POLICY_SELECTOR_UNKNOWN POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL POLICY_SELECTOR_NAME POLICY_SELECTOR_VALUE POLICY_SELECTOR_ADDRESS POLICY_SELECTOR_HEADER POLICY_SELECTOR_SCHEME POLICY_SELECTOR_HOST POLICY_SELECTOR_PORT POLICY_SELECTOR_PATH POLICY_SELECTOR_QUERY_STRING POLICY_SELECTOR_EXTENSION POLICY_SELECTOR_PATH_SEGMENT POLICY_SELECTOR_QUERY_PARAM POLICY_SELECTOR_UNNAMED_QUERY_PARAM POLICY_SELECTOR_MAJOR POLICY_SELECTOR_MINOR POLICY_SELECTOR_CODE POLICY_SELECTOR_TEXT POLICY_SELECTOR_DOMAIN POLICY_SELECTOR_EXPIRY POLICY_SELECTOR_VERSION POLICY_SELECTOR_USERNAME POLICY_SELECTOR_PASSWORD POLICY_SELECTOR_PROTOCOL POLICY_SELECTOR_CIPHER POLICY_SELECTOR_CIPHER_BITS POLICY_SELECTOR_RTT POLICY_SELECTOR_MSS POLICY_SELECTOR_VLAN POLICY_SELECTOR_VLAN_ID POLICY_SELECTOR_ROUTE_DOMAIN POLICY_SELECTOR_SERVER_NAME POLICY_SELECTOR_COMMON_NAME POLICY_SELECTOR_NPN POLICY_SELECTOR_ALPN POLICY_SELECTOR_CONTINENT POLICY_SELECTOR_COUNTRY_CODE POLICY_SELECTOR_COUNTRY_NAME POLICY_SELECTOR_REGION_NAME POLICY_SELECTOR_REGION_CODE POLICY_SELECTOR_ORG POLICY_SELECTOR_ISP POLICY_SELECTOR_LAST_15SECS POLICY_SELECTOR_LAST_1MIN POLICY_SELECTOR_LAST_5MINS POLICY_SELECTOR_DEVICE_MAKE POLICY_SELECTOR_DEVICE_MODEL POLICY_SELECTOR_BROWSER_TYPE POLICY_SELECTOR_BROWSER_VERSION POLICY_SELECTOR_UA_TOKEN STATE_DISABLED STATE_ENABLED POLICY_CONTROLS_UNKNOWN POLICY_CONTROLS_FORWARDING POLICY_CONTROLS_CACHING POLICY_CONTROLS_COMPRESSION POLICY_CONTROLS_WAM POLICY_CONTROLS_ASM POLICY_CONTROLS_AVR POLICY_CONTROLS_L7DOS POLICY_CONTROLS_CLASSIFICATION POLICY_CONTROLS_REQUEST_ADAPTATION POLICY_CONTROLS_RESPONSE_ADAPTATION POLICY_CONTROLS_SERVER_SSL POLICY_CONTROLS_PERSISTENCE POLICY_OPERAND_UNKNOWN POLICY_OPERAND_TCP POLICY_OPERAND_CLIENT_SSL POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_METHOD POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_URI POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_VERSION POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_STATUS POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_HOST POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_HEADER POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_REFERER POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_COOKIE POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_SET_COOKIE POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_USER_AGENT POLICY_OPERAND_SSL_EXTENSION POLICY_OPERAND_SSL_CERT POLICY_OPERAND_GEOIP POLICY_OPERAND_CPU_USAGE POLICY_CONDITION_UNKNOWN POLICY_CONDITION_EQUALS POLICY_CONDITION_STARTS POLICY_CONDITION_ENDS POLICY_CONDITION_CONTAINS POLICY_CONDITION_LESS POLICY_CONDITION_GREATER POLICY_CONDITION_LESS_OR_EQUAL POLICY_CONDITION_GREATER_OR_EQUAL POLICY_CONDITION_MATCHES POLICY_REQUIRES_UNKNOWN POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP POLICY_REQUIRES_TCP POLICY_REQUIRES_CLIENT_SSL POLICY_REQUIRES_SSL_PERSIST POLICY_TARGET_UNKNOWN POLICY_TARGET_HTTP POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_METHOD POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_URI POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_HOST POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_HEADER POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_REFERER POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_COOKIE POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_SET_COOKIE POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_REPLY POLICY_TARGET_LOG POLICY_TARGET_PEM POLICY_TARGET_CACHE POLICY_TARGET_COMPRESS POLICY_TARGET_DECOMPRESS POLICY_TARGET_FORWARD POLICY_TARGET_TCP_NAGLE POLICY_TARGET_WAM POLICY_TARGET_ASM POLICY_TARGET_L7DOS POLICY_TARGET_AVR POLICY_TARGET_TCL POLICY_TARGET_RESPONSE_ADAPT POLICY_TARGET_REQUEST_ADAPT POLICY_TARGET_SERVER_SSL POLICY_TARGET_POLICY POLICY_TARGET_PERSIST POLICY_EVENT_UNKNOWN POLICY_EVENT_CLIENT_ACCEPTED POLICY_EVENT_CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO POLICY_EVENT_SERVER_CONNECTED POLICY_EVENT_SERVERSSL_SERVERHELLO POLICY_EVENT_SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE POLICY_EVENT_HTTP_REQUEST POLICY_EVENT_HTTP_RESPONSE POLICY_ACTION_UNKNOWN POLICY_ACTION_INSERT POLICY_ACTION_REPLACE POLICY_ACTION_APPLY POLICY_ACTION_ADD POLICY_ACTION_CLASSIFY POLICY_ACTION_REMOVE POLICY_ACTION_SELECT POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE POLICY_ACTION_REDIRECT POLICY_ACTION_WRITE POLICY_ACTION_RESET POLICY_ACTION_EVENT POLICY_ACTION_SET_VARIABLE POLICY_ACTION_RENEGOTIATE POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_SOURCE_ADDRESS POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_DESTINATION_ADDRESS POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_INSERT POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_REWRITE POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_PASSIVE POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_HASH POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_UNIVERSAL POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_HASH POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_CARP Gets a list of all Content Policies. Creates a new Content Policy with a Content Policy Strategy. See LocalLB::ContentPolicyStrategy for more details. The new Content Policy will have a Content Policy Requires of POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP. Deletes a list of policies. Deletes all policies. Gets a list of Content Policy Requires associated with the given Content Policies. A Content Policy Requires indicates the types of profiles that need to be associated with a virtual server before a Content Policy can be attached. This will also affect the types of Content Policy Rule Conditions that can be used in the Content Policy. Upon removing all Content Policy Requires, the Content Policy Requires will automatically set itself to include only POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP. Adds a set of Content Policy Requires to the specified Content Policies. Removes a set of Content Policy Requires from the specified Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Requires from the specified Content Policies. Gets a list of Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. A Content Policy Controls indicates the of virtual server behaviors that a Content Policy may modify. This will also affect the types of Content Policy Rule Actions that can be used in the Content Policy. Adds to a list of Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. Removes from the list of Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. Sets the description for a set of Content Policies. