#Copyright (c) 2008-9 Peter H. Boling of 9thBit LLC #Released under the MIT license module NinthBit module SanitizeEmail def self.included(base) # Adds the following class attributes to the classes that include NinthBit::SanitizeEmail base.cattr_accessor :force_sanitize base.force_sanitize = nil # Specify the BCC addresses for the messages that go out in 'local' environments base.cattr_accessor :sanitized_bcc base.sanitized_bcc = nil # Specify the CC addresses for the messages that go out in 'local' environments base.cattr_accessor :sanitized_cc base.sanitized_cc = nil # The recipient addresses for the messages, either as a string (for a single # address) or an array (for multiple addresses) that go out in 'local' environments base.cattr_accessor :sanitized_recipients base.sanitized_recipients = nil # Use the 'real' email address as the username for the sanitized email address # e.g. "real@example.com <sanitized@example.com>" base.cattr_accessor :use_actual_email_as_sanitized_user_name base.use_actual_email_as_sanitized_user_name = false # Prepend the 'real' email address onto the Subject line of the message # e.g. "real@example.com rest of subject" base.cattr_accessor :use_actual_email_prepended_to_subject base.use_actual_email_prepended_to_subject = false base.class_eval do # We need to alias these methods so that our new methods get used instead alias :real_bcc :bcc alias :real_cc :cc alias :real_recipients :recipients alias :real_subject :subject def localish? # consider_local is a method in sanitize_email/lib/custom_environments.rb # it is included in ActionMailer in sanitize_email/init.rb !self.class.force_sanitize.nil? ? self.class.force_sanitize : self.class.consider_local? end def subject(*lines) real_subject(*lines) localish? ? override_subject : real_subject end def recipients(*addresses) real_recipients(*addresses) if localish? puts "sanitize_email error: sanitized_recipients is not set" if self.class.sanitized_recipients.nil? override_email(:recipients) else real_recipients end end def cc(*addresses) real_cc(*addresses) localish? ? override_email(:cc) : real_cc end def bcc(*addresses) real_bcc(*addresses) localish? ? override_email(:bcc) : real_bcc end ####### private ####### def override_subject real_recipients.nil? ? real_subject : "(#{real_recipients}) #{real_subject}" end def override_email(type) real_addresses, sanitized_addresses = case type when :recipients [real_recipients, self.class.sanitized_recipients] when :cc [real_cc, self.class.sanitized_cc] when :bcc [real_bcc, self.class.sanitized_bcc] else raise "sanitize_email error: unknown email override" end # If there were no original recipients, then we DO NOT override the nil with the sanitized recipients return nil if real_addresses.nil? return sanitized_addresses if sanitized_addresses.nil? || !self.class.use_actual_email_as_sanitized_user_name out = real_addresses.inject([]) do |result, real_recipient| result << sanitized_addresses.map{|sanitized| "#{real_recipient} <#{sanitized}>"} result end.flatten return out end end end end # end Module SanitizeEmail end # end Module NinthBit