=begin rdoc rdoc == Directory The directory resource is used to describe a directory that should be present on all of the instances. == Usage has_directory 'name', :from => '/local/path', :to => '/path/on/server/' The above example will place the contents of '/local/path' at '/path/on/server/name' has_directory(:name => '/etc/apache2') == Options * name Describe the location of the file with the name * mode Describe the mode of the file (default: 644) * owner The owner of the file (default: poolparty user) =end module PoolParty module Resources class Directory < Resource default_options( :recursive => true, :mode => "0644", :owner => "root", :group => "root", :recursive => true ) def print_to_chef <<-EOE directory "<%= name %>" do action :<%= exists ? :create : :delete %> recursive <%= print_variable(recursive) %> mode <%= print_variable(mode) %> owner <%= print_variable(owner) %> group <%= print_variable(group) %> end EOE end end end end