describe Importer::Column do before do @importer = @col =, :test) @row =, 1) end it 'should respond to build' do @col.should respond_to(:build) do type :cents end @col.type.should == :cents end it 'should convert position strings to indexes' do { 'A' => 0, 'C' => 2, 'AA' => 26, 'BAA' => 2*26*26 + 26 }.each_pair do |pos, index| Importer::Column.pos_to_index(pos).should == index end end it 'should convert position ints to position codes' do { 0 => 'A', 25 => 'Z', 26 => 'AA', 2*26*26 + 26 + 3 => 'BAD' }.each_pair do |index, pos| Importer::Column.index_to_pos(index).should == pos end end it 'should accept both int and string positions, and convert them to an index' do { 'A' => 0, 5 => 4, 'Z' => 25 }.each_pair do |pos, index| @col.position = pos @col.fixed_index.should == index end end it 'should put a pretty output on conversion to string' do = 3 @col.to_s.should == 'Column D' end it 'should match by key by default' do ['Test', 'test', ' TEST '].each do |header| @col.match_header?(header, 888).should be_true end ['', nil, 'Foo', 'Testy'].each do |header| @col.match_header?(header, 888).should be_false end end it 'should default to string type' do @col.type.should == :string end it 'should match by position if position is specified' do @col.position 'B' @col.match_header?('junk', 1).should be_true @col.match_header?('junk', 2).should be_false end it 'should match custom header matchers' do { /(alpha|beta)/ => { 'alphabet' => true, 'beta X' => true, 'gamma' => false }, /^test.$/i => { 'Testy' => true, 'test?' => true, 'notest' => false } }.each_pair do |matcher, tests| @col.header matcher tests.each_pair do |val, res| @col.match_header?(val, 1234).should == res end end end it 'should properly apply custom parsers' do @col.parse_value(@row, 5).should == 5 @col.parse do |raw| raw.to_i + 2 end @col.parse_value(@row, 5).should == 7 end it 'should record exceptions during parsing as errors' do @col.parse do |raw| raise 'nope' end @importer.has_errors?.should be_false @col.parse_value(@row, 5).should be_nil @importer.has_errors?.should be_true end it 'should allow custom validation' do @col.validate do |val| raise 'nope' if val != 5 end @importer.has_errors?.should be_false @col.validate_value(@row, 5).should be_true @importer.has_errors?.should be_false @col.validate_value(@row, 4).should be_false @importer.has_errors?.should be_true end it 'should record optionalness' do @col.optional?.should be_false @col.optional! @col.optional?.should be_true end it 'should know if it is present in the headers' do @col.present?.should be_false = 2 @col.present?.should be_true end it 'should use the header text as its name if present' do = 2 @col.to_s.should == 'Column C' = 'Invoice #' @col.to_s.should == 'Invoice # Column' end it 'should support virtual operation' do @col.virtual! @col.virtual?.should be_true @col.to_s.should == 'Test Column' end end