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the description for a set of Content Policies. Sets the Content Policy Strategy for a set of Content Policies. A Content Policy Strategy is a way to resolve conflicts when multiple Content Policy Rules have their Content Policy Conditions matched. See: LocalLB::ContentPolicyStrategy for more details. Gets the Content Policy Strategy for a set of Content Policies. Gets the Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Content Policy Rules are collections of Content Policy Conditions to match connections and Content Policy Actions to take actions when a Content Policy Condition is matched. These Content Policy Rules may have a specified ordinal to determine how to match rules when a Content Policy Strategy of type PolicyStrategy::STRATEGY_MATCH_FIRST is attached to the Content Policy. Adds a set of Content Policy Rules to the specified Content Policies. Removes a set of Content Policy Rules from the specified Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Rules from the specified Content Policies. Sets the ordinal for the specified Content Policy Rules under the specified Content Policies. The ordinal determines the increasing order in which Content Policy Rules are applied if a Content Policy Strategy of type PolicyStrategy::STRATEGY_FIRST_MATCH is present. Gets the ordinal for the specified Content Policy Rules under the specified Content Policies. Gets the list of Content Policy Conditions for the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policy Conditions. The Content Policy Conditions specify a set of conditions that can be used to match a connection through a virtual server by a Content Policy. The value of the Content Policy Condition ID determines the order in which they are evaluated with the Content Policy Conditions with the smallest ID being tested first. Adds to the list of Content Policy Conditions for the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Removes from the list of Content Policy Conditions for the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Conditions from the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Sets the Policy Operand for the set of Policy Conditions for the set of Content Policy Rules for the set of Content Policies. A Policy Operand specifies an attribute of a connection that a Content Policy Condition will match on (See: LocalLB::PolicyOperand for more details). Gets the Policy Operand for the set of Policy Conditions for the set of Content Policy Rules for the set of Content Policies. Sets the Policy Event for the specified Content Policy Conditions. The Policy Event is an event for a Content Policy Condition to look for under a given Policy Operand (See: LocalLB::PolicyEvent for more details). Gets the Policy Event for the specified Content Policy Conditions. Sets the Policy Selector for the specified Content Policy Conditions. The Policy Selector determines what value to match on as in a Policy Event for a given connection (See: LocalLB::PolicySelector for more details). Gets the Policy Selector for the specified Content Policy Conditions. Sets the Policy Condition Type for the specified Content Policy Conditions. A Policy Condition Type specifies how to compare a connection for a Content Policy Condition. Gets the Policy Condition Type for the specified Content Policy Conditions. Sets whether a given Content Policy Condition can be missing when matching a connection. Gets whether a given Content Policy Condition can be missing when matching a connection. Sets whether or not case sensitivity matters when matching strings in a connection for a Content Policy Condition. Gets whether or not case sensitivity matters when matching strings in a connection for a Content Policy Condition. Sets whether or not to negate a Content Policy Condition. When a Content Policy Condition is negated, then a connection not matched under a Content Policy Condition would match and vice-versa. Gets whether or not to negate a Content Policy Condition. Sets the index of an array to search in when matching a connection which provides a list of values. For example, during an EVENT_SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE a list of suggested cipher suites is exchanged, the index in this case would refer to an index in the list of suggested cipher suites sent. Gets the index of an array to search in when matching a connection which has a list of values. Sets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches locally. A connection between a client and the server across the system contains four endpoints. Two of which are the local endpoints. In other words, those endpoints indicate the system ends of the connection. Two of which are the non-local endpoints. In other words, those endpoints indicate the client or server ends of the connection. When a condition matches locally, it matches on the system-side of a connection. Whether a connection is matched on the client-side or server-side is determined by the internal state. Gets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches locally. Sets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches internally. A connection between a client and the server across the system contains four endpoints. Two of which are the client-side or external endpoints. In other words, one endpoint