module Discorb
  # Represents a single asset.
  class Asset < Discorb::DiscordModel
    # Initialize a new instance of the Asset class.
    # @private
    # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
    # @param [Hash] data The data of the object.
    def initialize: (untyped target, untyped hash, ?path: untyped) -> void

    # URL of the asset.
    # @param [String] image_format The image format.
    # @param [Integer] size The size of the image.
    # @return [String] URL of the asset.
    def url: (?image_format: String?, ?size: Integer) -> String

    def inspect: -> String

    def endpoint: -> untyped

    # @return [String] The hash of asset.
    attr_reader hash: String

    # @return [Boolean] Whether the asset is animated.
    attr_reader animated?: bool