--- --- // Bootstrap initialize @import "bootstrap/functions" @import "bootstrap/variables" // PALETTE // Background frame color. // Used in: html and footer nav $bg-frame: $gray-200 // use extending his class .bg-frame background-color: $bg-frame // Dropdown $dropdown-bg: $gray-800 $dropdown-border-color: rgba($white, .15) $dropdown-link-color: $gray-200 $dropdown-link-hover-color: $gray-100 $dropdown-link-hover-bg: $gray-900 // FONTS // Font size $font-size-base: 1.1rem // Base font family @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500") $font-family-sans-serif: "Roboto", Arial, sans-serif $font-family-base: $font-family-sans-serif // Headings font family @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab:300,400,700") $font-family-headings: "Roboto Slab", serif $font-family-headings-header: $font-family-headings // // Bootstrap_end // @import "bootstrap/mixins" // @import "bootstrap/root" @import "bootstrap/reboot" @import "bootstrap/type" @import "bootstrap/images" @import "bootstrap/code" @import "bootstrap/grid" @import "bootstrap/tables" @import "bootstrap/forms" @import "bootstrap/buttons" @import "bootstrap/transitions" @import "bootstrap/dropdown" @import "bootstrap/button-group" @import "bootstrap/input-group" @import "bootstrap/custom-forms" @import "bootstrap/nav" @import "bootstrap/navbar" @import "bootstrap/card" @import "bootstrap/breadcrumb" @import "bootstrap/pagination" @import "bootstrap/badge" @import "bootstrap/jumbotron" @import "bootstrap/alert" @import "bootstrap/progress" @import "bootstrap/media" @import "bootstrap/list-group" @import "bootstrap/close" @import "bootstrap/modal" @import "bootstrap/tooltip" @import "bootstrap/popover" @import "bootstrap/carousel" @import "bootstrap/utilities" @import "bootstrap/print" // MIXINS // Headings mixin Example: @include headings(1,6,':first-child','main > ') ... Render: main > h1:first-child, main > .h2:first-child, ... ... @mixin headings($from: 1, $to: 6, $condition: '', $prescope: '') @for $i from $from through $to #{$prescope}h#{$i}#{$condition}, #{$prescope}.h#{$i}#{$condition} @content // // CLASSES // // font weights: .fw-1, ... .fw-9 @for $weight from 1 through 9 .fw-#{$weight} font-weight: $weight * 100 // Bottom border only Class .bb @extend .border, .border-top-0, .border-right-0, .border-left-0 // Big spacers $big_spacer: ( 6: ($spacer * 2), 7: ($spacer * 2.5), 8: ($spacer * 4), 9: ($spacer * 0.7) ) @each $prop, $abbrev in (margin: m, padding: p) @each $size, $length in $big_spacer .#{$abbrev}-#{$size} #{$prop}: $length .#{$abbrev}t-#{$size}, .#{$abbrev}y-#{$size} #{$prop}-top: $length .#{$abbrev}r-#{$size}, .#{$abbrev}x-#{$size} #{$prop}-right: $length .#{$abbrev}b-#{$size}, .#{$abbrev}y-#{$size} #{$prop}-bottom: $length .#{$abbrev}l-#{$size}, .#{$abbrev}x-#{$size} #{$prop}-left: $length // HTML html @extend .bg-frame // HEADER header @extend .mb-0, .jumbotron, .rounded-0, .py-4 // MAIN main @extend .mt-5, .mb-8 &.container-fluid @extend .px-5 // TABLES table @extend .table &:last-of-type @extend .mb-0 // HEADINGS @include headings() font-family: $font-family-headings letter-spacing: -1px // HEADER headings header @include headings() @extend .text-muted, .mb-0, .fw-3 font-family: $font-family-headings-header span @extend .fw-8 color: $black // MAIN Headings main @include headings() @extend .mt-6, .mb-3 .row:first-child .col @include headings(1, 6, ':first-child') @extend .mt-0 // NAVBARS // Top main nav body > nav, header > nav @extend .navbar-dark, .bg-dark, .fw-3 a.dropdown-item @extend .fw-3 // Footer nav footer nav @extend .navbar-light, .bg-frame // Hamburger for mobile .navbar-toggler color: $gray-900 // Space simple text like links .navbar-expand-lg .navbar-nav .nav-link, .navbar-text @extend .px-9 // FORMS form // Checkbox label with mouse pointer .custom-checkbox, .custom-radio label.custom-control-label cursor: pointer // COLLAPSE // Hide link color on collapse links a[data-toggle="collapse"] @extend .text-muted // CODE // Fix margings, paddings and background-color code padding: 2px 4px background-color: $gray-100 pre.highlight @extend .p-2 font-size: 75% letter-spacing: -0.1px border: $border-width solid $border-color border-radius: $border-radius code padding: unset background-color: transparent // CARDS // Remove top margins for `last-of-type` objects .card p:last-of-type, ul:last-of-type, pre:last-of-type @extend .mb-0 .card-title:first-of-type @extend .mt-0 // BLOCKQUOTES .blockquote @extend .px-9, .py-1 border-left: 2px solid $border-color p @extend .mb-1 footer @extend .text-muted, .small // DROPDOWNS: move caret nearer .dropdown-toggle::after margin-left: $caret-width * .3 vertical-align: $caret-width * .3 // ALERTS // Fix dark link colors inside alerts $alert_color_levels: -10 -9 5 6 // Loop @each $color, $value in $theme-colors .alert-#{$color} @include alert-variant(theme-color-level($color, nth($alert_color_levels, 1)), theme-color-level($color, nth($alert_color_levels, 2)), theme-color-level($color, nth($alert_color_levels, 3))) a color: theme-color-level($color, nth($alert_color_levels, 4)) // extend alert links class .alert a @extend .alert-link // TEMPUS .tempus-past, .tempus-empty @extend .text-muted .tempus-difference @extend .text-muted, .small // PAGE_INFO #pageinfoModal table @extend .table-sm tr:first-child td border-top: 0 tr td:first-child @extend .text-right td:last-child @extend .text-muted // DATE picker .datepicker-container font-size: $font-size-sm // ADD-BOOK #input-form h3 @extend .py-3 small @extend .form-text, .text-muted, .ml-1 // CODE SYNTAX @import "any_theme/syntax_default"