indicates the client end of the connection and one endpoint indicates the system end. The other two are the server-side or internal endpoints. In other words, one endpoint indicates the system end and the other indicates the server end. When a condition matches internally, it matches on the server-side of a connection. Whether a connection is matched on the system side or the client or server side is determined by the local state. Gets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches internally. Sets the name that a Policy Condition Selector can use to match names on a connection. Gets the name that a Policy Condition Selector can use to match names on a connection. Gets the list of strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Note: All values passed into conditions will be translated to the appropriate type for the condition. For example, when a port is selected upon under a TCP operand, the values matched upon will be added using this function and the arguments will be string representations of integer values. Similarly, when an IP address is selected upon then the IP address will be passed in as a string formatted to look like an IP address. Adds to the list of strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Removes from the list of strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Removes all strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Gets the list of Content Policy Actions associated with the Content Policy Rules of a given Content Policy. A Content Policy Action describes how to change a connection when all of the Content Policy Conditions of a Content Policy Rule are matched. The value of the Content Policy Action ID determines the order in which they are executed. Adds to the list of Content Policy Actions associated with the Content Policy Rules of a given Content Policy. The value of the Content Policy Action ID determines the order in which they are executed. Removes from the list of Content Policy Actions associated with the Content Policy Rules of a given Content Policy. Removes all Content Policy Actions from the given Content Policy Rules. Sets the connection event that a Content Policy Action will act upon (See: LocalLB::PolicyEvent for more details). Gets the connection event that a Content Policy Action will act upon. Sets the Content Policy Action Target that will specify what in a matched connection will be modified. Gets the Content Policy Action Target that will specify what in a matched connection will be modified. Sets the Content Policy Action Type for the specifed Content Policy Actions. This determines the type of action that will be taken on a connection that matches the rules Content Policy Conditions. Gets the Content Policy Action Type for the specifed Content Policy Actions. Sets a string value. This string value is typically used with POLICY_ACTION_INSERT or POLICY_ACTION_REPLACE to insert or replace a value for the given PolicyTarget. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a string value. Sets a name value. Name values are typically associated with attributes of a target that are name-value pairs. For example, with a PolicyTarget of POLICY_TARGET_PERSIST, the name can be set for a cookie hash with a PolicyAction of POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_HASH. Gets a name value. Sets a URI path value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a URI path value. Sets a key value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which starts with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a key value. Sets a domain value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a domain value. Sets a netmask value. Gets a netmask value. Sets the expiry for a connection in conjunction with a PolicyAction of POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_INSERT or POLICY_ACTION_COOKIE_REWRITE. The expiry determines how long a persistence cookie is valid for a connection. The format of arguments can take two forms: &lt;NN&gt; - For an expiry of NN seconds. [&lt;NN&gt;d][&lt;HH&gt;:&lt;MM&gt;:&lt;SS&gt;] - For an expiry of NN days, HH hours, MM minutes, SS seconds. For example, an expiry of 9d09:09:09 would set a cookie expiration 9 days, 9 hours, 9 minutes, and 9 seconds, into the future. Gets the expiry value. Sets a URL location value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a URL location value. Sets a query string value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets query string value. Sets a from profile value. Gets a from profile value. Sets a policy to invoke. Gets a policy to invoke. Sets a Tcl expression value. This is a Tcl-enabled field which is always treated as a Tcl expression. Gets a Tcl expression value. Sets a pool value. Gets a pool value. Sets a clone pool value. Gets a clone pool value. Sets a member value. Gets a member value. Sets a node value. Gets a node value. Sets whether or not to use SNAT automap for a connection. Gets whether or not to use SNAT automap for a connection. Sets the SNAT Pool for a connection. Gets the SNAT Pool for a connection. Sets a nexthop value. Gets a nexthop value. Sets a rateclass value. Gets a rateclass value. Sets a VLAN value. Gets a VLAN value. Sets a virtual server. Gets a virtual server. Sets an internal virtual server. Gets an internal virtual server. Sets an application. Gets an application. Sets a category. Gets a category. Sets a priority value. Priorities correspond to Syslog priorities and may only be "debug", "info", "notice", "warning", "err", "crit", "alert", or "emerg". Gets a priority value. Sets a protocol value. Gets a protocol value. Sets a message value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets the message for a connection when it triggers a Content Policy Action. Sets a Syslog facility. The facilities may be "user", "local0", "local1", "local2", "local3", "local4", "local5", "local6", "local7", "syslog", "security", "authpriv", "daemon", "kern", "cron", "ftp", "lpr", "mail", "news", or "uucp". Gets a Syslog facility. Sets a port value. Gets a port value. Sets an offset value for a connection's cookie hash persistence. Gets an offset value for a connection's cookie hash persistence. Sets a status value. Gets a status value. Sets a timeout value in seconds. The timeout must be a non-negative number. Gets a timeout value in seconds. Sets a VLAN ID value. Gets a VLAN ID value. Sets the the state to pin cached content in memory. Gets the the state to pin cached content in memory. Sets whether to defer a PolicyAction. For example, when defer is set to true with POLICY_ACTION_CLASSIFY, the classification of a connection is deferred. Gets whether to defer a PolicyAction. Sets whether to set an SSL session ID. Gets whether to set an SSL session ID. Gets the version information for this interface. Gets a list of all Content Policies. Creates a new Content Policy with a Content Policy Strategy. See LocalLB::ContentPolicyStrategy for more details. The new Content Policy will have a Content Policy Requires of POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP. Deletes a list of policies. Deletes all policies. Gets a list of Content Policy Requires associated with the given Content Policies. A Content Policy Requires indicates the types of profiles that need to be associated with a virtual server before a Content Policy can be attached. This will also affect the types of Content Policy Rule Conditions that can be used in the Content Policy. Upon removing all Content Policy Requires, the Content Policy Requires will automatically set itself to include only POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP. Adds a set of Content Policy Requires to the specified Content Policies. Removes a set of Content Policy Requires from the specified Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Requires from the specified Content Policies. Gets a list of Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. A Content Policy Controls indicates the of virtual server behaviors that a Content Policy may modify. This will also affect the types of Content Policy Rule Actions that can be used in the Content Policy. Adds to a list of Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. Removes from the list of Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Controls associated with the given Content Policies. Sets the description for a set of Content Policies. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the description for a set of Content Policies. Sets the Content Policy Strategy for a set of Content Policies. A Content Policy Strategy is a way to resolve conflicts when multiple Content Policy Rules have their Content Policy Conditions matched. See: LocalLB::ContentPolicyStrategy for more details. Gets the Content Policy Strategy for a set of Content Policies. Gets the Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Content Policy Rules are collections of Content Policy Conditions to match connections and Content Policy Actions to take actions when a Content Policy Condition is matched. These Content Policy Rules may have a specified ordinal to determine how to match rules when a Content Policy Strategy of type PolicyStrategy::STRATEGY_MATCH_FIRST is attached to the Content Policy. Adds a set of Content Policy Rules to the specified Content Policies. Removes a set of Content Policy Rules from the specified Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Rules from the specified Content Policies. Sets the ordinal for the specified Content Policy Rules under the specified Content Policies. The ordinal determines the increasing order in which Content Policy Rules are applied if a Content Policy Strategy of type PolicyStrategy::STRATEGY_FIRST_MATCH is present. Gets the ordinal for the specified Content Policy Rules under the specified Content Policies. Gets the list of Content Policy Conditions for the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policy Conditions. The Content Policy Conditions specify a set of conditions that can be used to match a connection through a virtual server by a Content Policy. The value of the Content Policy Condition ID determines the order in which they are evaluated with the Content Policy Conditions with the smallest ID being tested first. Adds to the list of Content Policy Conditions for the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Removes from the list of Content Policy Conditions for the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Removes all Content Policy Conditions from the specified Content Policy Rules for the specified Content Policies. Sets the Policy Operand for the set of Policy Conditions for the set of Content Policy Rules for the set of Content Policies. A Policy Operand specifies an attribute of a connection that a Content Policy Condition will match on (See: LocalLB::PolicyOperand for more details). Gets the Policy Operand for the set of Policy Conditions for the set of Content Policy Rules for the set of Content Policies. Sets the Policy Event for the specified Content Policy Conditions. The Policy Event is an event for a Content Policy Condition to look for under a given Policy Operand (See: LocalLB::PolicyEvent for more details). Gets the Policy Event for the specified Content Policy Conditions. Sets the Policy Selector for the specified Content Policy Conditions. The Policy Selector determines what value to match on as in a Policy Event for a given connection (See: LocalLB::PolicySelector for more details). Gets the Policy Selector for the specified Content Policy Conditions. Sets the Policy Condition Type for the specified Content Policy Conditions. A Policy Condition Type specifies how to compare a connection for a Content Policy Condition. Gets the Policy Condition Type for the specified Content Policy Conditions. Sets whether a given Content Policy Condition can be missing when matching a connection. Gets whether