step "there is a monster" do @monster = 1 end step "there is a strong monster" do @monster = 2 end step "I attack it" do @monster -= 1 end step "it should die" do @monster.should eq(0) end step "this is ambiguous" do end step "this is :ambiguous" do end step "there is a monster called :name" do |name| @monster_name = name end step 'it should be called "John Smith"' do @monster_name.should == "John Smith" end step 'it should be called "John"' do @monster_name.should == "John" end step 'it should be called "O\'Flannahan"' do @monster_name.should == "O'Flannahan" end step "I change its name to :empty_string" do |empty_string| @monster_name = empty_string end step "it should be nameless" do @monster_name.should == "" end step "the monster introduced himself:" do |self_introduction| self_introduction.should include @monster_name end step "there is a monster with :count hitpoints" do |count| @monster = count end step "I attack the monster and do :count points damage" do |count| @monster -= count end step "the monster should be alive" do @monster.should > 0 end step "the monster should be dead" do @monster.should <= 0 end step "there are the following monsters:" do |table| $monsters = {} table.hashes.each do |hash| $monsters[hash['Name']] = hash['Hitpoints'].to_i end end step ":monster should have :count hitpoints" do |monster, count| monster.should eq(count.to_i) end step "the monster sings the following song" do |song| @song = song end step "the song should have :count lines" do |count| @song.to_s.split("\n").length.should eq(count) end step "it should be strong/tough" do @monster.should >= 2 end step "it should be (a) badass" do @monster.should >= 2 end step "it should be (a) badass" do @monster.should >= 2 end step "it should be terrible(st)" do @monster.should >= 2 end step "it (should) have/has :count (terrifying) hitpoint(s)" do |count| @monster.should == count end step "raise error" do raise "foobar" end placeholder :count do match (/\d+/) do |count| count.to_i end end placeholder :color do match (/blue|green|red/) do |color| color.to_sym end end placeholder :monster do default do |name| $monsters[name] end end