/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Distributed under the BSD license: * * Copyright (c) 2010, Ajax.org B.V. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Ajax.org B.V. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AJAX.ORG B.V. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ define(function(require, exports, module) { "never use strict"; var util = require("./maps/util"); var motions = require("./maps/motions"); var operators = require("./maps/operators"); var alias = require("./maps/aliases"); var registers = require("./registers"); var NUMBER = 1; var OPERATOR = 2; var MOTION = 3; var ACTION = 4; var HMARGIN = 8; // Minimum amount of line separation between margins; var repeat = function repeat(fn, count, args) { while (0 < count--) fn.apply(this, args); }; var ensureScrollMargin = function(editor) { var renderer = editor.renderer; var pos = renderer.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(); var top = pos.top; var margin = HMARGIN * renderer.layerConfig.lineHeight; if (2 * margin > renderer.$size.scrollerHeight) margin = renderer.$size.scrollerHeight / 2; if (renderer.scrollTop > top - margin) { renderer.session.setScrollTop(top - margin); } if (renderer.scrollTop + renderer.$size.scrollerHeight < top + margin + renderer.lineHeight) { renderer.session.setScrollTop(top + margin + renderer.lineHeight - renderer.$size.scrollerHeight); } }; var actions = exports.actions = { "z": { param: true, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { switch (param) { case "z": editor.renderer.alignCursor(null, 0.5); break; case "t": editor.renderer.alignCursor(null, 0); break; case "b": editor.renderer.alignCursor(null, 1); break; } } }, "r": { param: true, fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { if (param && param.length) { repeat(function() { editor.insert(param); }, count || 1); editor.navigateLeft(); } } }, "R": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { util.insertMode(editor); editor.setOverwrite(true); } }, "~": { fn: function(editor, range, count) { repeat(function() { var range = editor.selection.getRange(); if (range.isEmpty()) range.end.column++; var text = editor.session.getTextRange(range); var toggled = text.toUpperCase(); if (toggled == text) editor.navigateRight(); else editor.session.replace(range, toggled); }, count || 1); } }, "*": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.selectWord(); editor.findNext(); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "#": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.selectWord(); editor.findPrevious(); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "n": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var options = editor.getLastSearchOptions(); options.backwards = false; editor.selection.moveCursorRight(); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.findNext(options); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); r.end.row = r.start.row; r.end.column = r.start.column; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "N": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var options = editor.getLastSearchOptions(); options.backwards = true; editor.findPrevious(options); ensureScrollMargin(editor); var r = editor.selection.getRange(); r.end.row = r.start.row; r.end.column = r.start.column; editor.selection.setSelectionRange(r, true); } }, "v": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { editor.selection.selectRight(); util.visualMode(editor, false); }, acceptsMotion: true }, "V": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { //editor.selection.selectLine(); //editor.selection.selectLeft(); var row = editor.getCursorPosition().row; editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.selection.moveCursorTo(row, 0); editor.selection.selectLineEnd(); editor.selection.visualLineStart = row; util.visualMode(editor, true); }, acceptsMotion: true }, "Y": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { util.copyLine(editor); } }, "p": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var defaultReg = registers._default; editor.setOverwrite(false); if (defaultReg.isLine) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var lines = defaultReg.text.split("\n"); editor.session.getDocument().insertLines(pos.row + 1, lines); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row + 1, 0); } else { editor.navigateRight(); editor.insert(defaultReg.text); editor.navigateLeft(); } editor.setOverwrite(true); editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, "P": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var defaultReg = registers._default; editor.setOverwrite(false); if (defaultReg.isLine) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var lines = defaultReg.text.split("\n"); editor.session.getDocument().insertLines(pos.row, lines); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, 0); } else { editor.insert(defaultReg.text); } editor.setOverwrite(true); editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, "J": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { var session = editor.session; range = editor.getSelectionRange(); var pos = {row: range.start.row, column: range.start.column}; count = count || range.end.row - range.start.row; var maxRow = Math.min(pos.row + (count || 1), session.getLength() - 1); range.start.column = session.getLine(pos.row).length; range.end.column = session.getLine(maxRow).length; range.end.row = maxRow; var text = ""; for (var i = pos.row; i < maxRow; i++) { var nextLine = session.getLine(i + 1); text += " " + /^\s*(.