a given Content Policy Condition can be missing when matching a connection. Sets whether or not case sensitivity matters when matching strings in a connection for a Content Policy Condition. Gets whether or not case sensitivity matters when matching strings in a connection for a Content Policy Condition. Sets whether or not to negate a Content Policy Condition. When a Content Policy Condition is negated, then a connection not matched under a Content Policy Condition would match and vice-versa. Gets whether or not to negate a Content Policy Condition. Sets the index of an array to search in when matching a connection which provides a list of values. For example, during an EVENT_SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE a list of suggested cipher suites is exchanged, the index in this case would refer to an index in the list of suggested cipher suites sent. Gets the index of an array to search in when matching a connection which has a list of values. Sets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches locally. A connection between a client and the server across the system contains four endpoints. Two of which are the local endpoints. In other words, those endpoints indicate the system ends of the connection. Two of which are the non-local endpoints. In other words, those endpoints indicate the client or server ends of the connection. When a condition matches locally, it matches on the system-side of a connection. Whether a connection is matched on the client-side or server-side is determined by the internal state. Gets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches locally. Sets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches internally. A connection between a client and the server across the system contains four endpoints. Two of which are the client-side or external endpoints. In other words, one endpoint indicates the client end of the connection and one endpoint indicates the system end. The other two are the server-side or internal endpoints. In other words, one endpoint indicates the system end and the other indicates the server end. When a condition matches internally, it matches on the server-side of a connection. Whether a connection is matched on the system side or the client or server side is determined by the local state. Gets whether or not a Content Policy Condition matches internally. Sets the name that a Policy Condition Selector can use to match names on a connection. Gets the name that a Policy Condition Selector can use to match names on a connection. Gets the list of strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Note: All values passed into conditions will be translated to the appropriate type for the condition. For example, when a port is selected upon under a TCP operand, the values matched upon will be added using this function and the arguments will be string representations of integer values. Similarly, when an IP address is selected upon then the IP address will be passed in as a string formatted to look like an IP address. Adds to the list of strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Removes from the list of strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Removes all strings that a Content Policy Condition can match on. Gets the list of Content Policy Actions associated with the Content Policy Rules of a given Content Policy. A Content Policy Action describes how to change a connection when all of the Content Policy Conditions of a Content Policy Rule are matched. The value of the Content Policy Action ID determines the order in which they are executed. Adds to the list of Content Policy Actions associated with the Content Policy Rules of a given Content Policy. The value of the Content Policy Action ID determines the order in which they are executed. Removes from the list of Content Policy Actions associated with the Content Policy Rules of a given Content Policy. Removes all Content Policy Actions from the given Content Policy Rules. Sets the connection event that a Content Policy Action will act upon (See: LocalLB::PolicyEvent for more details). Gets the connection event that a Content Policy Action will act upon. Sets the Content Policy Action Target that will specify what in a matched connection will be modified. Gets the Content Policy Action Target that will specify what in a matched connection will be modified. Sets the Content Policy Action Type for the specifed Content Policy Actions. This determines the type of action that will be taken on a connection that matches the rules Content Policy Conditions. Gets the Content Policy Action Type for the specifed Content Policy Actions. Sets a string value. This string value is typically used with POLICY_ACTION_INSERT or POLICY_ACTION_REPLACE to insert or replace a value for the given PolicyTarget. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a string value. Sets a name value. Name values are typically associated with attributes of a target that are name-value pairs. For example, with a PolicyTarget of POLICY_TARGET_PERSIST, the name can be set for a cookie hash with a PolicyAction of POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_HASH. Gets a name value. Sets a URI path value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a URI path value. Sets a key value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which starts with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a key value. Sets a domain value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a domain value. Sets a netmask value. Gets a netmask value. Sets the expiry for a connection in conjunction with a PolicyAction of POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_INSERT or POLICY_ACTION_COOKIE_REWRITE. The expiry determines how long a persistence cookie is valid for a connection. The format of arguments can take two forms: &lt;NN&gt; - For an expiry of NN seconds. [&lt;NN&gt;d][&lt;HH&gt;:&lt;MM&gt;:&lt;SS&gt;] - For