE_READLINE #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LINENOISE # define MRB_USE_LINENOISE #endif #ifdef DISABLE_MIRB_UNDERSCORE # define MRB_NO_MIRB_UNDERSCORE #endif #ifdef MRB_USE_READLINE #include #include #define MIRB_ADD_HISTORY(line) add_history(line) #define MIRB_READLINE(ch) readline(ch) #if !defined(RL_READLINE_VERSION) || RL_READLINE_VERSION < 0x600 /* libedit & older readline do not have rl_free() */ #define MIRB_LINE_FREE(line) free(line) #else #define MIRB_LINE_FREE(line) rl_free(line) #endif #define MIRB_WRITE_HISTORY(path) write_history(path) #define MIRB_READ_HISTORY(path) read_history(path) #define MIRB_USING_HISTORY() using_history() #elif defined(MRB_USE_LINENOISE) #define MRB_USE_READLINE #include #define MIRB_ADD_HISTORY(line) linenoiseHistoryAdd(line) #define MIRB_READLINE(ch) linenoise(ch) #define MIRB_LINE_FREE(line) linenoiseFree(line) #define MIRB_WRITE_HISTORY(path) linenoiseHistorySave(path) #define MIRB_READ_HISTORY(path) linenoiseHistoryLoad(history_path) #define MIRB_USING_HISTORY() #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #define MIRB_SIGSETJMP(env) sigsetjmp(env, 1) #define MIRB_SIGLONGJMP(env, val) siglongjmp(env, val) #define SIGJMP_BUF sigjmp_buf #else #define MIRB_SIGSETJMP(env) setjmp(env) #define MIRB_SIGLONGJMP(env, val) longjmp(env, val) #define SIGJMP_BUF jmp_buf #endif #ifdef MRB_USE_READLINE static const char history_file_name[] = ".mirb_history"; static char * get_history_path(mrb_state *mrb) { char *path = NULL; const char *home = getenv("HOME"); #ifdef _WIN32 if (home != NULL) { home = getenv("USERPROFILE"); } #endif if (home != NULL) { int len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s", home, history_file_name); if (len >= 0) { size_t size = len + 1; path = (char *)mrb_malloc_simple(mrb, size); if (path != NULL) { int n = snprintf(path, size, "%s/%s", home, history_file_name); if (n != len) { mrb_free(mrb, path); path = NULL; } } } } return path; } #endif static void p(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj, int prompt) { mrb_value val; char* msg; val = mrb_funcall_id(mrb, obj, MRB_SYM(inspect), 0); if (prompt) { if (!mrb->exc) { fputs(" => ", stdout); } else { val = mrb_funcall_id(mrb, mrb_obj_value(mrb->exc), MRB_SYM(inspect), 0); } } if (!mrb_string_p(val)) { val = mrb_obj_as_string(mrb, obj); } msg = mrb_locale_from_utf8(RSTRING_PTR(val), (int)RSTRING_LEN(val)); fwrite(msg, strlen(msg), 1, stdout); mrb_locale_free(msg); putc('\n', stdout); } /* Guess if the user might want to enter more * or if he wants an evaluation of his code now */ static mrb_bool is_code_block_open(struct mrb_parser_state *parser) { mrb_bool code_block_open = FALSE; /* check for heredoc */ if (parser->parsing_heredoc != NULL) return TRUE; /* check for unterminated string */ if (parser->lex_strterm) return TRUE; /* check if parser error are available */ if (0 < parser->nerr) { const char unexpected_end[] = "syntax error, unexpected $end"; const char *message = parser->error_buffer[0].message; /* a parser error occur, we have to check if */ /* we need to read one more line or if there is */ /* a different issue which we have to show to */ /* the user */ if (strncmp(message, unexpected_end, sizeof(unexpected_end) - 1) == 0) { code_block_open = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(message, "syntax error, unexpected keyword_end") == 0) { code_block_open = FALSE; } else if (strcmp(message, "syntax error, unexpected tREGEXP_BEG") == 0) { code_block_open = FALSE; } return code_block_open; } switch (parser->lstate) { /* all states which need more code */ case EXPR_BEG: /* beginning of a statement, */ /* that