module CsvRowModel module Model module Columns extend ActiveSupport::Concern # @return [Hash] a map of `column_name => public_send(column_name)` def attributes self.class.column_names .zip( { |column_name| public_send(column_name) }) .to_h end def to_json attributes.to_json end class_methods do # @return [Array] column names for the row model def column_names columns.keys end # @return [Hash] column names mapped to their options def columns deep_class_var(:@_columns, {}, :merge) end # @param [Symbol] column_name name of column to find option # @return [Hash] options for the column_name def options(column_name) columns[column_name] end # @param [Symbol] column_name name of column to find index # @return [Integer] index of the column_name def index(column_name) column_names.index column_name end protected def merge_columns(column_hash) @_columns ||= {} clear_deep_class_cache(:@_columns) @_columns.merge!(column_hash) end VALID_OPTIONS_KEYS = %i[type parse validate_type default header header_matchs].freeze # Adds column to the row model # # @param [Symbol] column_name name of column to add # @param options [Hash] # # @option options [class] :type class you want to automatically parse to (by default does nothing, equivalent to String) # @option options [Lambda, Proc] :parse for parsing the cell # @option options [Boolean] :validate_type adds a validations within a {::csv_string_model} call. # if true, it will add the default validation for the given :type (if applicable) # # @option options [Object] :default default value of the column if it is blank?, can pass Proc # @option options [String] :header human friendly string of the column name, by default format_header(column_name) # @option options [Hash] :header_matchs array with string to match cell to find in the row, by default column name def column(column_name, options={}) extra_keys = options.keys - VALID_OPTIONS_KEYS raise"invalid options #{extra_keys}") unless extra_keys.empty? merge_columns(column_name.to_sym => options) end # alias_method :row, :column end end end end