an expiry of NN days, HH hours, MM minutes, SS seconds. For example, an expiry of 9d09:09:09 would set a cookie expiration 9 days, 9 hours, 9 minutes, and 9 seconds, into the future. Gets the expiry value. Sets a URL location value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets a URL location value. Sets a query string value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets query string value. Sets a from profile value. Gets a from profile value. Sets a policy to invoke. Gets a policy to invoke. Sets a Tcl expression value. This is a Tcl-enabled field which is always treated as a Tcl expression. Gets a Tcl expression value. Sets a pool value. Gets a pool value. Sets a clone pool value. Gets a clone pool value. Sets a member value. Gets a member value. Sets a node value. Gets a node value. Sets whether or not to use SNAT automap for a connection. Gets whether or not to use SNAT automap for a connection. Sets the SNAT Pool for a connection. Gets the SNAT Pool for a connection. Sets a nexthop value. Gets a nexthop value. Sets a rateclass value. Gets a rateclass value. Sets a VLAN value. Gets a VLAN value. Sets a virtual server. Gets a virtual server. Sets an internal virtual server. Gets an internal virtual server. Sets an application. Gets an application. Sets a category. Gets a category. Sets a priority value. Priorities correspond to Syslog priorities and may only be "debug", "info", "notice", "warning", "err", "crit", "alert", or "emerg". Gets a priority value. Sets a protocol value. Gets a protocol value. Sets a message value. As a Tcl-enabled field, strings which start with "tcl:" are treated as Tcl expressions and get expanded at runtime. Gets the message for a connection when it triggers a Content Policy Action. Sets a Syslog facility. The facilities may be "user", "local0", "local1", "local2", "local3", "local4", "local5", "local6", "local7", "syslog", "security", "authpriv", "daemon", "kern", "cron", "ftp", "lpr", "mail", "news", or "uucp". Gets a Syslog facility. Sets a port value. Gets a port value. Sets an offset value for a connection's cookie hash persistence. Gets an offset value for a connection's cookie hash persistence. Sets a status value. Gets a status value. Sets a timeout value in seconds. The timeout must be a non-negative number. Gets a timeout value in seconds. Sets a VLAN ID value. Gets a VLAN ID value. Sets the the state to pin cached content in memory. Gets the the state to pin cached content in memory. Sets whether to defer a PolicyAction. For example, when defer is set to true with POLICY_ACTION_CLASSIFY, the classification of a connection is deferred. Gets whether to defer a PolicyAction. Sets whether to set an SSL session ID. Gets whether to set an SSL session ID. Gets the version information for this interface. The Content Policy interface configures the list of Content Policies used by the Content Policy Manager to modify and redirect traffic based upon a set of Content Policy Conditions a connection could match and Content Policy Actions taken based on those conditions matched. Given the nature of Content Policies, a user of this API should familiarize themselves with iControl transactions described in the System::Session interface. <p>As a guide for creating the list of valid Content Policy Conditions, the allowable configurations are listed below. A Content Policy Operand Type is given with the Content Policy Requires needed on the Content Policy, the Content Policy Events that can be selected upon, the specific Content Policy Selectors that can be used, and the functions used to configure those selectors.</p> <ul> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_TCP <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_TCP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ADDRESS <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PORT <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_MSS <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_RTT <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_VLAN <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_VLAN_ID <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ROUTE_DOMAIN <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_CLIENT_SSL <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_CLIENT_SSL</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PROTOCOL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_CIPHER <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_CIPHER_BITS <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_METHOD <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_URI <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_SCHEME <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_HOST <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PATH <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_QUERY_STRING <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_EXTENSION <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PATH_SEGMENT <ul><li>set_condition_index</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_QUERY_PARAMETER <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_UNNAMED_QUERY_PARAMETER <ul><li>set_condition_index</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PORT <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_VERSION <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_MAJOR <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_MINOR <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PROTOCOL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_STATUS <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_CODE <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_TEXT <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_HOST <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_HOST <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PORT <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_HEADER <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_REFERER <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_SCHEME <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_HOST <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PATH <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_QUERY_STRING <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_EXTENSION <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PATH_SEGMENT <ul><li>set_condition_index</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_QUERY_PARAMETER <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_UNNAMED_QUERY_PARAMETER <ul><li>set_condition_index</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PORT <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_COOKIE <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_SET_COOKIE <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_VALUE <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PATH <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_DOMAIN <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_EXPIRY <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_VERSION <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_USERNAME <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_PASSWORD <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_SSL_EXTENSION <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_SSL_PERSISTENCE</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_SERVER_NAME <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_NPN <ul><li>set_condition_index</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ALPN <ul><li>set_condition_index</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_SSL_CERT <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_SSL_PERSISTENCE</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_COMMON_NAME <ul><li>set_condition_index</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_GEOIP <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_CONTINENT <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_COUNTRY_CODE <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_COUNTRY_NAME <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_REGION_CODE <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_REGION_NAME <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ORG <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_ISP <ul><li>set_condition_internal_state</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_CPU_USAGE <ul><li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_LAST_15SECS <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_LAST_1MIN <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_LAST_5MINS <ul><li>add_condition_values (with number formatted strings)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_OPERAND_HTTP_USER_AGENT <ul><li>This operand is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyRequires: <ul><li>POLICY_REQUIRES_HTTP</li></ul></li> <li>The Content Policy Operand supports these LocalLB:::PolicyEvents: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>These are the supported LocalLB::PolicySelectors and the functions used to set selections: <ul><li>POLICY_SELECTOR_DEVICE_MAKE <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_DEVICE_MODEL <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_BROWSER_TYPE <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_BROWSER_VERSION <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_SELECTOR_USER_AGENT_TOKEN <ul><li>add_condition_values (with any string)</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> </ul> <p>As a guide for creating the list of valid Content Policy Actions. The allowable configurations are listed below. A Content Policy Target is given with the Content Policy Events when the Content Policy Action can take place, the allowable Content Policy Actions that can take place, and the functions that can modify the specific Content Policy Targets.</p> <ul> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE</li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_URI <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_REPLACE <ul><li>set_action_value</li> <li>set_action_path</li> <li>set_action_query_string</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_HOST <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_REPLACE <ul><li>set_action_value</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_HEADER <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_INSERT <ul><li>set_action_name</li> <li>set_action_value</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_REPLACE <ul><li>set_action_name</li> <li>set_action_value</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_REMOVE <ul><li>set_action_name</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_REFERER <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_INSERT <ul><li>set_action_value</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_REPLACE <ul><li>set_action_value</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_REMOVE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_COOKIE <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_INSERT <ul><li>set_action_name</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_REMOVE <ul><li>set_action_name</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_INSERT <ul><li>set_action_value</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_SET_COOKIE <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_INSERT <ul><li>set_action_name</li> <li>set_action_value</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_REMOVE <ul><li>set_action_name</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_INSERT <ul><li>set_action_domain</li> <li>set_action_path</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_HTTP_REPLY <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_FORWARDING</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_REDIRECT <ul><li>set_action_location</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_LOG <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_WRITE <ul><li>set_action_message</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_WRITE <ul><li>set_action_facility</li> <li>set_action_priority</li> <li>set_action_ip_address</li> <li>set_action_port</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_PEM <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_CLASSIFICATION</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_CLASSIFY <ul><li>set_action_application</li> <li>set_action_category</li> <li>set_action_protocol</li> <li>set_action_defer_state</li> <li>set_action_ssl_session_id_state</li> </ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_CACHE <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_CACHING</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE <ul><li>set_action_pin_state</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_COMPRESS <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_COMPRESSION</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE</li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_DECOMPRESS <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_COMPRESSION</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE</li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_FORWARD <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_FORWARDING</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_SELECT <ul><li>set_action_pool</li> <li>set_action_clone_pool</li> <li>set_action_node</li> <li>set_action_member</li> <li>set_action_snat_automap_state</li> <li>set_action_snatpool</li> <li>set_action_nexthop</li> <li>set_action_vlan</li> <li>set_action_vlan_id</li> <li>set_action_virtual</li> <li>set_action_rateclass</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_RESET</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_TCP_NAGLE <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE</li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_WAM <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_ACCELERATION</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE</li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_ASM <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_ASM</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE <ul><li>set_action_policy</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_L7DOS <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_L7DOS</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE <ul><li>set_action_from_profile</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_AVR <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_AVR</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE</li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_TCL <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_SET_VARIABLE <ul><li>set_action_name</li> <li>set_action_expression</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_RESPONSE_ADAPT <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_RESPONSE_ADAPTATION</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE <ul><li>set_action_internal_virtual</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_REQUEST_ADAPT <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_REQUEST_ADAPTATION</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE <ul><li>set_action_internal_virtual</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_SERVER_SSL <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_SERVER_SSL</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_ENABLE</li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_LTM_POLICY <ul><li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HELLO</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_SSL_SERVER_HANDSHAKE</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li> <li>POLICY_EVENT_RESPONSE</li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_TARGET_PERSIST <ul><li>This target is only valid when the Content Policy is associated with the following ContentPolicy::PolicyControls: <ul><li>POLICY_CONTROLS_PERSISTENCE</li></ul></li> <li>LocalLB::PolicyEvents that an action can work on: <ul><li>POLICY_EVENT_REQUEST</li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions that can be used on this Content Policy Target: <ul><li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is required: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_HASH <ul><li>set_action_name</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_UNIVERSAL <ul><li>set_action_key</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_HASH <ul><li>set_action_key</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_CARP <ul><li>set_action_key</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>ContentPolicy::PolicyActions whose use is optional: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_SOURCE_ADDRESS <ul><li>set_action_netmask</li> <li>set_action_timeout</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_DESTINATION_ADDRESS <ul><li>set_action_netmask</li> <li>set_action_timeout</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_INSERT <ul><li>set_action_name</li> <li>set_action_expiry</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_REWRITE <ul><li>set_action_name</li> <li>set_action_expiry</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_PASSIVE <ul><li>set_action_name</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_COOKIE_HASH <ul><li>set_action_offset</li> <li>set_action_length</li> <li>set_action_timeout</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_UNIVERSAL <ul><li>set_action_timeout</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_HASH <ul><li>set_action_timeout</li></ul></li> <li>POLICY_ACTION_PERSIST_CARP <ul><li>set_action_timeout</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>The following ContentPolicy::PolicyActions take no parameters: <ul><li>POLICY_ACTION_DISABLE</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li> </ul>