means previous line ended */ code_block_open = FALSE; break; case EXPR_DOT: /* a message dot was the last token, */ /* there has to come more */ code_block_open = TRUE; break; case EXPR_CLASS: /* a class keyword is not enough! */ /* we need also a name of the class */ code_block_open = TRUE; break; case EXPR_FNAME: /* a method name is necessary */ code_block_open = TRUE; break; case EXPR_VALUE: /* if, elsif, etc. without condition */ code_block_open = TRUE; break; /* now all the states which are closed */ case EXPR_ARG: /* an argument is the last token */ code_block_open = FALSE; break; /* all states which are unsure */ case EXPR_CMDARG: break; case EXPR_END: /* an expression was ended */ break; case EXPR_ENDARG: /* closing parenthese */ break; case EXPR_ENDFN: /* definition end */ break; case EXPR_MID: /* jump keyword like break, return, ... */ break; case EXPR_MAX_STATE: /* don't know what to do with this token */ break; default: /* this state is unexpected! */ break; } return code_block_open; } struct _args { FILE *rfp; mrb_bool verbose : 1; mrb_bool debug : 1; int argc; char** argv; int libc; char **libv; }; static void usage(const char *name) { static const char *const usage_msg[] = { "switches:", "-d set $DEBUG to true (same as `mruby -d`)", "-r library same as `mruby -r`", "-v print version number, then run in verbose mode", "--verbose run in verbose mode", "--version print the version", "--copyright print the copyright", NULL }; const char *const *p = usage_msg; printf("Usage: %s [switches] [programfile] [arguments]\n", name); while (*p) printf(" %s\n", *p++); } static char * dup_arg_item(mrb_state *mrb, const char *item) { size_t buflen = strlen(item) + 1; char *buf = (char*)mrb_malloc(mrb, buflen); memcpy(buf, item, buflen); return buf; } static int parse_args(mrb_state *mrb, int argc, char **argv, struct _args *args) { char **origargv = argv; static const struct _args args_zero = { 0 }; *args = args_zero; for (argc--,argv++; argc > 0; argc--,argv++) { char *item; if (argv[0][0] != '-') break; item = argv[0] + 1; switch (*item++) { case 'd': args->debug = TRUE; break; case 'r': if (!item[0]) { if (argc <= 1) { printf("%s: No library specified for -r\n", *origargv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } argc--; argv++; item = argv[0]; } if (args->libc == 0) { args->libv = (char**)mrb_malloc(mrb, sizeof(char*)); } else { args->libv = (char**)mrb_realloc(mrb, args->libv, sizeof(char*) * (args->libc + 1)); } args->libv[args->libc++] = dup_arg_item(mrb, item); break; case 'v': if (!args->verbose) mrb_show_version(mrb); args->verbose = TRUE; break; case '-': if (strcmp((*argv) + 2, "version") == 0) { mrb_show_version(mrb); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (strcmp((*argv) + 2, "verbose") == 0) { args->verbose = TRUE; break; } else if (strcmp((*argv) + 2, "copyright") == 0) { mrb_show_copyright(mrb); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } default: return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (args->rfp == NULL) { if (*argv != NULL) { args->rfp = fopen(argv[0], "r"); if (args->rfp == NULL) { printf("Cannot open program file. (%s)\n", *argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } argc--; argv++; } } args->argv = (char **)mrb_realloc(mrb, args->argv, sizeof(char*) * (argc + 1)); memcpy(args->argv, argv, (argc+1) * sizeof(char*)); args->argc = argc; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void cleanup(mrb_state *mrb, struct _args *args) { if (args->rfp) fclose(args->rfp); mrb_free(mrb, args->argv); if (args->libc) { while (args->libc--) { mrb_free(mrb, args->libv[args->libc]); } mrb_free(mrb, args->libv); } mrb_close(mrb); } /* Print