module RTM::AR class Topic < TopicMapConstruct include RTM::Topic wrapper_cache parent :topic_map property_set :subject_identifiers, :aka => [:si,:sid], :type => :SubjectIdentifier, :wrap => true, #:create => :subject_identifier, :create_aka => [:csi,:csid], #:create_args => [{:name => :reference, :type => :String}] :add => true, :remove => true property_set :subject_locators, :aka => [:sl,:slo], :type => :SubjectLocator, :wrap => true, #:create => :subject_locator, :create_aka => [:csl, :cslo], #:create_args => [{:name => :reference, :type => :String}] :add => true, :remove => true property :reified, :computable => true, :type => :Reifiable, :wrap => true property_set :topic_names, :aka => [:n, :names], :type => :TopicName, :wrap => true, :create => :topic_name, :create_aka => [:create_name, :cn], :create_args => [ {:name => :value, :type => :String}, {:name => :type, :type => :Topic, :optional => true}, {:name => :scope, :type => :Collection} ] property_set :occurrences, :aka => :o, :type => :Occurrence, :wrap => true, :create => :occurrence, :create_aka => :co, :create_args => [ {:name => :value, :type => [:String, :Locator]}, {:name => :type, :type => :Topic}, {:name => :scope, :type => :Collection} ] property_set :roles, :aka => [:r, :roles_played, :association_roles], :computable => true, :type => :AssociationRole, :wrap => true property_set :associations, :aka => [:a, :associations_played], :type => :Association, :wrap => true property_set :scoped_objects, :type => :TopicMapConstruct, :wrap => true property_set :scoped_associations, :type => :Association, :wrap => true property_set :scoped_topic_names, :aka => :scoped_names, :type => :TopicName, :wrap => true property_set :scoped_variants, :type => :Variant, :wrap => true property_set :scoped_occurrences, :type => :Occurrence, :wrap => true property_set :associations_typed, :aka => :at, :type => :Association, :wrap => true property_set :association_roles_typed, :aka => [:roles_typed,:art,:rt], :type => :AssociationRole, :wrap => true property_set :topic_names_typed, :aka => [:names_typed,:tnt,:nt], :type => :TopicName, :wrap => true property_set :occurrences_typed, :aka => :ot, :type => :Occurrence, :wrap => true require 'rtm/sugar/topic/characteristics' include RTM::Sugar::Topic::Characteristics require 'rtm/sugar/topic/counterparts' include RTM::Sugar::Topic::Counterparts require 'rtm/sugar/topic/identifier_direct' include RTM::Sugar::Topic::IdentifierDirect require 'rtm/sugar/topic/hash_access' include RTM::Sugar::Topic::HashAccess require 'rtm/sugar/topic/predefined_associations' include RTM::Sugar::Topic::PredefinedAssociations # class:Topic equality, # # This method is all crap. These ActiveRecord Arrays can't be intersected, # so I map the identifiers to their reference which seems long winded. # Still I find it better than using their ID in the long. # def ==(o) return false unless o # Two topic items are equal if they have: # * at least one equal string in their [subject identifiers] properties, # -> test if intersection are > 0 my_si ={|si| si.reference} ot_si ={|si| si.reference} return true if ( my_si & ot_si).size > 0 # * at least one equal string in their [item identifiers] properties, my_ii ={|ii| ii.reference} ot_ii ={|ii| ii.reference} return true if (my_ii & ot_ii).size > 0 # * at least one equal string in their [subject locators] properties, my_sl ={|sl| sl.reference} ot_sl ={|sl| sl.reference} return true if (my_sl & ot_sl).size > 0 # * an equal string in the [subject identifiers] property of the one topic item and the [item identifiers] property of the other, or return true if (my_si & ot_ii).size > 0 return true if (my_ii & ot_si).size > 0 # * the same information item in their [reified] properties. return true if self.reified != nil && o.reified != nil && (self.reified == o.reified) # ... otherwise false end end end