require 'csv' require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'spout/helpers/subject_loader' require 'spout/helpers/chart_types' module Spout module Commands class Images def initialize(types, variable_ids, sizes, standard_version) @variable_files = Dir.glob('variables/**/*.json') @standard_version = standard_version @valid_ids = variable_ids @number_of_rows = nil spout_config = YAML.load_file('.spout.yml') @visit = '' if spout_config.kind_of?(Hash) @visit = spout_config['visit'].to_s.strip end t = FileUtils.mkpath "graphs/#{@standard_version}" @subject_loader =, @valid_ids, @standard_version, @number_of_rows, @visit) @subject_loader.load_subjects_from_csvs! @subjects = @subject_loader.subjects compute_images puts "Took #{ - t} seconds." end def compute_images options_folder = "images/#{@standard_version}" FileUtils.mkpath( options_folder ) tmp_options_file = File.join( options_folder, 'options.json' ) sizes = [] variable_files_count = @variable_files.count @variable_files.each_with_index do |variable_file, file_index| json = JSON.parse( rescue json = nil next unless json next unless @valid_ids.include?(json["id"].to_s.downcase) or @valid_ids.size == 0 next unless ["numeric", "integer", "choices"].include?(json["type"]) variable_name = json['id'].to_s.downcase next unless Spout::Models::Subject.method_defined?(variable_name) puts "#{file_index+1} of #{variable_files_count}: #{variable_file.gsub(/(^variables\/|\.json$)/, '').gsub('/', ' / ')}" filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(@visit) != nil }, "w") do |outfile| chart_json = Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::chart_histogram(@visit, filtered_subjects, json, variable_name) outfile.puts <<-eos { "credits": { "enabled": false }, "chart": { "type": "column" }, "title": { "text": "" }, "xAxis": { "categories": #{chart_json[:categories].to_json} }, "yAxis": { "title": { "text": #{chart_json[:units].to_json} } }, "plotOptions": { "column": { "pointPadding": 0.2, "borderWidth": 0, "stacking": #{chart_json[:stacking].to_json} } }, "series": #{chart_json[:series].to_json} } eos end run_phantom_js("#{json['id']}-lg.png", 600, tmp_options_file) if sizes.size == 0 or sizes.include?('lg') run_phantom_js("#{json['id']}.png", 75, tmp_options_file) if sizes.size == 0 or sizes.include?('sm') end File.delete(tmp_options_file) if File.exists?(tmp_options_file) end # def initialize(types, variable_ids, sizes, standard_version) # @standard_version = standard_version # total_index_count = Dir.glob("variables/**/*.json").count # last_completed = 0 # options_folder = "images/#{@standard_version}" # FileUtils.mkpath( options_folder ) # tmp_options_file = File.join( options_folder, 'options.json' ) # Dir.glob("csvs/#{standard_version}/*.csv").each do |csv_file| # puts "Working on: #{csv_file}" # t = # csv_table = CSV.table(csv_file, encoding: 'iso-8859-1').by_col! # puts "Loaded #{csv_file} in #{ - t} seconds." # total_header_count = csv_table.headers.count # csv_table.headers.each_with_index do |header, index| # puts "Column #{ index + 1 } of #{ total_header_count } for #{header} in #{csv_file}" # if variable_file = Dir.glob("variables/**/#{header.downcase}.json", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).first # json = JSON.parse( rescue json = nil # next unless json # next unless ["choices", "numeric", "integer"].include?(json["type"]) # next unless types.size == 0 or types.include?(json['type']) # next unless variable_ids.size == 0 or variable_ids.include?(json['id'].to_s.downcase) # basename = File.basename(variable_file).gsub(/\.json$/, '').downcase # col_data = csv_table[header] # case json["type"] when "choices" # domain_file = Dir.glob("domains/**/#{json['domain']}.json").first # domain_json = JSON.parse( rescue domain_json = nil # next unless domain_json # create_pie_chart_options_file(col_data, tmp_options_file, domain_json) # when 'numeric', 'integer' # create_line_chart_options_file(col_data, tmp_options_file, json["units"]) # else # next # end # run_phantom_js("#{basename}-lg.png", 600, tmp_options_file) if sizes.size == 0 or sizes.include?('lg') # run_phantom_js("#{basename}.png", 75, tmp_options_file) if sizes.size == 0 or sizes.include?('sm') # end # end # end # File.delete(tmp_options_file) if File.exists?(tmp_options_file) # end # def graph_values(col_data) # categories = [] # col_data ={|v| !['', 'null'].include?(v.to_s.strip.downcase)}.collect(&:to_f) # all_integers = false # all_integers = (col_data.count{|i| i.denominator != 1} == 0) # minimum = col_data.min || 0 # maximum = col_data.max || 100 # default_max_buckets = 30 # max_buckets = all_integers ? [maximum - minimum + 1, default_max_buckets].min : default_max_buckets # bucket_size = (maximum - minimum + 1).to_f / max_buckets # (0..(max_buckets-1)).each do |bucket| # val_min = (bucket_size * bucket) + minimum # val_max = bucket_size * (bucket + 1) + minimum # # Greater or equal to val_min, less than val_max # # categories << "'#{val_min} to #{val_max}'" # categories << "#{all_integers || (maximum - minimum) > (default_max_buckets / 2) ? val_min.round : "%0.02f" % val_min}" # end # new_values = [] # (0..max_buckets-1).each do |bucket| # val_min = (bucket_size * bucket) + minimum # val_max = bucket_size * (bucket + 1) + minimum # # Greater or equal to val_min, less than val_max # new_values << col_data.count{|i| i >= val_min and i < val_max} # end # values = [] # values << { name: '', data: new_values, showInLegend: false } # [ values, categories ] # end # def create_pie_chart_options_file(values, options_file, domain_json) #!{|v| !['', 'null'].include?(v.to_s.strip.downcase) } # counts = values.group_by{|a| a}.collect{|k,v| [({|h| h['value'] == k.to_s}.first['display_name'] rescue (k.to_s == '' ? 'NULL' : k)), v.count]} # total_count = counts.collect(&:last).inject(&:+) # data = counts.collect{|value, count| [value, (count * 100.0 / total_count)]} #, "w") do |outfile| # outfile.puts <<-eos # { # "title": { # "text": "" # }, # "credits": { # "enabled": false, # }, # "series": [{ # "type": "pie", # "name": "", # "data": #{data.to_json} # }] # } # eos # end # end # def create_line_chart_options_file(values, options_file, units) # ( series, categories ) = graph_values(values) #, "w") do |outfile| # outfile.puts <<-eos # { # "chart": { # "type": "areaspline" # }, # "title": { # "text": "" # }, # "credits": { # "enabled": false, # }, # "xAxis": { # "categories": #{categories.to_json}, # "labels": { # "step": #{(categories.size.to_f / 12).ceil} # }, # "title": { # "text": #{units.to_json} # } # }, # "yAxis": { # "maxPadding": 0, # "minPadding": 0, # "title": { # "text": "Count" # } # }, # "series": #{series.to_json} # } # eos # end # end def run_phantom_js(png_name, width, tmp_options_file) graph_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'images', @standard_version, png_name) directory = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'support', 'javascripts' ) open_command = if RUBY_PLATFORM.match(/mingw/) != nil 'phantomjs.exe' else 'phantomjs' end phantomjs_command = "#{open_command} #{directory}/highcharts-convert.js -infile #{tmp_options_file} -outfile #{graph_path} -scale 2.5 -width #{width} -constr Chart" # puts phantomjs_command `#{phantomjs_command}` end end end end