# frozen_string_literal: true require 'mkmf' require 'timeout' $CXXFLAGS << " -std=c++11" def sys(cmd) puts " -- #{cmd}" unless ret = xsystem(cmd) raise "ERROR: '#{cmd}' failed" end ret end # Thrown when we detect CMake is taking too long and we killed it class CMakeTimeout < StandardError end def self.run_cmake(timeout, args) # Set to process group so we can kill it and its children pid = Process.spawn("cmake #{args}", pgroup: true) Timeout.timeout(timeout) do Process.waitpid(pid) end rescue Timeout::Error # Kill it, #detach is essentially a background wait, since we don't actually # care about waiting for it now Process.kill(-9, pid) Process.detach(pid) raise CMakeTimeout.new("cmake has exceeded its timeout of #{timeout}s") end MAKE = if Gem.win_platform? # On Windows, Ruby-DevKit only has 'make'. find_executable('make') else find_executable('gmake') || find_executable('make') end unless MAKE abort 'ERROR: GNU make is required to build Google Robotstxt Parser.' end CWD = __dir__ LIBROBOTSTXT_DIR = File.join(CWD, 'robotstxt') LIBDIR = RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] INCLUDEDIR = RbConfig::CONFIG['includedir'] HEADER_DIRS = [ LIBROBOTSTXT_DIR, "#{LIBROBOTSTXT_DIR}/c-build/libs/abseil-cpp-src" ] LIB_DIRS = [ "#{LIBROBOTSTXT_DIR}/c-build" ] Dir.chdir(LIBROBOTSTXT_DIR) do Dir.mkdir('c-build') unless Dir.exist?('c-build') Dir.chdir('c-build') do puts 'Building Robotstxt library before creating Makefile...' run_cmake(5 * 60, '..') sys(MAKE) end end # Link the dylib directly from the c-build directory $LDFLAGS << " -Wl,-rpath,#{LIBROBOTSTXT_DIR}/c-build" dir_config('robotstxt', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS) unless have_library('robots') abort 'ERROR: Failed to build robots' end create_makefile('robotstxt')