module Enumerable unless (RUBY_VERSION[0,3] == '1.9') # #group_by is used to group items in a collection by something they # have in common. The common factor is the key in the resulting hash, the # array of like elements is the value. # # (1..5).group_by { |n| n % 3 } # #=> { 0 => [3], 1 => [1, 4], 2 => [2,5] } # # ["I had", 1, "dollar and", 50, "cents"].group_by { |e| e.class } # #=> { String => ["I had","dollar and","cents"], Fixnum => [1,50] } # # CREDIT: Erik Veenstra # # TODO: # - Deprecate #group_by when released for Ruby 1.9. def group_by #:yield: #h = k = e = nil r = each{ |e| (r[yield(e)] ||= []) << e } r end end # This alias is the original Facets name for the method, but Ruby 1.9 has # adopted #group_by as the name, so eventually #partition_by will be deprecated. alias_method :partition_by, :group_by # Split on matching pattern. Unlike #divide this does not include matching elements. # # ['a1','a2','b1','a3','b2','a4'].split(/^b/) # => [['a1','a2'],['a3'],['a4']] # # CREDIT: Trans def split(pattern) memo = [] each do |obj| if pattern === obj memo.push [] else memo.last << obj end end memo end # Divide on matching pattern. # # ['a1','b1','a2','b2'].divide(/^a/) # => [['a1,'b1'],['a2','b2']] # # CREDIT: Trans def divide(pattern) memo = [] each do |obj| memo.push [] if pattern === obj memo.last << obj end memo end # Similar to #group_by but returns an array of the groups. # Returned elements are sorted by block. # # %w{this is a test}.cluster_by {|x| x[0]} # # _produces_ # # [ ['a'], ['is'], ['this', 'test'] ] # # CREDIT Erik Veenstra def cluster_by(&b) group_by(&b).sort.transpose.pop || [] # group_by(&b).values ? end # Modulate. Divide an array into groups by modulo of the index. # # [2,4,6,8].modulate(2) #=> [[2,6],[4,8]] # # CREDIT: Trans # # NOTE: Would this be better named 'collate'? def modulate(modulo) return to_a if modulo == 1 raise ArgumentError, 'bad modulo' if size % modulo != 0 r =, []) (0...size).each do |i| r[i % level] += [self[i]] end r end # DEPRECATED -- Use 'each_slice(n).to_a' as of 1.9. # Partition an array into parts of given length. # # CREDIT WhyTheLuckyStiff # # def / len # inject([]) do |ary, x| # ary << [] if [*ary.last].nitems % len == 0 # ary.last << x # ary # end # end end