a short remark for the user */ static void print_hint(void) { printf("mirb - Embeddable Interactive Ruby Shell\n\n"); } #ifndef MRB_USE_READLINE /* Print the command line prompt of the REPL */ static void print_cmdline(int code_block_open) { if (code_block_open) { printf("* "); } else { printf("> "); } fflush(stdout); } #endif void mrb_codedump_all(mrb_state*, struct RProc*); static int check_keyword(const char *buf, const char *word) { const char *p = buf; size_t len = strlen(word); /* skip preceding spaces */ while (*p && ISSPACE(*p)) { p++; } /* check keyword */ if (strncmp(p, word, len) != 0) { return 0; } p += len; /* skip trailing spaces */ while (*p) { if (!ISSPACE(*p)) return 0; p++; } return 1; } #ifndef MRB_USE_READLINE volatile sig_atomic_t input_canceled = 0; void ctrl_c_handler(int signo) { input_canceled = 1; } #else SIGJMP_BUF ctrl_c_buf; void ctrl_c_handler(int signo) { MIRB_SIGLONGJMP(ctrl_c_buf, 1); } #endif #ifndef MRB_NO_MIRB_UNDERSCORE void decl_lv_underscore(mrb_state *mrb, mrbc_context *cxt) { struct RProc *proc; struct mrb_parser_state *parser; parser = mrb_parse_string(mrb, "_=nil", cxt); if (parser == NULL) { fputs("create parser state error\n", stderr); mrb_close(mrb); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } proc = mrb_generate_code(mrb, parser); mrb_vm_run(mrb, proc, mrb_top_self(mrb), 0); mrb_parser_free(parser); } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { char ruby_code[4096] = { 0 }; char last_code_line[1024] = { 0 }; #ifndef MRB_USE_READLINE int last_char; size_t char_index; #else char *history_path; char* line; #endif mrbc_context *cxt; struct mrb_parser_state *parser; mrb_state *mrb; mrb_value result; struct _args args; mrb_value ARGV; int n; int i; mrb_bool code_block_open = FALSE; int ai; unsigned int stack_keep = 0; /* new interpreter instance */ mrb = mrb_open(); if (mrb == NULL) { fputs("Invalid mrb interpreter, exiting mirb\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } n = parse_args(mrb, argc, argv, &args); if (n == EXIT_FAILURE) { cleanup(mrb, &args); usage(argv[0]); return n; } ARGV = mrb_ary_new_capa(mrb, args.argc); for (i = 0; i < args.argc; i++) { char* utf8 = mrb_utf8_from_locale(args.argv[i], -1); if (utf8) { mrb_ary_push(mrb, ARGV, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, utf8)); mrb_utf8_free(utf8); } } mrb_define_global_const(mrb, "ARGV", ARGV); mrb_gv_set(mrb, mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "$DEBUG"), mrb_bool_value(args.debug)); #ifdef MRB_USE_READLINE history_path = get_history_path(mrb); if (history_path == NULL) { fputs("failed to get history path\n", stderr); mrb_close(mrb); return EXIT_FAILURE; } MIRB_USING_HISTORY(); MIRB_READ_HISTORY(history_path); #endif print_hint(); cxt = mrbc_context_new(mrb); /* Load libraries */ for (i = 0; i < args.libc; i++) { struct REnv *e; FILE *lfp = fopen(args.libv[i], "r"); if (lfp == NULL) { printf("Cannot open library file. (%s)\n", args.libv[i]); cleanup(mrb, &args); return EXIT_FAILURE; } mrb_load_file_cxt(mrb, lfp, cxt); fclose(lfp); e = mrb_vm_ci_env(mrb->c->cibase); mrb_vm_ci_env_set(mrb->c->cibase, NULL); mrb_env_unshare(mrb, e); mrbc_cleanup_local_variables(mrb, cxt); } #ifndef MRB_NO_MIRB_UNDERSCORE decl_lv_underscore(mrb, cxt); #endif cxt->capture_errors = TRUE; cxt->lineno = 1; mrbc_filename(mrb, cxt, "(mirb)"); if (args.verbose) cxt->dump_result = TRUE; ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb); while (TRUE) { char *utf8; if (args.rfp) { if (fgets(last_code_line, sizeof(last_code_line)-1, args.rfp) != NULL) goto done; break; } #ifndef MRB_USE_READLINE