module ScopedSearch # The AutoCompleteBuilder class builds suggestions to complete query based on # the query language syntax. class AutoCompleteBuilder LOGICAL_INFIX_OPERATORS = ScopedSearch::QueryLanguage::Parser::LOGICAL_INFIX_OPERATORS LOGICAL_PREFIX_OPERATORS = ScopedSearch::QueryLanguage::Parser::LOGICAL_PREFIX_OPERATORS NULL_PREFIX_OPERATORS = ScopedSearch::QueryLanguage::Parser::NULL_PREFIX_OPERATORS NULL_PREFIX_COMPLETER = ['has'] COMPARISON_OPERATORS = ScopedSearch::QueryLanguage::Parser::COMPARISON_OPERATORS PREFIX_OPERATORS = LOGICAL_PREFIX_OPERATORS + NULL_PREFIX_OPERATORS attr_reader :ast, :definition, :query, :tokens # This method will parse the query string and build suggestion list using the # search query. def self.auto_complete(definition, query, options = {}) return [] if (query.nil? or definition.nil? or !definition.respond_to?(:fields)) new(definition, query, options).build_autocomplete_options end # Initializes the instance by setting the relevant parameters def initialize(definition, query, options) @definition = definition @ast = ScopedSearch::QueryLanguage::Compiler.parse(query) @query = query @tokens = tokenize @options = options end # Test the validity of the current query and suggest possible completion def build_autocomplete_options # First parse to find illegal syntax in the existing query, # this method will throw exception on bad syntax. is_query_valid # get the completion options node = last_node completion = complete_options(node) suggestions = [] suggestions += complete_keyword if completion.include?(:keyword) suggestions += LOGICAL_INFIX_OPERATORS if completion.include?(:logical_op) suggestions += LOGICAL_PREFIX_OPERATORS + NULL_PREFIX_COMPLETER if completion.include?(:prefix_op) suggestions += complete_operator(node) if completion.include?(:infix_op) suggestions += complete_value if completion.include?(:value) build_suggestions(suggestions, completion.include?(:value)) end # parse the query and return the complete options def complete_options(node) return [:keyword] + [:prefix_op] if tokens.empty? #prefix operator return [:keyword] if last_token_is(PREFIX_OPERATORS) # left hand if is_left_hand(node) if (tokens.size == 1 || last_token_is(PREFIX_OPERATORS + LOGICAL_INFIX_OPERATORS) || last_token_is(PREFIX_OPERATORS + LOGICAL_INFIX_OPERATORS, 2)) options = [:keyword] options += [:prefix_op] unless last_token_is(PREFIX_OPERATORS) else options = [:logical_op] end return options end if is_right_hand # right hand return [:value] else # comparison operator completer return [:infix_op] end end # Test the validity of the existing query, this method will throw exception on illegal # query syntax. def is_query_valid # skip test for null prefix operators if in the process of completing the field name. return if(last_token_is(NULL_PREFIX_OPERATORS, 2) && !(query =~ /(\s|\)|,)$/)) QueryBuilder.build_query(definition, query) end def is_left_hand(node) field = definition.field_by_name(node.value) if node.respond_to?(:value) lh = field.nil? || field.key_field && !(query.end_with?(' ')) lh = lh || last_token_is(NULL_PREFIX_OPERATORS, 2) lh = lh && !is_right_hand lh end def is_right_hand rh = last_token_is(COMPARISON_OPERATORS) if(tokens.size > 1 && !(query.end_with?(' '))) rh = rh || last_token_is(COMPARISON_OPERATORS, 2) end rh end def last_node last = ast while (last.kind_of?(ScopedSearch::QueryLanguage::AST::OperatorNode) && !(last.children.empty?)) do last = last.children.last end last end def last_token_is(list,index = 1) if tokens.size >= index return list.include?(tokens[tokens.size - index]) end return false end def tokenize tokens = ScopedSearch::QueryLanguage::Compiler.tokenize(query) # skip parenthesis, it is not needed for the auto completer. tokens.delete_if {|t| t == :lparen || t == :rparen } tokens end def build_suggestions(suggestions, is_value) return [] if (suggestions.blank?) q = query unless q =~ /(\s|\)|,)$/ || last_token_is(COMPARISON_OPERATORS) val = Regexp.escape(tokens.last.to_s).gsub('\*', '.