# @title Tutorial # Tutorial Welcome to discorb! This lib allows you to create a discord bot with ease. So, let's get started! ## Requirements - Ruby 3.0.0+ - Basic knowledge of ruby These documents will help you: - [Ruby in Twenty Minutes](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart/) - [Ruby from other languages](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/) - [Try ruby!](https://try.ruby-lang.org/) ### Recommended - Good editor They are recommended: - [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/) - [Atom](https://atom.io/) - [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/) - [Brackets](https://brackets.io/) - [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/) - Git - Bundler Once you have all of these, you can start coding! ## Start creating your bot ### Create a Bot account You must have a bot account to use this lib. First, go to [Discord Developer Portal](https://discord.com/developers/applications) and click on `New Application`. ![](./assets/01_new_app.png) And then type a name for your bot, and click `Create`. ![](./assets/02_bot_name.png) You will be redirected to the `General Information` page. Then, click `Bot` and then `Add Bot` and then `Yes, do it!`. ![](./assets/03_add_bot.png) You will see bot information, and click `Copy` button in TOKEN section. ![](./assets/04_token_copy.png) **DO NOT SHARE THIS TOKEN, OR YOUR BOT BAN EVERYONE IN EVERY SERVER!** This is serious security risk. Click `Regenerate` button to regenerate your token. Do this immediately when you accidentally share your token. You did it! Now, you have a bot account. #### Invite your bot to a server Go to `OAuth2` page and scroll down, and check `bot` and `applications.commands` permissions. ![](./assets/05_oauth.png) Then, click `Copy` button and paste it to your browser. Choose a server you want to invite your bot to, and follow the instructions. ### Code your bot #### Install gems Open terminal and type: ``` gem install bundler discorb ``` #### Setup files Create a new directory and go to it. Open terminal and type: ``` discorb init ``` Specify `--git` if you want to use git. You will get some files in your directory. - `main.rb`: The main file of your bot. - `.env`: The environment variables of your bot. **You must keep this file secret!** - `Gemfile`: Gemfile for bundler. - `Gemfile.lock`: Gemfile.lock for bundler. You will get other files if you specify `--git`. {file:docs/cli/init.md Learn more here}. #### Start your bot Open `main.rb`, you will see the following code: ```ruby require "discorb" require "dotenv" Dotenv.load # Loads .env file client = Discorb::Client.new # Create client for connecting to Discord client.once :ready do puts "Logged in as #{client.user}" # Prints username of logged in user end client.run ENV["TOKEN"] # Starts client ``` Open `.env`, you will see: ``` TOKEN=Y0urB0tT0k3nHer3.Th1sT0ken.W0ntWorkB3c4useItH4sM34n1ng ``` Replace `Y0urB0tT0k3nHer3.Th1sT0ken.W0ntWorkB3c4useItH4sM34n1ng` with your bot token. Remember to keep this file secret! Open terminal and type: ```sh bundle exec ruby main.rb # or bundle exec discorb run main.rb ``` Yay! Your bot is online! ![](./assets/06_online.png) But your bot won't do anything. So add your bot some greetings! `Ctrl + C` to stop your bot. #### Add a greeting You can do some action on message by typing like this: ```ruby client.on :message do |message| # ... end ``` `message` is a {Discorb::Message} object. It contains information about the message. You can get the message content by {Discorb::Message#content}. Add `if` statement, and reply to the message with {Discorb::Message#reply}. ```ruby client.on :message do |message| if message.content.downcase.include? "hello" message.reply "Hello!" end end ``` Save your bot and restart it. You can see your bot's response by typing `hello` in your server... ![](./assets/07_hello_infinite.png) Oh no! Your bot is responding to bot's messages, and it doesn't stop! Terminate your bot by typing `Ctrl + C` in terminal. #### Ignore bot's messages You can access author information by {Discorb::Message#author}, and it has {Discorb::User#bot?}. So, you can ignore bot's messages by adding `if` statement: ```ruby client.on :message do |message| next if message.author.bot? # ... end ``` Note you must use `next` to exit the block. Save your bot and start it. ![](./assets/08_hello_once.png) You did it! Your bot won't respond to bot's messages anymore. ## Finally This is the end of tutorial. To learn more, check out the [documentation](https://discorb-lib.github.io/). We hope you enjoy this lib! Thanks for reading!