# fluent-plugin-norikra
Fluentd plugins to send/receive events to/from Norikra server.
Norikra is an open source server software provides "Stream Processing" with SQL, written in JRuby, runs on JVM, licensed under GPLv2.
For more details, see: http://norikra.github.io/ .
fluent-plugin-norikra has 3 plugins: in\_norikra, out\_norikra and out\_norikra\_filter.
* in\_norikra
* fetch events of query results from Norikra server
* out\_norikra
* send events to Norikra server
* out\_norikra\_filter
* launch Norikra server as child process dynamically, as needed
* use Norikra server as event filter (like out\_exec\_filter)
* register/execute queries for targets newly incoming
# Setup
`fluent-plugin-norikra` works with Norikra server, on same server with Fluentd, or anywhere reachable over network from Fluentd.
For Norikra server setup, see: http://norikra.github.io/ .
* Fluentd and fluent-plugin-norikra requires CRuby (MatzRuby).
* Norikra requires JRuby.
To use out\_norikra\_filter with dynamic Norikra server launching, check actual path of command `norikra` under installed JRuby tree. (ex: `$HOME/.rbenv/versions/jruby-1.7.8/bin/norikra`)
To use this plugin:
1. run `gem install fluent-plugin-norikra` or `fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-norikra` to install plugin
1. edit configuration files
1. execute fluentd
# Configuration
For variations, see `example` directory.
## NorikraOutput
Sends events to remote Norikra server. Minimal configurations are:
type norikra
norikra norikra.server.local:26571
remove_tag_prefix data
target_map_tag true # fluentd's tag 'data.event' -> norikra's target 'event'
NorikraOutput plugin opens Norikra's target for newly incoming tags. You can specify fields to include/exclude, and specify types of each fields, for each targets (and all targets by `default`). Definitions in `` overwrites `` specifications.
type norikra
norikra norikra.server.local:26571
target_map_tag true # fluentd's tag -> norikra's target
remove_tag_prefix data
# other options:
# target_map_key KEY_NAME # use specified key's value as target in fluentd event
# target_string STRING # use fixed target name specified
include * # send all fields values to norikra
exclude time # exclude 'time' field from sending event values
# AND/OR 'include_regexp' and 'exclude_regexp' available
field_integer seq # field 'seq' defined as integer for all targets
escape_fieldname yes # Escape field name special chars (non alphabetical or numerical names) with underscore('_')
# This is friendly for query access (ex: field.key1.cpu_total)
# Default: no
field_string name,address
field_integer age
field_float height,weight
field_boolean superuser
With default setting, all fields are defined as 'string', so you must use `field_xxxx` parameters for numerical processing in query (For more details, see Norikra and Esper's documents).
If fluentd's events has so many variations of sets of fields, you can specify not to include fields automatically, with `auto_field` option:
type norikra
norikra norikra.server.local:26571
target_map_tag true # fluentd's tag 'data.event' -> norikra's target 'event'
remove_tag_prefix data
auto_field false # norikra includes fields only used in queries.
Fields which are referred in queries are automatically registered on norikra server in spite of `auto_field false`.
Use `time_key FIELDNAME` to include time of Fluentd's event into data field of Norikra (by milliseconds with Norikra/Esper's rule). This is useful for queries with `.win:ext_timed_batch(FIELD, PERIOD)` views.
** NOTE: and sections in NorikraOutput ignores sections. see NorikraFilterOutput **
## NorikraInput
Fetch events from Norikra server, and emits these into Fluentd itself. NorikraInput uses Norikra's API `event` (for queries), and `sweep` (for query groups).
Minimal configurations:
Available `` methods are `event` and `sweep`. `target` parameter is handled as query name for `event`, and as query group name for `sweep`.
## NorikraFilterOutput
NorikraFilterOutput has all features of both of NorikraInput and NorikraOutput, and also has additional features:
* execute Norikra server
* runs queries for newly incoming targets.
If you runs Norikra as standalone process, better configurations are to use NorikraInput and NorikraOutput separately. NorikraFilterOutput is for simple aggregations and filterings.
Configuration example to receive tags like `event.foo` and send norikra's target `foo`, and get count of its records per minute, and per hour with built-in Norikra server:
type norikra_filter
path /home/username/.rbenv/versions/jruby-1.7.4/bin/norikra
# opts -Xmx2g # options of 'norikra start'
remove_tag_prefix event
target_map_tag yes
name count_min_${target}
group count_query_group # or default when omitted
expression SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM ${target}.win:time_batch(1 minute)
tag count.min.${target}
name count_hour_${target}
group count_query_group
expression SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM ${target}.win:time_batch(1 hour)
tag count.hour.${target}
Results of queries automatically registered by NorikraFilterOutput with `tag` parameter, will be fetched automatically by this plugin, and re-emitted into Fluentd itself.
Other all options are available as same as NorikraInput and NorikraOutput. ``, `` and `` sections, `auto_field`, `include|exclude` and `field_xxxx` specifiers for targets and parameters for `` sections.
### Input event data filtering
If you want send known fields only, specify `exclude *` and `include` or `include_regexp` like this:
exclude *
include path,status,method,bytes,rhost,referer,agent,duration
include_pattern ^(query_|header_).*
# ...
Or you can specify to include as default, and exclude known some fields:
include *
exclude user_secret
include_pattern ^(header_).*
# ...
NOTE: These configurations of `` section overwrites of configurations in `` section.
### Target mapping
Norikra's target (like table name) can be generated from:
* tag
* one target per one tag
* `target_map_tag yes`
* value of specified field
* targets from values in specified field of record, dynamically
* `target_map_key foo`
* fixed string (in configuration file)
* all records are sent in single target
* `target_string from_fluentd`
* write abou these topics
* error logs for new target, success logs of retry
# Copyright
* Copyright (c) 2013- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
* License
* Apache License, version 2.0