*') suggestions = {|s| s if s.to_s =~ /^"?#{val}"?/i}.compact quoted = /("?#{Regexp.escape(tokens.last.to_s)}"?)$/.match(q) q.chomp!(quoted[1]) if quoted end # for dotted field names compact the suggestions list to be one suggestion # unless the user has typed the relation name entirely or the suggestion list # is short. last_token = tokens.last.to_s if (suggestions.size > 10 && (tokens.empty? || !last_token.include?('.')) && !is_value) suggestions = do |s| !last_token.empty? && s.to_s.split('.')[0].end_with?(last_token) ? s.to_s : s.to_s.split('.')[0] end end {|m| "#{q} #{m}"} end # suggest all searchable field names. # in relations suggest only the long format relation.field. def complete_keyword keywords = [] definition.fields.each do|f| next unless f[1].complete_enabled if (f[1].key_field) keywords += complete_key(f[0], f[1], tokens.last) else keywords << f[0].to_s + ' ' end end keywords.sort end #this method completes the keys list in a key-value schema in the format table.keyName def complete_key(name, field, val) return ["#{name}."] if !val || !val.is_a?(String) || !(val.include?('.')) val = val.sub(/.*\./,'') connection = definition.klass.connection quoted_table = field.key_klass.connection.quote_table_name(field.key_klass.table_name) quoted_field = field.key_klass.connection.quote_column_name(field.key_field) field_name = "#{quoted_table}.#{quoted_field}" field.key_klass .where(value_conditions(field_name, val)) .select(field_name) .limit(20) .map(&field.key_field) .compact .map { |f| "#{name}.#{f} " } .uniq end # this method auto-completes values of fields that have a :complete_value marker def complete_value if last_token_is(COMPARISON_OPERATORS) token = tokens[tokens.size - 2] val = '' else token = tokens[tokens.size - 3] val = tokens[tokens.size - 1] end field = definition.field_by_name(token) return [] unless field && field.complete_value return complete_set(field) if field.set? return complete_date_value if field.temporal? return complete_key_value(field, token, val) if field.key_field completer_scope(field) .where(value_conditions(field.quoted_field, val)) .select(field.quoted_field) .limit(20) .map(&field.field) .compact .map { |v| v.to_s =~ /\s/ ? "\"#{v}\"" : v } .uniq end def completer_scope(field) klass = field.klass scope = klass.respond_to?(:completer_scope) ? klass.completer_scope(@options) : klass scope.respond_to?(:reorder) ? scope.reorder(field.quoted_field) : scope.scoped(:order => field.quoted_field) end # set value completer def complete_set(field) field.complete_value.keys end # date value completer def complete_date_value options = [] options << '"30 minutes ago"' options << '"1 hour ago"' options << '"2 hours ago"' options << 'Today' options << 'Yesterday' options << 2.days.ago.strftime('%A') options << 3.days.ago.strftime('%A') options << 4.days.ago.strftime('%A') options << 5.days.ago.strftime('%A') options << '"6 days ago"' options << 7.days.ago.strftime('"%b %d,%Y"') options end # complete values in a key-value schema def complete_key_value(field, token, val) key_name = token.sub(/^.*\./,"") key_klass = field.key_klass.where(field.key_field => key_name).first raise ScopedSearch::QueryNotSupported, "Field '#{key_name}' not recognized for searching!" if key_klass.nil? query = completer_scope(field) if field.key_klass != field.klass key = field.key_klass.to_s.gsub(/.*::/,'').underscore.to_sym fk = definition.reflection_by_name(field.klass, key).association_foreign_key.to_sym query = query.where(fk => end query .where(value_conditions(field.quoted_field, val)) .select("DISTINCT #{field.quoted_field}") .limit(20) .map(&field.field) .compact .map { |v| v.to_s =~ /\s/ ? "\"#{v}\"" : v } end # This method returns conditions for selecting completion from partial value def value_conditions(field_name, val) val.blank? ? nil : "CAST(#{field_name} as CHAR(50)) LIKE '#{val.gsub("'","''")}%'".tr_s('%*', '%') end # This method complete infix operators by field type def complete_operator(node) definition.operator_by_field_name(node.value) end end end