# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # Maps the DEER vintages to year ranges module DEERVintages # Building type abbreviation to long name map def building_type_to_long return { 'Asm' => 'Assembly', 'DMo' => 'Residential Mobile Home', 'ECC' => 'Education - Community College', 'EPr' => 'Education - Primary School', 'ERC' => 'Education - Relocatable Classroom', 'ESe' => 'Education - Secondary School', 'EUn' => 'Education - University', 'GHs' => 'Greenhouse', 'Gro' => 'Grocery', 'Hsp' => 'Health/Medical - Hospital', 'Htl' => 'Lodging - Hotel', 'MBT' => 'Manufacturing Biotech', 'MFm' => 'Residential Multi-family', 'MLI' => 'Manufacturing Light Industrial', 'Mtl' => 'Lodging - Motel', 'Nrs' => 'Health/Medical - Nursing Home', 'OfL' => 'Office - Large', 'OfS' => 'Office - Small', 'RFF' => 'Restaurant - Fast-Food', 'RSD' => 'Restaurant - Sit-Down', 'Rt3' => 'Retail - Multistory Large', 'RtL' => 'Retail - Single-Story Large', 'RtS' => 'Retail - Small', 'SCn' => 'Storage - Conditioned', 'SFm' => 'Residential Single Family', 'SUn' => 'Storage - Unconditioned', 'WRf' => 'Warehouse - Refrigerated' } end # HVAC type abbreviation to long name map def hvac_sys_to_long return { 'DXGF' => 'Split or Packaged DX Unit with Gas Furnace', 'DXEH' => 'Split or Packaged DX Unit with Electric Heat', 'DXHP' => 'Split or Packaged DX Unit with Heat Pump', 'WLHP' => 'Water Loop Heat Pump', 'NCEH' => 'No Cooling with Electric Heat', 'NCGF' => 'No Cooling with Gas Furnace', 'PVVG' => 'Packaged VAV System with Gas Boiler', 'PVVE' => 'Packaged VAV System with Electric Heat', 'SVVG' => 'Built-Up VAV System with Gas Boiler', 'SVVE' => 'Built-Up VAV System with Electric Reheat', 'Unc' => 'No HVAC (Unconditioned)', 'PTAC' => 'Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner', 'PTHP' => 'Packaged Terminal Heat Pump', 'FPFC' => 'Four Pipe Fan Coil', 'DDCT' => 'Dual Duct System', 'EVAP' => 'Evaporative Cooling with Separate Gas Furnace' } end # Valid building type/hvac type combos def building_type_to_hvac_systems return { 'Asm' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'ECC' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP' ], 'EPr' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'WLHP' ], 'ERC' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'ESe' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP' ], 'EUn' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG' ], 'Gro' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'Hsp' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG' ], 'Nrs' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'FPFC', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG' ], 'Htl' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP' ], 'Mtl' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'MBT' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP' ], 'MLI' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'OfL' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP' ], 'OfS' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP' ], 'RFF' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'RSD' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'Rt3' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF', 'PVVE', 'PVVG', 'SVVE', 'SVVG', 'WLHP' ], 'RtL' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'RtS' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'SCn' => [ 'DXEH', 'DXGF', 'DXHP', 'NCEH', 'NCGF' ], 'SUn' => ['Unc'], 'WRf' => ['DXGF'] } end # Age range to DEER template def template_to_age_range return { 'DEER Pre-1975' => 'Before 1978', 'DEER 1985' => '1978-1992', 'DEER 1996' => '1993-2001', 'DEER 2003' => '2002-2005', 'DEER 2007' => '2006-2009', 'DEER 2011' => '2010-2013', 'DEER 2014' => '2014', 'DEER 2015' => '2015-2016', 'DEER 2017' => '2017 or Later' } end end