require 'optparse' require 'pathname' class DBRotatorConfig class FileNotFoundError < StandardError; end FILE = ".db-rotator.yml" CONFIG = { db_prefix: [['-p', "--db-prefix PREFIX", "Database naming prefix."], nil], scp_command: [['-c', "--scp-command COMMAND", "Command to retrive dump. Receives second arg of dump path."], nil], local_dump_destination: [['-d', "--local-destination [PATH]", "Where to put the dump, as a directory. The dump won't be deleted after running rotator.", "Default: /tmp"], "/tmp"], mysql_command: [['-m', "--mysql-command [COMMAND]", "Used for all database management operations.", "Default: mysql"], "mysql"], maximum_dbs: [['-n', "--maximum-dbs [N]", "Maximum number of DBs to maintain, or null to disable pruning.", "Default: 2"], 2], unarchive_command: [['-u', "--unarchive-command [COMMAND]", "How to unarchive your dump to standard output.", "Default: bzip2 -cd"], "bzip2 -cd"], unarchive_extra_pipe: [['-i', "--extra-pipes [SCRIPT1,SCRIPT2]", Array, "Any extra script(s) you want to run between unarchive & import.", "Example: -i 'script1,script2'"], nil], reasonable_diskspace: [['-s', "--minimum-diskspace [GB]", "Rough estimate of temporary disk space required to import a typical dump, in GB."], nil], rails_db_yaml_path: [['-y', "--rails-db-yaml [PATH]", "Updates database name in your YAML file when given.", "Default: nil"], nil], rails_environments: [['-e', "--rails-db-environments [ENV1,ENV2]", Array, "In conjunction with -y, which rails envs to update DB name for. Default: development"], ["development"]], config_file: [['-f', "--config-file PATH", "Runs rotator with configuration from this .yml file."], nil], } REQUIRED = %i(db_prefix scp_command) EXCLUDE_FROM_GENERATE_FILE = %i(config_file dump_filename) attr_reader :config def initialize @config = {} @generate_output_file = nil end def configure begin ARGV.empty? ? from_file : from_cli if @config[:config_file] from_file end check_required add_default_values add_derived_values if @generate_output_file generate_config exit end rescue FileNotFoundError => e puts "There was a problem loading configuration: #{e.message}" puts cli_parser.summarize exit end end def from_cli cli_parser.parse!(ARGV) end def from_file raise FileNotFoundError, "no such config file -- #{config_syspath}" unless File.exists?(config_syspath) @config = YAML.load_file(config_syspath).each.with_object({}) { |(k, v), h| h[k.to_sym] = v } if !(missing = REQUIRED.delete_if { |k| @config[k] }).empty? raise "please set config option(s) in #{config_syspath}: #{missing.join(', ')}" end end def cli_parser do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: db-rotator [options]" CONFIG.each do |key, pair| o = pair.first if o[3].nil? opts.on(o[0], o[1], o[2]) do |v| @config[key] = v end else opts.on(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]) do |v| @config[key] = v end end end opts.on("-g", "--generate-config FILE", "Generates .yml config file from given arguments.") do |v| @generate_output_file = v end opts.on("-v", "--verbose") do |v| @config[:verbose] = v end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end end def config_syspath @config[:config_file] || [ENV['HOME'], FILE].join('/') end def check_required REQUIRED.each { |k| raise "config option '#{k.to_s} is required'" if @config[k].nil? } end def generate_config File.write(@generate_output_file, config_yaml) end def config_yaml require 'pry'; binding.pry @config.reject { |k, _| EXCLUDE_FROM_GENERATE_FILE.include?(k) } .to_yaml end def add_default_values CONFIG.each do |key, pair| @config[key] ||= pair.last end end def add_derived_values # Figure out the dump filename cmd = if @config[:scp_command].strip.match(/^scp/) @config[:scp_command].split(':').last else @config[:scp_command] end pn = @config[:dump_filename] = pn.basename.to_s end end