print_cmdline(code_block_open); signal(SIGINT, ctrl_c_handler); char_index = 0; while ((last_char = getchar()) != '\n') { if (last_char == EOF) break; if (char_index >= sizeof(last_code_line)-2) { fputs("input string too long\n", stderr); continue; } last_code_line[char_index++] = last_char; } signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); if (input_canceled) { ruby_code[0] = '\0'; last_code_line[0] = '\0'; code_block_open = FALSE; puts("^C"); input_canceled = 0; continue; } if (last_char == EOF) { fputs("\n", stdout); break; } last_code_line[char_index++] = '\n'; last_code_line[char_index] = '\0'; #else if (MIRB_SIGSETJMP(ctrl_c_buf) == 0) { ; } else { ruby_code[0] = '\0'; last_code_line[0] = '\0'; code_block_open = FALSE; puts("^C"); } signal(SIGINT, ctrl_c_handler); line = MIRB_READLINE(code_block_open ? "* " : "> "); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); if (line == NULL) { printf("\n"); break; } if (strlen(line) > sizeof(last_code_line)-2) { fputs("input string too long\n", stderr); continue; } strcpy(last_code_line, line); strcat(last_code_line, "\n"); MIRB_ADD_HISTORY(line); MIRB_LINE_FREE(line); #endif done: if (code_block_open) { if (strlen(ruby_code)+strlen(last_code_line) > sizeof(ruby_code)-1) { fputs("concatenated input string too long\n", stderr); continue; } strcat(ruby_code, last_code_line); } else { if (check_keyword(last_code_line, "quit") || check_keyword(last_code_line, "exit")) { break; } strcpy(ruby_code, last_code_line); } utf8 = mrb_utf8_from_locale(ruby_code, -1); if (!utf8) abort(); /* parse code */ parser = mrb_parser_new(mrb); if (parser == NULL) { fputs("create parser state error\n", stderr); break; } parser->s = utf8; parser->send = utf8 + strlen(utf8); parser->lineno = cxt->lineno; mrb_parser_parse(parser, cxt); code_block_open = is_code_block_open(parser); mrb_utf8_free(utf8); if (code_block_open) { /* no evaluation of code */ } else { if (0 < parser->nwarn) { /* warning */ char* msg = mrb_locale_from_utf8(parser->warn_buffer[0].message, -1); printf("line %d: %s\n", parser->warn_buffer[0].lineno, msg); mrb_locale_free(msg); } if (0 < parser->nerr) { /* syntax error */ char* msg = mrb_locale_from_utf8(parser->error_buffer[0].message, -1); printf("line %d: %s\n", parser->error_buffer[0].lineno, msg); mrb_locale_free(msg); } else { /* generate bytecode */ struct RProc *proc = mrb_generate_code(mrb, parser); if (proc == NULL) { mrb_parser_free(parser); continue; } if (args.verbose) { mrb_codedump_all(mrb, proc); } /* adjust stack length of toplevel environment */ if (mrb->c->cibase->u.env) { struct REnv *e = mrb_vm_ci_env(mrb->c->cibase); if (e && MRB_ENV_LEN(e) < proc->body.irep->nlocals) { MRB_ENV_SET_LEN(e, proc->body.irep->nlocals); } } /* pass a proc for evaluation */ /* evaluate the bytecode */ result = mrb_vm_run(mrb, proc, mrb_top_self(mrb), stack_keep); stack_keep = proc->body.irep->nlocals; /* did an exception occur? */ if (mrb->exc) { p(mrb, mrb_obj_value(mrb->exc), 0); mrb->exc = 0; } else { /* no */ if (!mrb_respond_to(mrb, result, MRB_SYM(inspect))){ result = mrb_any_to_s(mrb, result); } p(mrb, result, 1); #ifndef MRB_NO_MIRB_UNDERSCORE *(mrb->c->ci->stack + 1) = result; #endif } } ruby_code[0] = '\0'; last_code_line[0] = '\0'; mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai); } mrb_parser_free(parser); cxt->lineno++; } #ifdef MRB_USE_READLINE MIRB_WRITE_HISTORY(history_path); mrb_free(mrb, history_path); #endif if (args.rfp) fclose(args.rfp); mrb_free(mrb, args.argv); if (args.libv) { for (i = 0; i < args.libc; ++i) { mrb_free(mrb, args.libv[i]); } mrb_free(mrb, args.libv); } mrbc_context_free(mrb, cxt); mrb_close(mrb); return 0; }