Feature: before and after hooks Use `before` and `after` hooks to execute arbitrary code before and/or after the body of an example is run: before(:each) # run before each example before(:all) # run one time only, before all of the examples in a group after(:each) # run after each example after(:all) # run one time only, after all of the examples in a group Before and after blocks are called in the following order: before suite before all before each after each after all after suite `before` and `after` hooks can be defined directly in the example groups they should run in, or in a global RSpec.configure block. Scenario: define before(:each) block Given a file named "before_each_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" class Thing def widgets @widgets ||= [] end end describe Thing do before(:each) do @thing = Thing.new end describe "initialized in before(:each)" do it "has 0 widgets" do @thing.should have(0).widgets end it "can get accept new widgets" do @thing.widgets << Object.new end it "does not share state across examples" do @thing.should have(0).widgets end end end """ When I run `rspec before_each_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: define before(:all) block in example group Given a file named "before_all_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" class Thing def widgets @widgets ||= [] end end describe Thing do before(:all) do @thing = Thing.new end describe "initialized in before(:all)" do it "has 0 widgets" do @thing.should have(0).widgets end it "can get accept new widgets" do @thing.widgets << Object.new end it "shares state across examples" do @thing.should have(1).widgets end end end """ When I run `rspec before_all_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass When I run `rspec before_all_spec.rb:15` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: failure in before(:all) block Given a file named "before_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "an error in before(:all)" do before(:all) do raise "oops" end it "fails this example" do end it "fails this example, too" do end after(:all) do puts "after all ran" end describe "nested group" do it "fails this third example" do end it "fails this fourth example" do end describe "yet another level deep" do it "fails this last example" do end end end end """ When I run `rspec before_all_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the output should contain "5 examples, 5 failures" And the output should contain: """ an error in before(:all) fails this example (FAILED - 1) fails this example, too (FAILED - 2) nested group fails this third example (FAILED - 3) fails this fourth example (FAILED - 4) yet another level deep fails this last example (FAILED - 5) after all ran """ When I run `rspec before_all_spec.rb:9 --format documentation` Then the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure" And the output should contain: """ an error in before(:all) fails this example, too (FAILED - 1) """ Scenario: failure in after(:all) block Given a file named "after_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "an error in after(:all)" do after(:all) do raise StandardError.new("Boom!") end it "passes this example" do end it "passes this example, too" do end end """ When I run `rspec after_all_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ An error occurred in an after(:all) hook. StandardError: Boom! """ Scenario: define before and after blocks in configuration Given a file named "befores_in_configuration_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:each) do @before_each = "before each" end config.before(:all) do @before_all = "before all" end end describe "stuff in before blocks" do describe "with :all" do it "should be available in the example" do @before_all.should eq("before all") end end describe "with :each" do it "should be available in the example" do @before_each.should eq("before each") end end end """ When I run `rspec befores_in_configuration_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: before/after blocks are run in order Given a file named "ensure_block_order_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" describe "before and after callbacks" do before(:all) do puts "before all" end before(:each) do puts "before each" end after(:each) do puts "after each" end after(:all) do puts "after all" end it "gets run in order" do end end """ When I run `rspec --format progress ensure_block_order_spec.rb` Then the output should contain: """ before all before each after each .after all """ Scenario: before/after blocks defined in config are run in order Given a file named "configuration_spec.rb" with: """ require "rspec/expectations" RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:suite) do puts "before suite" end config.before(:all) do puts "before all" end config.before(:each) do puts "before each" end config.after(:each) do puts "after each" end config.after(:all) do puts "after all" end config.after(:suite) do puts "after suite" end end describe "ignore" do example "ignore" do end end """ When I run `rspec --format progress configuration_spec.rb` Then the output should contain: """ before suite before all before each after each .after all after suite """ Scenario: before/after all blocks are run once Given a file named "before_and_after_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "before and after callbacks" do before(:all) do puts "outer before all" end example "in outer group" do end after(:all) do puts "outer after all" end describe "nested group" do before(:all) do puts "inner before all" end example "in nested group" do end after(:all) do puts "inner after all" end end end """ When I run `rspec --format progress before_and_after_all_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ outer before all .inner before all .inner after all outer after all """ When I run `rspec --format progress before_and_after_all_spec.rb:14` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ outer before all inner before all .inner after all outer after all """ When I run `rspec --format progress before_and_after_all_spec.rb:6` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ outer before all .outer after all """ Scenario: nested examples have access to state set in outer before(:all) Given a file named "before_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "something" do before :all do @value = 123 end describe "nested" do it "access state set in before(:all)" do @value.should eq(123) end describe "nested more deeply" do it "access state set in before(:all)" do @value.should eq(123) end end end describe "nested in parallel" do it "access state set in before(:all)" do @value.should eq(123) end end end """ When I run `rspec before_all_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: before/after all blocks have access to state Given a file named "before_and_after_all_spec.rb" with: """ describe "before and after callbacks" do before(:all) do @outer_state = "set in outer before all" end example "in outer group" do @outer_state.should eq("set in outer before all") end describe "nested group" do before(:all) do @inner_state = "set in inner before all" end example "in nested group" do @outer_state.should eq("set in outer before all") @inner_state.should eq("set in inner before all") end after(:all) do @inner_state.should eq("set in inner before all") end end after(:all) do @outer_state.should eq("set in outer before all") end end """ When I run `rspec before_and_after_all_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: exception in before(:each) is captured and reported as failure Given a file named "error_in_before_each_spec.rb" with: """ describe "error in before(:each)" do before(:each) do raise "this error" end it "is reported as failure" do end end """ When I run `rspec error_in_before_each_spec.rb` Then the output should contain "1 example, 1 failure" And the output should contain "this error"