*)$/.exec(nextLine)[1] || ""; } session.replace(range, text); editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, pos.column); } }, "u": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = parseInt(count || 1, 10); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { editor.undo(); } editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, "ctrl-r": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { count = parseInt(count || 1, 10); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { editor.redo(); } editor.selection.clearSelection(); } }, ":": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { // not implemented } }, "/": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { // not implemented } }, "?": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { // not implemented } }, ".": { fn: function(editor, range, count, param) { util.onInsertReplaySequence = inputBuffer.lastInsertCommands; var previous = inputBuffer.previous; if (previous) // If there is a previous action inputBuffer.exec(editor, previous.action, previous.param); } } }; var inputBuffer = exports.inputBuffer = { accepting: [NUMBER, OPERATOR, MOTION, ACTION], currentCmd: null, //currentMode: 0, currentCount: "", status: "", // Types operator: null, motion: null, lastInsertCommands: [], push: function(editor, ch, keyId) { this.idle = false; var wObj = this.waitingForParam; if (wObj) { this.exec(editor, wObj, ch); } // If input is a number (that doesn't start with 0) else if (!(ch === "0" && !this.currentCount.length) && (ch.match(/^\d+$/) && this.isAccepting(NUMBER))) { // Assuming that ch is always of type String, and not Number this.currentCount += ch; this.currentCmd = NUMBER; this.accepting = [NUMBER, OPERATOR, MOTION, ACTION]; } else if (!this.operator && this.isAccepting(OPERATOR) && operators[ch]) { this.operator = { ch: ch, count: this.getCount() }; this.currentCmd = OPERATOR; this.accepting = [NUMBER, MOTION, ACTION]; this.exec(editor, { operator: this.operator }); } else if (motions[ch] && this.isAccepting(MOTION)) { this.currentCmd = MOTION; var ctx = { operator: this.operator, motion: { ch: ch, count: this.getCount() } }; if (motions[ch].param) this.waitForParam(ctx); else this.exec(editor, ctx); } else if (alias[ch] && this.isAccepting(MOTION)) { alias[ch].operator.count = this.getCount(); this.exec(editor, alias[ch]); } else if (actions[ch] && this.isAccepting(ACTION)) { var actionObj = { action: { fn: actions[ch].fn, count: this.getCount() } }; if (actions[ch].param) { this.waitForParam(actionObj); } else { this.exec(editor, actionObj); } if (actions[ch].acceptsMotion) this.idle = false; } else if (this.operator) { this.exec(editor, { operator: this.operator }, ch); } else { this.reset(); } if (this.waitingForParam || this.motion || this.operator) { this.status += ch; } else if (this.currentCount) { this.status = this.currentCount; } else if (this.status) { this.status = ""; } else { return; } editor._emit("changeStatus"); }, waitForParam: function(cmd) { this.waitingForParam = cmd; }, getCount: function() { var count = this.currentCount; this.currentCount = ""; return count && parseInt(count, 10); }, exec: function(editor, action, param) { var m = action.motion; var o = action.operator; var a = action.action; if (!param) param = action.param; if (o) { this.previous = { action: action, param: param }; } if (o && !editor.selection.isEmpty()) { if (operators[o.ch].selFn) { operators[o.ch].selFn(editor, editor.getSelectionRange(), o.count, param); this.reset(); } return; } // There is an operator, but no motion or action. We try to pass the // current ch to the operator to see if it responds to it (an example // of this is the 'dd' operator). else if (!m && !a && o && param) { operators[o.ch].fn(editor, null, o.count, param); this.reset(); } else if (m) { var run = function(fn) { if (fn && typeof fn === "function") { // There should always be a motion if (m.count && !motionObj.handlesCount) repeat(fn, m.count, [editor, null, m.count, param]); else fn(editor, null, m.count, param); } }; var motionObj = motions[m.ch]; var selectable = motionObj.sel; if (!o) { if ((util.onVisualMode || util.onVisualLineMode) && selectable) run(motionObj.sel); else run(motionObj.nav); } else if (selectable) { repeat(function() { run(motionObj.sel); operators[o.ch].fn(editor, editor.getSelectionRange(), o.count, param); }, o.count || 1); } this.reset(); } else if (a) { a.fn(editor, editor.getSelectionRange(), a.count, param); this.reset(); } handleCursorMove(editor); }, isAccepting: function(type) { return this.accepting.indexOf(type) !== -1; }, reset: function() { this.operator = null; this.motion = null; this.currentCount = ""; this.status = ""; this.accepting = [NUMBER, OPERATOR, MOTION, ACTION]; this.idle = true; this.waitingForParam = null; } }; function setPreviousCommand(fn) { inputBuffer.previous = { action: { action: { fn: fn } } }; } exports.coreCommands = { start: { exec: function start(editor) { util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(start); } }, startBeginning: { exec: function startBeginning(editor) { editor.navigateLineStart(); util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(startBeginning); } }, // Stop Insert mode as soon as possible. Works like typing in // insert mode. stop: { exec: function stop(editor) { inputBuffer.reset(); util.onVisualMode = false; util.onVisualLineMode = false; inputBuffer.lastInsertCommands = util.normalMode(editor); } }, append: { exec: function append(editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var lineLen = editor.session.getLine(pos.row).length; if (lineLen) editor.navigateRight(); util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(append); } }, appendEnd: { exec: function appendEnd(editor) { editor.navigateLineEnd(); util.insertMode(editor); setPreviousCommand(appendEnd); } } }; var handleCursorMove = exports.onCursorMove = function(editor, e) { if (util.currentMode === 'insert' || handleCursorMove.running) return; else if(!editor.selection.isEmpty()) { handleCursorMove.running = true; if (util.onVisualLineMode) { var originRow = editor.selection.visualLineStart; var cursorRow = editor.getCursorPosition().row; if(originRow <= cursorRow) { var endLine = editor.session.getLine(cursorRow); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.selection.moveCursorTo(originRow, 0); editor.selection.selectTo(cursorRow, endLine.length); } else { var endLine = editor.session.getLine(originRow); editor.selection.clearSelection(); editor.selection.moveCursorTo(originRow, endLine.length); editor.selection.selectTo(cursorRow, 0); } } handleCursorMove.running = false; return; } else { if (e && (util.onVisualLineMode || util.onVisualMode)) { editor.selection.clearSelection(); util.normalMode(editor); } handleCursorMove.running = true; var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var lineLen = editor.session.getLine(pos.row).length; if (lineLen && pos.column === lineLen) editor.navigateLeft(); handleCursorMove.running = false; } }; });