/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sergey Lyubka * All rights reserved * * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. */ #include "defs.h" static int write_file(struct stream *stream, const void *buf, size_t len) { struct stat st; struct stream *rem = &stream->conn->rem; int n, fd = stream->chan.fd; assert(fd != -1); n = write(fd, buf, len); DBG(("put_file(%p, %d): %d bytes", (void *) stream, (int) len, n)); if (n <= 0 || (rem->io.total >= (big_int_t) rem->content_len)) { (void) fstat(fd, &st); stream->io.head = stream->headers_len = _shttpd_snprintf(stream->io.buf, stream->io.size, "HTTP/1.1 %d OK\r\n" "Content-Length: %lu\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", stream->conn->status, st.st_size); _shttpd_stop_stream(stream); } return (n); } static int read_file(struct stream *stream, void *buf, size_t len) { #ifdef USE_SENDFILE struct iovec vec; struct sf_hdtr hd = {&vec, 1, NULL, 0}, *hdp = &hd; int sock, fd, n; size_t nbytes; off_t sent; sock = stream->conn->rem.chan.sock; fd = stream->chan.fd; /* If this is the first call for this file, send the headers */ vec.iov_base = stream->io.buf; vec.iov_len = stream->headers_len; if (stream->io.total > 0) hdp = NULL; nbytes = stream->content_len - stream->io.total; n = sendfile(fd, sock, lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR), nbytes, hdp, &sent, 0); if (n == -1 && ERRNO != EAGAIN) { stream->flags &= ~FLAG_DONT_CLOSE; return (n); } stream->conn->ctx->out += sent; /* If we have sent the HTTP headers in this turn, clear them off */ if (stream->io.total == 0) { assert(sent >= stream->headers_len); sent -= stream->headers_len; io_clear(&stream->io); } (void) lseek(fd, sent, SEEK_CUR); stream->io.total += sent; stream->flags |= FLAG_DONT_CLOSE; return (0); #endif /* USE_SENDFILE */ assert(stream->chan.fd != -1); return (read(stream->chan.fd, buf, len)); } static void close_file(struct stream *stream) { /*#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__ FILE* f; assert(stream->chan.fd != -1); f = fdopen(stream->chan.fd, "rw"); if ( f ) (void) fclose(f); #else*/ assert(stream->chan.fd != -1); (void) close(stream->chan.fd); //#endif } void _shttpd_get_file(struct conn *c, struct stat *stp) { char date[64], lm[64], etag[64], range[64] = ""; size_t n, status = 200; unsigned long r1, r2; const char *fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", *msg = "OK"; big_int_t cl; /* Content-Length */ if (c->mime_type.len == 0) _shttpd_get_mime_type(c->ctx, c->uri, strlen(c->uri), &c->mime_type); cl = (big_int_t) stp->st_size; /* If Range: header specified, act accordingly */ if (c->ch.range._v.v_vec.len > 0 && (n = sscanf(c->ch.range._v.v_vec.ptr,"bytes=%lu-%lu",&r1, &r2)) > 0) { status = 206; (void) lseek(c->loc.chan.fd, r1, SEEK_SET); cl = n == 2 ? r2 - r1 + 1: cl - r1; (void) _shttpd_snprintf(range, sizeof(range), "Content-Range: bytes %lu-%lu/%lu\r\n", r1, r1 + cl - 1, (unsigned long) stp->st_size); msg = "Partial Content"; } /* Prepare Etag, Date, Last-Modified headers */ (void) strftime(date, sizeof(date), fmt, localtime(&_shttpd_current_time)); (void) strftime(lm, sizeof(lm), fmt, localtime(&stp->st_mtime)); (void) _shttpd_snprintf(etag, sizeof(etag), "%lx.%lx", (unsigned long) stp->st_mtime, (unsigned long) stp->st_size); /* * We do not do io_inc_head here, because it will increase 'total' * member in io. We want 'total' to be equal to the content size, * and exclude the headers length from it. */ c->loc.io.head = c->loc.headers_len = _shttpd_snprintf(c->loc.io.buf, c->loc.io.size, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Last-Modified: %s\r\n" "Etag: \"%s\"\r\n" "Content-Type: %.*s\r\n" "Content-Length: %lu\r\n" "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n" "%s\r\n", status, msg, date, lm, etag, c->mime_type.len, c->mime_type.ptr, cl, range); c->status = status; c->loc.content_len = cl; c->loc.io_class = &_shttpd_io_file; c->loc.flags |= FLAG_R | FLAG_ALWAYS_READY; if (c->method == METHOD_HEAD) _shttpd_stop_stream(&c->loc); } const struct io_class _shttpd_io_file = { "file", read_file, write_file, close_file };