 * NETEYE Activity Indicator jQuery Plugin
 * Copyright (c) 2010 NETEYE GmbH
 * Licensed under the MIT license
 * Author: Felix Gnass [fgnass at neteye dot de]
 * Version: 1.0.0
 * Plugin that renders a customisable activity indicator (spinner) using SVG or VML.

(function($) {

    $.fn.activity = function(opts) {
        this.each(function() {
            var $this = $(this);
            var el = $this.data('activity');
            if (el) {
            if (opts !== false) {
                opts = $.extend({color: $this.css('color')}, $.fn.activity.defaults, opts);
                el = render($this, opts).css('position', 'absolute').prependTo(opts.outside ? 'body' : $this);
                var h = $this.outerHeight() - el.height();
                var w = $this.outerWidth() - el.width();
                var margin = {
                    top: opts.valign == 'top' ? opts.padding : opts.valign == 'bottom' ? h - opts.padding : Math.floor(h / 2),
                    left: opts.align == 'left' ? opts.padding : opts.align == 'right' ? w - opts.padding : Math.floor(w / 2)
                var offset = $this.offset();
                if (opts.outside) {
                    el.css({top: offset.top + 'px', left: offset.left + 'px'});
                else {
                    margin.top -= el.offset().top - offset.top;
                    margin.left -= el.offset().left - offset.left;
                el.css({marginTop: margin.top + 'px', marginLeft: margin.left + 'px'});
                animate(el, opts.segments, Math.round(10 / opts.speed) / 10);
                $this.data('activity', el);
        return this;
    $.fn.activity.defaults = {
        segments: 12,
        space: 3,
        length: 7,
        width: 4,
        speed: 1.2,
        align: 'center',
        valign: 'center',
        padding: 4,
        zIndex: 1000
    $.fn.activity.getOpacity = function(opts, i) {
        var steps = opts.steps || opts.segments-1;
        var end = opts.opacity !== undefined ? opts.opacity : 1/steps;
        return 1 - Math.min(i, steps) * (1 - end) / steps;
     * Default rendering strategy. If neither SVG nor VML is available, a div with class-name 'busy' 
     * is inserted, that can be styled with CSS to display an animated gif as fallback.
    var render = function() {
        return $('<div>').addClass('busy');
     * The default animation strategy does nothing as we expect an animated gif as fallback.
    var animate = function() {
     * Utility function to create elements in the SVG namespace.
    function svg(tag, attr) {
        var el = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", tag || 'svg');
        if (attr) {
            $.each(attr, function(k, v) {
                el.setAttributeNS(null, k, v);
        return $(el);
    if (document.createElementNS && document.createElementNS( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").createSVGRect) {
        // =======================================================================================
        // SVG Rendering
        // =======================================================================================
         * Rendering strategy that creates a SVG tree.
        render = function(target, d) {
            var innerRadius = d.width*2 + d.space;
            var r = (innerRadius + d.length + Math.ceil(d.width / 2) + 1);
            var el = svg().width(r*2).height(r*2);
            var g = svg('g', {
                'stroke-width': d.width, 
                'stroke-linecap': 'round', 
                stroke: d.color
            }).appendTo(svg('g', {transform: 'translate('+ r +','+ r +')'}).appendTo(el));
            for (var i = 0; i < d.segments; i++) {
                g.append(svg('line', {
                    x1: 0, 
                    y1: innerRadius, 
                    x2: 0, 
                    y2: innerRadius + d.length, 
                    transform: 'rotate(' + (360 / d.segments * i) + ', 0, 0)',
                    opacity: $.fn.activity.getOpacity(d, i)
            return $('<div>').append(el).width(2*r).height(2*r);
        // Check if Webkit CSS animations are available, as they work much better on the iPad
        // than setTimeout() based animations.
        if (document.createElement('div').style.WebkitAnimationName !== undefined) {

            var animations = {};
             * Animation strategy that uses dynamically created CSS animation rules.
            animate = function(el, steps, duration) {
                if (!animations[steps]) {
                    var name = 'spin' + steps;
                    var rule = '@-webkit-keyframes '+ name +' {';
                    for (var i=0; i < steps; i++) {
                        var p1 = Math.round(100000 / steps * i) / 1000;
                        var p2 = Math.round(100000 / steps * (i+1) - 1) / 1000;
                        var value = '% { -webkit-transform:rotate(' + Math.round(360 / steps * i) + 'deg); }\n';
                        rule += p1 + value + p2 + value; 
                    rule += '100% { -webkit-transform:rotate(100deg); }\n}';
                    animations[steps] = name;
                el.css('-webkit-animation', animations[steps] + ' ' + duration +'s linear infinite');
        else {
             * Animation strategy that transforms a SVG element using setInterval().
            animate = function(el, steps, duration) {
                var rotation = 0;
                var g = el.find('g g').get(0);
                el.data('interval', setInterval(function() {
                    g.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', 'rotate(' + (++rotation % steps * (360 / steps)) + ')');
                },  duration * 1000 / steps));
    else {
        // =======================================================================================
        // VML Rendering
        // =======================================================================================
        var s = $('<shape>').css('behavior', 'url(#default#VML)').appendTo('body');
        if (s.get(0).adj) {
            // VML support detected. Insert CSS rules for group, shape and stroke.
            var sheet = document.createStyleSheet();
            $.each(['group', 'shape', 'stroke'], function() {
                sheet.addRule(this, "behavior:url(#default#VML);");
             * Rendering strategy that creates a VML tree. 
            render = function(target, d) {
                var innerRadius = d.width*2 + d.space;
                var r = (innerRadius + d.length + Math.ceil(d.width / 2) + 1);
                var s = r*2;
                var o = -Math.ceil(s/2);
                var el = $('<group>', {coordsize: s + ' ' + s, coordorigin: o + ' ' + o}).css({top: o, left: o, width: s, height: s});
                for (var i = 0; i < d.segments; i++) {
                    el.append($('<shape>', {path: 'm ' + innerRadius + ',0  l ' + (innerRadius + d.length) + ',0'}).css({
                        width: s,
                        height: s,
                        rotation: (360 / d.segments * i) + 'deg'
                    }).append($('<stroke>', {color: d.color, weight: d.width + 'px', endcap: 'round', opacity: $.fn.activity.getOpacity(d, i)})));
                return $('<group>', {coordsize: s + ' ' + s}).css({width: s, height: s, overflow: 'hidden'}).append(el);
             * Animation strategy that modifies the VML rotation property using setInterval().
            animate = function(el, steps, duration) {
                var rotation = 0;
                var g = el.get(0);
                el.data('interval', setInterval(function() {
                    g.style.rotation = ++rotation % steps * (360 / steps);
                },  duration * 1000 / steps));
