require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Trinidad::WebApp do before do @tomcat = @tomcat_web_app = @tomcat.addWebapp('/', File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../') @app = { :web_app_dir => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'web_app_mock'), :context_path => '/' } @config = { :libs_dir => 'lib', :classes_dir => 'classes', :default_web_xml => 'config/web.xml', :jruby_min_runtimes => 2, :jruby_max_runtimes => 6, :web_apps => { :default => @app } } @web_app =, @config, @app) end it "creates a RailsWebApp if rackup option is not present" do Trinidad::WebApp.create(@tomcat_web_app, @config, @app).is_a?(Trinidad::RailsWebApp).should be_true end it "creates a RackupWebApp if rackup option is present" do rackup_app = {:rackup => ''} @config.deep_merge({:web_apps => {:default => rackup_app}}) Trinidad::WebApp.create(@tomcat_web_app, @config, rackup_app).is_a?(Trinidad::RackupWebApp).should be_true end it "should load custom jars" do class_loader = @web_app.add_application_libs(class_loader) resource = class_loader.find_class('org.ho.yaml.Yaml') resource.should_not == nil end it "should load custom classes" do class_loader = @web_app.add_application_classes(class_loader) resource = class_loader.find_class('HelloTomcat') resource.should_not == nil end it "should start application context without errors" do start_context end it "should add a filter from the default web.xml" do start_context_with_web_xml @web_app.context.findFilterDefs().should have(1).filters end it "shouldn't duplicate init params" do start_context_with_web_xml lambda { @web_app.add_init_params }.should_not raise_error end it "should load init params" do @web_app.add_init_params @web_app.context.findParameter('jruby.min.runtimes').should == '2' @web_app.context.findParameter('jruby.max.runtimes').should == '6' end it "should configure rack filter" do @web_app.add_rack_filter @web_app.context.findFilterDefs().should have(1).filters end it "should configure rack listener" do @web_app.add_rack_context_listener @web_app.context.findApplicationListeners().should have(1).listeners end it "should have rack filter already configured" do @web_app.load_default_web_xml @web_app.rack_filter_configured?().should == true @web_app.add_rack_filter @web_app.context.findFilterDefs().should have(0).filters end it "should have rack listener already configured" do @web_app.load_default_web_xml @web_app.rack_listener_configured?().should == true @web_app.add_rack_context_listener @web_app.context.findApplicationListeners().should have(0).listeners end def start_context_with_web_xml @web_app.load_default_web_xml start_context end def start_context load_tomcat_libs lambda { @web_app.context.start }.should_not raise_error end def load_tomcat_libs @web_app.config[:libs_dir] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'tomcat-libs') @web_app.add_context_loader end end